Download North Seattle Community College Notes from the Writing Workgroup October 17, 2007

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North Seattle Community College
Notes from the Writing Workgroup
October 17, 2007
Members present: Scott Rausch, Dan Tarker, Steve Quig, Howard Xie, Ann
Murkowski, Carol Hamilton (facilitator), Jane Lister Reis (staff)
Carol opened the meeting with introductions and a quick write – asking faculty to spend a
few minutes writing about their interest in writing and writing to learn. An interesting
discussion followed the quick write as faculty shared their thoughts about what they
discovered through this reflective exercise.
Faculty also talked about how writing is used in their various classes. For example, Scott
Rausch (history) talked about the amount of information and support he provides his
students regarding how to write a history paper. Through this discussion, faculty were
able to hear actually learn how writing is used and taught in these different classes.
The workgroup ended with Carol asking faculty to come to the next meeting with an
actual assignment and rubric that is used to evaluate student writing.
Note: This session was audio recorded and a full transcript of this meeting is available.