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By: Amit, Tamar, Tamar, Jona and
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* Suicide took the lives of 29,199 Americans in 1999.
*More people die from suicide than from homicide. I.E.- in 1999,
there were 1.7 times as many suicides as homicides.
*Overall, suicide is the 11th leading cause of death for all Americans,
and is the third leading cause of death for young people aged 15-24.
*1999, white males accounted for 72% of all suicides. Together,
white males and white females accounted for over 90% of all
suicides. However, during the period from 1979-1992, suicide rates
for Native Americans (a category that includes American Indians
and Alaska Natives) were about 1.5 times the national rates. There
was a disproportionate number of suicides among young
male Native Americans during this period, as males 15-24
accounted for 64% of all suicides by Native Americans.
*Suicide rates are generally higher
than the national average in the
western states and lower in the
eastern and midwestern states.
*Nearly 3 of every 5 suicides in
1999 (57%) were committed with a
*Persons under age 25 accounted for 14% of all suicides in 1999.
From 1952-1995, the incidence of suicide among adolescents and
young adults nearly tripled. From 1980-1997, the rate of suicide
among persons aged 15-19 years increased by 11% and among
persons aged 10-14 years by 109%. From 1980-1996, the rate
increased 105% for African-American males aged 15-19.
*For young people 15-24 years old, suicide is the third leading
cause of death, behind unintentional injury and homicide. In 1999,
more teenagers and young adults died from suicide than from
cancer,heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, and chronic lung
disease combined.
*The risk for suicide among young people is greatest among
young white males; however, from 1980 through 1995, suicide
rates increased most rapidly among young black males. Although
suicide among young children is a rare event, the dramatic increase
in the rate among persons aged 10-14 years underscores the urgent
need for intensifying efforts to prevent suicide among persons in
this age group.
*Among persons aged 15-19 years, firearm-related suicides
accounted for more than 60% of the increase in the overall rate
of suicide from 1980-1997.
Adolescence grow sexually and physically, but they
don’t realize what’s happening to their bodies, and
because of that they get angry. Their parents need to
realize that and figure how to help them.
They begin to experiment with independence from
their parents and this is the stage were they
are most vulnerable to experimentation.
The most important factors in an adolescence
journey through puberty is peers, family, and school.
Any disturbance in these three factors can be a heavy
burden on the growing adult. This could lead to
depression, drugs criminal acts, and/or more.
As you grow up you start to experience many new feeli
Some are good and some are bad: Anger, disappointm
happiness and jealousy. This usually happens between
ages of 8 and 18 years, your body starts growing and
changing. These changes occur from head to toe, and
completely natural as your body responds to increased
hormones. In girls, the main hormone guiding the body'
new instructions is called estrogen. In guys, it's
testosterone. All of these changes together are called
"puberty." Your body and your feelings change a lot.
You also may feel differently about your family, friends
and classmates-and view the things that they do in who
new ways. You may feel like changing what you do with
them, the way you dress and the things you talk about.
These differences are called social and behavioral
There is no exact age when everyone experiences
puberty. This differs from person to person. Girls can
expect puberty to hit between the ages of 8 and 17.
Boys can expect puberty between the ages of 10 and 1
Experience moodiness: For females,
changes in their estrogen levels can cause
mood swings. For males, changes in their
testosterone levels can cause mood swings
Are concerned about how their bodies look,
how other people look and how they compare to self
and what other people think in general
Feel awkward or embarrassed, especially in
times of change
Feel sexual attraction and arousal very easily
Experience sexual curiosity and attraction in
other people (like crushes!)
Usually become more emotional and react to
situations more intensely than before, Typically try to
gain more independence from parents, but if you are
not close to your parents some of the best ways to sol
teenage problems are your friends. Talk to them about
what bothers you. Tell them what you feel. There is a
good chance that they are feeling the same or felt like
and already got the answer to your problem. If that do
not work talk to your parents that went through all tha
ones when they were young. In really bad cases and a
a last resort go to get some professional help, that wil
surly help.
