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• Functions:
– Main site of absorption of excess fluid produced
by ST
– Site of accumulation and storage of spermatozoa
– Site of maturation of spermatozoa
Vas Deferens
• Continuation of the
ductus epididymis (at
the most inferior
portion of the tail of
the epididymis)
• Embedded in the
spermatic cord
Spermatic Cord
• Consists of several structures
which enter and leave the
testis and are bundled
together by CT
Vas deferens + artery and vein
Testicular artery
Pampiniform plexus of veins
Lymphatics and nerves of
Spermatic Cord
• Structures within are enveloped by 3 layers of
tough CT
– Internal spermatic fascia
– Cremasteric fascia – longitudinally arranged
striated muscle fibers (cremasteric muscle)
– External spermatic fascia
Vas Deferens
• 3 layers:
– Mucosa
• Thrown into folds that give the lumen a highly irregular
• Pseudostratified epithelium with stereocilia
• Lamina propria: loose CT
– Muscularis: smooth muscle (3 layers)
– Adventitia
• Ampulla – distal dilated segment of vas
deferens, lined by simple columnar or
pseudostratified epithelium
Ejaculatory Ducts
• Formed by the union of the vas deferens
with the duct of the seminal vesicle (before
the VD enters the prostate gland)
• Penetrates the prostate gland
• Empties into the posterior part of the
prostatic urethra
Ejaculatory Ducts
• Mucosa:
– Exhibit folds
– Simple columnar
• No muscular layer
• Prostatic urethra
• Membranous urethra
• Spongy urethra
• Male copulatory organ
• Grossly: root and body
• Consists of 3 cylindrical
cavernous bodies bound
together by CT and
covered externally by skin
– Corpora cavernosa (2)
– Corpus spongiosum
• Corpora cavernosa (2)
– Dorsum of penis
– Corpus spongiosum
– On the medial plane
– Ventral to corpora cavernosa
– Enlarged distal portion forms
a conical structure (glans
penis) covered by a fold of
skin (prepuce)
– Central portion occupied by
spongy urethra
Cavernous Bodies
• Made up of erectile tissue
– Made up of anastomosing blood channels
that are ordinarily collapsed
– Rapidly fill up with blood under the influence
of erotic stimuli
• Cavernous bodies enclosed by tunica albuginea
• Skin: no hair follicles, limited number of sweat
• Sebaceous glands of Tyson – atypical sebaceous
glands found in undersurface of prepuce and
proximal portion of glans penis
• Smegma – accumulation of secretions of the
glands of Tyson betrween the prepuce and glans
Accessory Glands
• Prostate gland
• Seminal vesicles
• Bulbourethral glands of Cowper
Accessory Glands
• Combined secretions account for most of the
volume of the male ejaculate or semen (2-5
– 10 % sperm cells (20-50 million)
– 60 % seminal vesicles
– 30 % prostate gland
Prostate Gland
• Largest accessory
• Chestnut-shaped
• Lies immediately
under the apex of the
urinary bladder
• Substance is
traversed by the
prostatic urethra
Prostate Gland
• Covered by dense CT
• Composed of 50 poorlydefined lobules divided
by CT septa
• Fibromuscular organ –
capsule and septa are
richly supplied with
smooth muscle fibers,
collagenous fibers and
Prostate Gland
• 3 groups of
glands: all open into
the prostatic urethra
– Prostatic glands
– Submucosal glands
– Mucosal glands
Prostate Gland
• Alveoli: lined with simple squamous, simple
cuboidal, simple columnar, and pseudostratified
columnar epithelium
• Corpora amylacea – small lamellated concretions
found in the lumen of some of the alveoli
• Secretion of prostate gland
– Alkaline
– Contains enzymes, fibrinolysin, prostaglandin, and a
compound with antibiotic properties
Seminal Vesicles
• Paired, sac-like
structure, 5 cm long
• Lies between the
fundus of the bladder
and rectum, above the
prostate gland
• Long, coiled, narrow
tube covered by a
vascular CT capsule
Seminal Vesicles
• 3 histologic layers:
– Mucosa
• Forms folds that give the lumen a maze-like appearance
• Non-ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium
• Composed of lipochrome pigment granules
– Muscularis: OLIC
– Adventitia
Seminal Vesicles
• Secretion contains:
– Fructose – energy source for spermatozoa
– Prostaglandins
– Fibrinogen
Bulbourethral Glands of Cowper
• Pair of pea-sized (1 cm), yellowish organs
• Lie at the back of and lateral to membranous
urethra (embedded in the fibers of the
sphincter urethrae muscle)
• Consists of a single, long duct (2.5-3.0 cm) that
opens into the proximal portion part of spongy
Bulbourethral Glands of Cowper
• Compound tubuloalveolar mucus-secreting
• Enclosed by a thin CT capsule
• Consists of lobules divided by CT septa
• Alveoli: simple cuboidal epithelium
• Ducts:
– Initial: simple columnar epithelium
– Main duct: pseudostratified epithelium