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Sexual Difficulties and
Sexual problems are common
“You are the Dr.”
Sexual aversion disorder
 Symptoms
 Nausea
 High anxiety
 Sexual repulsion
 Treatment
 Systematic desensition
Hypoactive sexual desire
 Symptoms
 Lack of sexual interest
 Many causes
 Physical
 Psychological
Hypoactive sexual desire (Cont.)
 Treatment
 No “Viagra for women”
 Testosterone
 Not FDA approved
 Difficulties
 Dealing with whatever may be the cause
 E.g. Menopause
 Relationships
Male orgasmic disorder
 Symptoms
 Inability to ejaculate
 Treatment
 Stimulation to produce ejaculation
immediately after penetration
 Move penetration earlier and earlier.
Male arousal disorder
“ED” Symptoms
 Inability to get an erection
 Causes
Restriction of blood flow into the penis
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Prostate surgery
Male arousal disorder (Cont.)
 Treatment
 Medical
 Viagra
 Levitra
 Cialis
 Squeeze technique
 Relationship difficulties
 Penile implants
Penile implants
 Men more satisfied with the inflatable
prosthetic device than semi-rigid
Penile implants
 Semi-rigid rods
 Sustained erection
 Over 4 hours
 Not related to sexual interest
Premature Ejaculation
 Symptoms
 Inability to delay ejaculation
 Treatment
 Squeeze technique
 Avoid using the man above “Missionary”
Pelvic inflammatory disease
 Symptoms
 Abdominal pain
 Pain during intercourse
 Treatment
 Antibiotics
 Symptoms
 Involuntary spasmic contraction of the
muscles surrounding the outer third of
the vagina.
 Painful intercourse
 Treatment
 Manual dialation
 Hegar dialators
 Symptoms
 Painful intercourse
 Treatment
 Based on cause
 Vaginismus
 Vaginal dryness
 STD’s
 Symptoms
Inflammation and infection
 Treatment
 Based on the cause
 Often antibiotic pills and creams
Peyronie’s disease
 Symptoms
 Thickening of the length of the top of the
shaft of the penis.
 Treatment
 Surgery
 Symptoms
 Deep pelvic pain, painful menstruation,
painful sex, abdominal pain when
walking, etc.
 Laparoscopic surgery
Female orgasmic disorder
 Symptoms
 Inability to climax at least half the time.
 Treatment
 Self and partner education on what is enjoyable
 Use of a vibrator Or Eros
 Direct manual stimulation of the clitoris during
 Female initiated movements
 (Woman on top position)