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& Language
of a Civilization
& Food
Gifts of
the Nile
& Seas
1 - $100
What was the most important water source for
ancient Egyptians?
The Nile River
1 - $200
Egyptians used these two nearby seas for trade
and travel, not for drinking water or crops.
Red Sea,
Mediterranean Sea
1 - $300
What is the landform that makes up most of
Egypt (the land away from the Nile River)?
1 - $400
What is the name of both the reed and the type
of paper that Egyptians turned it into?
1 - $500
The soil left by the Nile River flood waters is
fertile. What does fertile mean?
Good for growing crops
2 - $100
What two things decide where you rank in the
social hierarchy?
Money and power
2 - $200
Who held the most power in ancient Egypt?
(Hint: He wasn’t called a king.)
2 - $300
Who was at the bottom of the social hierarchy in
ancient Egypt?
2 - $400
What do you call the people in ancient Egypt
who could read and write? (Hint: They were
pretty important.)
2 - $500
What do you call the picture writing ancient
Egyptians used?
3 - $100
This charactistic of a civilization involves leaders,
taxes, laws, and punishments?
3 - $200
Scribes had a special job, one where they had to
write things down. What two characteristics of a
civilization are being described?
Job specialization, language
3 - $300
This characteristic of a civilization means
building homes and other buildings near each
other, creating cities.
3 - $400
The pyramids were built by masons, architects,
brick cutters, scribes, and many other people.
Which characteristic of a civilization does this
Job specialization
3 - $500
Which characteristic of a civilization means using
your knowledge to make people’s lives better,
like making papyrus to write on and shadufs to
move water?
4 - $100
Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods, which
means they practiced ________________.
4 - $200
Why did Egyptians practice polytheism?
The many gods and goddesses explained how
the world worked. They were responsible for the
creation of the world, the flooding of the Nile
River, and other things.
4 - $300
Why did ancient Egyptians bury their dead as
To prepare them for the afterlife
4 - $400
Why did ancient Egyptians domesticate plants
and animals?
To make them more useful for humans
4 - $500
The key to having a stable food supply is having
extra food. What is the word for that extra food?
5 - $100
This gift of the Nile River allowed people to have
a drink and grow crops.
Fresh water
5 - $200
This gift of the Nile was left behind after each
year’s flood and helped Egypt have a stable food
Fertile soil
5 - $300
This gift of the Nile allowed ancient Egyptians to
write things down on something easier to carry
than a stone tablet.
5 - $400
Besides paper, ancient Egyptians also used
papyrus for sandals and this way of getting
around on the Nile River.
Rafts and boats
5 - $500
People weren’t the only ones who lived near the
Nile River in ancient Egypt. What was the
remaining gift of the Nile River?
Animals (including birds)