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Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Development Psychopathology
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
– Statistical deviance
– Maladaptiveness
• Interferes with personal and social life
• Poses danger to self or others
– Personal distress
– DSM-IV diagnostic criteria (APA)
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
Developmental Aspects
Developmental psychopathology – study of
origins and course of maladaptive behavior
• Disorders and
not disease (you have it or
you don’t)
– A pattern of maladaption, not defects
• Social and Age Norms
• Developmental issues
– Nature/Nurture (origin of maladaptive
– Risk factors
– Prediction
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
The Diathesis-Stress Model
• Diathesis – predisposition or vulnerability
(genetic, cognitive, personality)
Stress – environmental pressure
Interaction of genes and environment
Example: Depression
– Genetic vulnerability
– Environmental trigger(s)
Not specific stressors for specific disorders
“Bad things have bad effects for some people
some of the time”
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
• Extreme stress and high vulnerability (severe
Extreme stress and high resiliency (mild
Low stress and high vulnerability (mild
Low stress and high resiliency (no disorder)
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
• Begins in infancy: more boys
• Several autistic spectrum disorders
• Impaired social interaction, communication
• Repetitive, stereotyped behaviors
• 75% have mental retardation: 10% have
savant syndrome
Severe cognitive impairment
Biologically based
Concordance: MZ=60%, DZ= 0%
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
Psychopathology Autism video
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
• Infancy
– Somatic symptoms
– Depressive-like states
– Related to poor attachment
– “At risk” if mother depressed
– “Failure to thrive” syndrome may occur
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
• Externalizing problems
– “Undercontrolled” disorders
– Acting out
– Aggressive, out of control
Internalizing problems
– “Overcontrolled” disorders
– Inner distress, shyness
– More girls
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
Figure 16.3
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
• DSM-IV Criteria: some combination of
– Inattention
– Impulsivity
– Hyperactivity
– More boys; 3-5% of US kids
– Comorbidity common
Overactive behavior wanes with age
Attentional, adjustment problems remain
Most well adjusted in adulthood
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
ADHD-Causes and Treatment
• Neurological: low Dopamine, other NT’s
– Differential processing
– Underactivity in motor area
Genetic predisposition; Environmental stress
70% helped by stimulants
– Overprescription a problem
Most successful if combined with behavioral
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
• Childhood
– Somatic symptoms
– Psychotherapy, medication effective
– Nature/Nurture question
– Often related to childhood symptoms
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
• Storm and stress
– Only about 20%
– Heightened vulnerability to psych disorders
Alcohol and drugs are problems
Eating disorders
– Anorexia nervosa; more girls (3/1)
– Bulemia nervosa; binge-purge
– Some genetic predisposition; stress also
– Psychological treatment usually successful
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
Adolescent Depression and Suicide
• 35% depressed; 7% diagnosable
– Cognitive symptoms
– Behavioral acting out
– Genetic link
– Environmental triggers
Suicide 3rd leading cause of death
– Males commit 3:1 compared to females
– Females attempt 3:1 compared to males
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
• Rates of disorder decrease after age 18
• Depression
– Elderly less vulnerable to major depression
– Concern with elderly
• Depression often related to health
• 15% have some symptoms
• 1-3% diagnosable
• Difficult to diagnose
– More women (2:1)
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
Depression and Dementia
Many undiagnosed and untreated
Elderly can benefit, should NOT be excluded
from treatment
Dementia: progressive deterioration of neural
functioning associated with memory impairment,
declines in tested intellectual ability, poor
judgment, difficulty thinking abstractly and often
personality changes
Alzheimer’s Disease
– Leading cause of dementia
– Progressive and irreversible
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
Causes of Alzheimer’s
• Senile plaques – masses of dying neural
material with toxic protein called beta amyloid
• The plaque injures/kills neurons
• Neurofibrillary tangles – twisted strands of
neural material
Early-onset form (prior to age 60)-genetic links
Late-onset form (after age 70)-family history not
Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider
Chapter 16
Figure 16.6