Depression- a mental disease
by many factors Having
causes, no doctor
could possibly cure
a patient from it. Only
psychologists dealing
with these sorts
of diseases are able
to take care and split depression into parts,
divisions including cause,
symptoms, treatment, and final solution (either
the patient or the psychologist). Harming mood
thoughts and behavior, depressive disorder is
one of the most common mental diseases in the
How do you know if you are having a depression?
*Have you had any social problems lately?
*Have you been told of your unsolved personality lately
*Parental divorce or other communication problems are
couple of common depression causes
*Houses with low resources, little supplies or other poor
living conditions are also common causes for depressio
Teenage depressive disorder symptoms:
* Depressed mood and irritability.
*Loss of interest in usual activities
*Low energy and restlessness
*Poor concentration
*Sleeping disorder
*Eating disorder
*Hopeless and self pitted
*Worthless and guilty
*Suicidal behavior
Consequences of untreated depression:
*Develop of another episode of depression
*Child depression may predict more severe
depressive disorders
*Teenage depression is associated with suicidal
Stress is the body's normal response to anything that
disturbs its natural physical, emotional, or mental balance.
Stress reduction refers to various strategies that counteract
this response and produce a sense of relaxation and
Although stress is a natural phenomenon of living, stress that
is not controlled and that continues for a long period of time
can seriously compromise health. For this reason, stress
must be understood, managed and appropriately reduced.
Several very different strategies and therapies are available
that help with relaxation and stress management.
The specific and immediate cause of stress is called the stressor. A stressor
can be something dramatic or terrible, such as a violent experience or the
death of a loved one, or it can be a positive and rewarding event, like
marriage or a promotion. The stressor can be internal, such as feelings of
guilt or anger felt in a relationship, or it can be external, such as a natural
disaster or the ordinary rigors and frustrations of commuting. It can also
have a physical source, like simple exercise or hard work, or it can be strictly
mental, like worry. Our bodies react the same way physiologically no matter
what the source and reasons for stress might be.
When stress occurs it begins with stimulation of the brain's hypothalamus,
which sends nerve impulses to both the adrenal and the pituitary glands.
While these automatic physiological responses served early man well and
were essential to survival of the species, today's men and women rarely
must literally fight for their lives or dodge and elude a predator. Yet their
bodies' automatic response to stress has remained unchanged in a
radically changed, modern world.
Although different individuals may have different levels of tolerance to stress,
chronic stress will eventually wear down even the strongest of people.
Prolonged stress can cause biochemical imbalances that weaken the
immune system and invite serious illness. Overall, stress that persists is
known to interfere with digestion and, more seriously, alter brain chemistry,
create hormonal imbalances, increase heart rate, raise blood pressure, and
negatively affect both metabolic and immune function.
It follows that if stress can cause or contribute to illness, then reducing
stress should have the opposite effect and perhaps even encourage healing.
Probably the most important step toward reducing the stress in everyone's
life is to understand the nature of stress and to learn how to condition
ourselves to be able to gain some control over it. Fortunately, stress and the
negative effects it creates can be reduced by a wide variety of therapeutic
approaches. When successfully applied, many of these therapies or
strategies can both reduce stress and reverse its damage.
A list of some of the more common therapies and techniques available for
reducing stress includes:
*Bioenergetics. A practice that encourages sudden release of tensions
by crying or kicking.
*Breathing for relaxation. Stylized breathing technique to control and
lower body functions.
*Guided imagery. Creating a mental picture of what is desired. Also
called Creative imagery or Visualization.
*Herbal medicine. Uses substances derived from plants as treatment
instead of synthetic drugs.
*Homeopathy. Uses minute doses of plant, animal, and mineral
substances to stimulate the body's natural healing.
*Massage. Use of touch and manipulation to soothe. Can also employ
vigorous deep tissue manipulation.
*Meditation. Deep, relaxed, receptive, and focused concentration on
a single object, sound, or word.
