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Propaganda Pre Test
Directions: Read each sentence carefully!
Bubble your best letter choice.
1. “Use our new improved facial moisturizer and
look 10 years younger in just minutes.”
A. Magic Ingredients
B. Patriotism
C. Testimonial
2. Michael Jordan says, “Nike are the only shoes I
A. Plain Folks
B. Testimonial
C. Loaded Language/Purr Words
3. “Take a bite out of our new thick, juicy, and
delicious burger!”
A. Repetition
B. Loaded Language/Purr Words
C. Transfer
4. “4 out of 5 dentists recommend Crest.”
A. Facts & Figures
B. Patriotism
C. Plain Folks
5. “All of our products are American made. True
Americans support American workers.”
A. Facts & figures
B. Patriotism
C. Plain Folks
6. “Start your morning with whole-grain Cheerios for whole
grain goodness and whole grain nutrition.
A. Repetition
B. Loaded-Language/Purr Words
C. Transfer
7. “Only an idiot would think Ford is better than
A. Either or Thinking
B. Bandwagon
C. Name-Calling
8. “All women love to shop.”
A. Snob Appeal
B. Overgeneralization
C. Facts and Figures
9. “Do you know what’s living in your basement?”
Buy Raid and never have to worry again.”
A. Magic Ingredients
B. Wit & Humor
C. Hidden Fears
10. “Everyone drinks coke, so you should too!”
A. Bandwagon
B. Name-Calling
C. Hidden Fears