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1. List and describe at least four social classses within Ancient Egypt. Include how they
were viewed by society and what their “job” or function within society was.
The four social classes in ancient Egypt
were pharaoh, ruling class, middle
class, and lower class. The pharaoh
was the ruler, he or she was view as a
god or goddess on Earth. The ruling
class was made of nobles and priests,
they served the pharaoh and the
priests served the gods and goddesses.
Middle class is traders and such,
treated averagely. The lower class were
the slaves and farmers, not treated
fairly, they mainly worked every day.
The four social classes are: pharaoh,
ruling class, middle class, and peasant
and farmers. The pharaoh’s job was to
tell people what to do and to rule
ancient Egypt. The ruling class had the
scribes. The scribes’ job was to write
every thing down that the pharaoh
needed to know. The middle class had
the artisans. The artisans’ job was to
make pottery and then sell it to people.
And then there was the lowest class
which was the peasant and farmers.
Their job was to grow the crops then
give it to the pharaoh and then the
pharaoh can tell it to the people.
1. List and describe at least four social classses within Ancient Egypt. Include how they
were viewed by society and what their “job” or function within society was.
The four main social classes within Ancient Egypt were the Pharaoh, ruling class,
middle class, and lastly was the peasants and slaves. The pharaoh was viewed as a
god-king and had a job of controlling and leading the Egyptian people. The ruling class
consists of the vizier and the priests. They were viewed as people that had a high
position. The vizier’s job was to help the pharaoh with anything he needed while as
the priests were used for religious beliefs. The middle class consists of skilled
craftsmen, scribes, and soldiers. They were viewed as having a normal position. The
skilled craftsman’s job was to make things, the scribes were to write everything down
that had happened, and soldiers had to fight in wars. The peasants and slaves class
also had farmers in it, and was looked at as a low job. They had to work very hard for
a job and got little in return.
2. Explain multiple reasons that the Nile River was essential to ancient Egyptian
One reason that the Nile River was
essential was it provided water for
Egyptian’s crops. They also used it in
irrigation. Another reason was that
they could use the Nile River to
transport goods. They transported
goods by boat.
The Nile River was essential to Egyptian
culture. The Nile’s waters were used
for growing crops, which would be
harvested to eat. The water was used
during rituals, such as mummification.
Water used for mummification was
used to clean the body.
2. Explain multiple reasons that the Nile River was essential to ancient Egyptian
The Nile River was essential with Egyptian culture because they needed it for survival.
The Egyptians used the Nile for growing crops and for water to drink. The Egyptians
thought the hippos and alligators that swam in the Nile were symbols of their gods.
The Egyptians used the papyrus reeds from the Nile to make paper and writing tools.
These are some reasons the Nile affects Egyptian culture.
3. Provide evidence or examples for the following stance: Religious beliefs were a
central focus to Egyptian society.
Religious beliefs were a central focus to
Egyptian society. Religion was like that
because they believed in so many gods,
like their pharaohs. They believed the
pharaoh was chosen by a god and was
a god. Mostly everything revolved
around a god. Ceremonies, burials, and
so much more! That is why religious
beliefs were a central focus to Egyptian
I think religious beliefs were a central
focus to Egyptian society. I think that
because they believed that if you don’t
keep the gods happy, bad things would
happen. I also think that because they
had statues made of them praying to
the gods. They had buildings made and
pharaohs were considered gods, so
they got (illegible word) tombs with
gold IN them. So I’d say religious
beliefs were a central focus to Egyptian
3. Provide evidence or examples for the following stance: Religious beliefs were a
central focus to Egyptian society.
I think that religion was a big part of their culture because everyday the priests would
make a meal offering and collect grain from farmers to make sure that the god was
never hungry. Another reason I believe that religion was a big part of society is that
they made huge statues of the gods they worships, and they also either prayed
multiple times per day or had a statue of them made so they could go “off” and do
their work while they were also still praying.
4. List and describe at least three contributions that the ancient Egyptians provided to
modern society.
The Nile River was essential to
Egyptians for water. The water in the
Nile helped grow crops to eat and to
make papyrus for paper. This helps for
no one to die of starvation or to run out
of scrolls from the papyrus. The Nile is
essential to Egypt to grow crops and to
make scrolls from papyrus.
The Nile River was very important to
ancient Egyptian people. One: Nile
River was important because it gave
water to crops using a technique called
irrigation which works when the Nile
floods and then the water goes into
dams and storage the water until
needed. Also the Nile River grows
papyrus which is important because
papyrus is a plant that makes paper.
Last, the river gives transportation to
Egyptians and that helps them trade in
different parts of Egypt.
4. List and describe at least three contributions that the ancient Egyptians provided to
modern society.
Three contributions the Egyptians made were they made the calendar, they invented
paper, and they started the study of astronomy. First off, we use the calendar all the
time; if it weren’t for Egyptians, we wouldn’t have a calendar. Second, they invented
paper. We use paper every day. Paper is really important to our life. It is how we first
communicated long distances. It is what we use to write on. The Egyptians helped us
massively in that way. Finally, they introduced us to the study of astronomy. We talk,
and learn about outer space all time. The Egyptians first studies it. Thank you,