*Tai Chi Chuan. System of slow, continuous exercises based on
rhythm and equilibrium.
*Yoga. System of exercises that combines certain positions with deep
breathing and meditation.
These and many other techniques, systems,
and therapies are available to the person searching
for some way to reduce and manage the stress of
everyday life. Some methods are very simple and can be
easily learned, while others are high-tech and often involve
a practitioner.
There are several Myths about suicide,
read below to learn which one(s) you
were wrong about.
Myth Number One:
Once someone is suicidal, he or she will be
suicidal forever.
Answer: False
People who want to kill themselves are "suicidal"
only for a limited period of time. During this time
they either move beyond it, get help or die.
People who want to kill themselves are "suicidal"
only for a limited period of time. During this time
they either move beyond it, get help or die.
Myth Number Two:
If someone tried to kill themselves once,
there is a much smaller chance that they
will try again.
Answer: False
As many as 80% of all completed suicides
occurred after previous attempts. This is especially
true for young people.
As many as 80% of all completed suicides
occurred after previous attempts. This is especially
true for young people.
Myth Number Three:
Suicidal people clearly want to die.
Answer: False
Ambivalence is a marked feature of a suicidal
person. Many don't want to die, but simply
want a way to escape an unbearable situation.
Ambivalence is a marked feature of a suicidal
person. Many don't want to die, but simply
want a way to escape an unbearable situation.
Myth Number Four:
It is a bad idea to ask people if they are
suicidal. Talking about suicide might give
them the idea that they should kill
Answer: False
People might think it's safer not to talk about
suicide with someone considering it. On the
contrary, talking will help them deal with some
of the heavy issues involved and diffuse the
tension. A willingness to listen shows that
people care and are willing to help.
People might think it's safer not to talk about
suicide with someone considering it. On the
contrary, talking will help them deal with some
of the heavy issues involved and diffuse the
tension. A willingness to listen shows that
people care and are willing to help.
Myth Number Five:
If a depressed or suicidal person feels better it
usually means that the problem has passed.
Answer: False
If someone who has been depressed or suicidal
suddenly seems happier, don't assume that the
danger has passed. A person, having decided to
kill themselves, may feel "better" or feel a sense
of relief having made the decision. Also, a
severely depressed person may lack the energy
to put their suicidal thoughts into action. Once
they regain their energies, they may well go ahead
and do it.
If someone who has been depressed or suicidal
suddenly seems happier, don't assume that the
danger has passed. A person, having decided to
kill themselves, may feel "better" or feel a sense
of relief having made the decision. Also, a
severely depressed person may lack the energy
to put their suicidal thoughts into action. Once
they regain their energies, they may well go
ahead and do it.
Myth Number Six:
Young men are at the highest
risk of killing themselves.
Answer: True
Males between the ages of 18 and 24 have the
highest risk of killing themselves.
Males between the ages of 18 and 24 have the
highest risk of killing themselves.
Myth Number Seven:
People who talk about killing
themselves will never do it.
It's a way of letting off steam.
Those who kill themselves
don't normally talk about it.
They just go ahead and do it.
Answer: False
Most people either talk about it or do something
to indicate that they are going to kill themselves.
There is no need to blame yourself if you didn't
see it coming, but if you are worried about
someone you know, make sure you read all
about the warning signs you may see before a
suicide attempt, and also find out what you could
do to help.
Most people either talk about it or do something
to indicate that they are going to kill themselves.
There is no need to blame yourself if you didn't
see it coming, but if you are worried about
someone you know, make sure you read all
about the warning signs you may see before a
suicide attempt, and also find out what you could
do to help.
* Suicide took the lives of 29,199 Americans in 1999.
*More people die from suicide than from homicide. I.E.- in 1999,
there were 1.7 times as many suicides as homicides.
*Overall, suicide is the 11th leading cause of death for all Americans,
and is the third leading cause of death for young people aged 15-24.
