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Introduction to
Scripts using Python
This course introduces the Python (®)
scripting language included with ArcGIS
and demonstrates how it can be used to
access and automate geoprocessing
functionality. Participants will learn the
Python language syntax, and then write
scripts to automate geoprocessing
operations. Participants will also learn
how to include Python scripts as custom
tools in ArcToolbox.
This course is designed for experienced
ArcGIS users who want to learn how to
automate everyday processes or those who
want to create complex analytical scripts.
Those who have used ARC Macro Language
(AMLTM) and AvenueTM to write scripts will
also find the course of interest.
Understand the basics of the Python
scripting language.
Understand how scripts can be used in
the ArcGIS geoprocessing framework.
Incorporate tools and environment
settings into scripts.
Incorporate cursors, describe objects,
and enumerations into scripts.
Add scripts to ArcToolbox.
Access resources for debugging Python
ECU GIScience
Topics covered
The geoprocessing framework:
ArcToolbox; Dialogs; Models; Command
line; Scripts.
The basics of Python: Variables;
Commenting code; String concatenation;
Looping; Conditional statements;
Accessing tools and environment settings
in scripts: The Geoprocessor ArcObject;
Accessing the Geoprocessor from Python;
Accessing tools and environment settings
from Python.
The Geoprocessor object: The
Geoprocessor Programming Model, the
Geoprocessor (GpDispatch) object.
The describe objects: Access various
properties for different data types (e.g.,
feature classes, workspaces, datasets,
raster datasets, etc.).
The enumeration objects: Create lists of
data (e.g., tables, rasters, feature classes,
workspaces, fields, feature datasets, etc.).
The cursor objects: Search cursors; Insert
cursors; Update cursors.
Incorporating scripts into the
geoprocessing framework: Scripts as tools;
Scripts in models.
Finding and fixing errors: Python error
handling; Identifying syntax and logical
Prerequisites and
Students should have completed one of the
following or have equivalent knowledge:
Introduction to ArcGIS I, ArcGIS Desktop II:
Tools and Functionality, Learning ArcGIS
Desktop. Basic programming skills, such as
using loops and conditional statements, are
also recommended.
Introduction to Geoprocessing Scripts Using Python
Page 1
Scott Wade is an ESRI Authorized
Instructor for Introduction to
Geoprocessing Scripts using Python and
ArcGIS Desktop II: Tools and Functionality.
He holds a M.A. in Geography, is a
member of faculty within the Department
of Geography, and is the Assistant
Director of the Center for Geographic
Information Science at East Carolina
University. Mr. Wade has extensive
private / public sector experience within
the field of Geographic Information
The Center for Geographic Information
Science, located within the Brewster
Building at East Carolina University,
provides an organizational structure and a
central facility for the purposes of
enhancing research, instructional, and
outreach activities that deal with creation
and use of geographically referenced data.
The Center is dedicated to serving ECU
faculty and students and off-campus
constituents. The Center provides
educational opportunities that reflect the
community’s GIScience needs. This course
will be taught in Brewster Building, C-Wing,
room 201.
The registration deadline is Wednesday,
October 4th, 2010. Please include your
original registration form (if you fax it) with
your registration payment. We must
receive your payment ASAP in order to
purchase course materials. Maps, hotel
information, and parking passes will be
provided upon receipt of registration fee.
Please make checks payable to:
East Carolina University
(Please call for information on credit card payments.)
Payment Mailing Address:
Department of Geography
c/o Scott Wade – ArcGIS Python
East Carolina University
Brewster A-227
Greenville, NC 27858
Phone: (252) 328-6029
Fax: (252) 328-6054
Email: [email protected]
For further information please
Scott Wade
Department of Geography
Phone: 252-328-6029
Email: [email protected]
Enrollment Information
Registration: The registration fee is $645.00
and there is a course limit of 15 students
with seats held on first come, first served
basis. We must receive your completed
registration form before your seat may be
held. A fax is acceptable. Please call or email us to confirm seat availability before
sending your payment.
ECU GIScience
Introduction to Geoprocessing Scripts Using Python
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