Homicide- ‫רצח‬
*1999, white males accounted for 72% of all suicides. Together,
white males and white females accounted for over 90% of all
suicides. However, during the period from 1979-1992, suicide rates
for Native Americans (a category that includes American Indians
and Alaska Natives) were about 1.5 times the national rates. There
was a disproportionate number of suicides among young
male Native Americans during this period, as males 15-24
accounted for 64% of all suicides by Native Americans.
Experience moodiness: For females,
changes in their estrogen levels can cause
mood swings. For males, changes in their
testosterone levels can cause mood swings
Are concerned
about –
their bodies look,
how other people look and how they compare to self
and what other people think in general
Feel awkward or embarrassed, especially in
times of change
Feel sexual attraction and arousal very easily
Teenage depressive disorder symptoms:
* Irritability and depressed mood
*Loss of interest in usual activities
*Low energy and restlessness
*Poor concentration
*Sleeping disorder
Irritability- ‫שקט‬-‫אי‬
*Eating disorder
Pitted – ‫מצולק‬
*Hopeless and self pitted
*Worthless and guilty
*Suicidal behavior
Consequences of untreated depression:
*Develop of another episode of depression
*Child depression may predict more severe
depressive disorders
*Teenage depression is associated with suicidal
Episode- ‫מקרה‬
Depression- a mental disease
by many factors Having
causes, no doctor
could possibly cure
a patient from it. Only
psychologists dealing
with these sorts
of ‫אינסוף‬
diseases are able
Infiniteto take care and split depression into parts,
divisions including cause,
symptoms, treatment, and final solution (either
the patient or the psychologist). Harming mood
thoughts and behavior, depressive disorder is
one of the most common mental diseases in the
Stress is the body's normal response to anything that
disturbs its natural physical, emotional, or mental balance.
Stress reduction refers to various strategies that counteract
this response and produce a sense of relaxation and
Tranquility- ‫שלווה‬
Phenomenon- ‫תופעה‬
Although stress is a natural phenomenon of living, stress that
is not controlled and that continues for a long period of time
can seriously compromise health. For this reason, stress
must be understood, managed and appropriately reduced.
Several very different strategies and therapies are available
that help with relaxation and stress management.
When stress occurs it begins with stimulation of the brain's hypothalamus,
which sends nerve impulses to both the adrenal and the pituitary glands.
While these automatic physiological responses served early man well and
were essential to survival of the species, today's men and women rarely
must literally fight for their lives or dodge and elude a predator. Yet their
bodies' automatic response to stress has remained unchanged in a
radically changed, modern world.
Pituitary glands- ‫המוח‬-‫בלוטת יותרת‬
Elude- ‫להתחמק‬
Although different individuals may have different levels of tolerance to stress,
predator- ‫טורף‬
chronic stress will eventually wear down even the strongest of people.
Prolonged stress can cause biochemical imbalances that weaken the
immune system and invite serious illness. Overall, stress that persists is
known to interfere with digestion and, more seriously, alter brain chemistry,
create hormonal imbalances, increase heart rate, raise blood pressure, and
negatively affect both metabolic and immune function.
A list of some of the more common therapies and techniques available for
reducing stress includes:
*Bioenergetics. A practice that encourages sudden release of tensions
by crying or kicking.
*Breathing for relaxation. Stylized breathing technique to control and
lower body functions.
*Guided imagery. Creating a mental picture of what is desired. Also
called Creative imagery or Visualization.
Soothe- ‫להרגיע‬
*Herbal medicine. Uses substances derived from plants as treatment
Manipulation- ‫הפעלה‬
instead of synthetic drugs.
*Homeopathy. Uses minute doses of plant, animal, and mineral
substances to stimulate the body's natural healing.
*Massage. Use of touch and manipulation to soothe. Can also employ
vigorous deep tissue manipulation.
*Meditation. Deep, relaxed, receptive, and focused concentration on
a single object, sound, or word.
*Tai Chi Chuan. System of slow, continuous exercises based on
rhythm and equilibrium.
*Yoga. System of exercises that combines certain positions with deep
breathing and meditation.