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The Female Genital Organs
女 性 生 殖 器
The Female Genital Organs
Internal genital organs 内生殖器
Ovaries 卵巢
Conveying ducts
Uterine tubes 输卵管
Uterus 子宫
Vagina 阴道
External genital organs 外生殖器
Ⅰ.internal genital organs内生殖器
Ovary 卵巢
Position-lies in the
ovarian fossa in the angle
between the internal and
external iliac vessels on
the lateral pelvic wall.
Shape-an ovoid organ
Superior pole
Inferior pole
Anterior border
Mesovarian border 系膜缘
Hilum of ovary 卵巢门
internal genital organs
Posterior border-free border
Two surfaces-medial and
Supporting structures
Suspensory ligament of
ovary 卵巢悬韧带
Proper ligament of ovary
Produce ova卵子
secrete estrogens
internal genital organs
Female Reproductive Cycle
internal genital organs
Uterine tube 输卵管
General features
About 10cm long
Located in the upper edge of broad ligament of uterus
internal genital organs
Four parts
Infundibulum of uterine tube 输卵管漏斗
Fimbriae of uterine tube 输卵管伞
ovarian fimbria 卵巢伞
Ampulla of uterine tube 输卵管壶腹-relatively wide, tortuous,
longst part, where the fertilization of the ovum takes place
internal genital organs
Isthmus of uterine tube
-straight and narrow
portion, is the place
where the tubal ligation is
Uterine part 子宫部 -,
pierces uterine wall and
opens into cavity of
uterus by uterine orifice
of uterine tube 输卵管子
internal genital organs
Uterus 子宫
General features-
muscular pear-shaped organ
Three parts
Fundus of uterus 子宫底
Body of uterus 子宫体
Neck of uterus 子宫颈
Vaginal parts of cervix
Supravaginal parts of
cervix 子宫颈阴道上部
internal genital organs
Uterus 子宫
Isthmus of uterus 子
-short constricted part,
between the body
and the neck of
internal genital organs
Uterus 子宫
Interior cavity
of uterus 子宫腔-
the cavity of body of uterus,
is triangular in coronal
Canal of cervix
of uterus 子宫颈管
-the cavity of the
neck, opens into
the vagina at the
orifice of uterus
internal genital organs
Uterus 子宫
Lies in the center of
the pelvic catity,
between bladder and
usually it is
anteversion 前倾
anteflexion 前屈
internal genital organs
Uterus 子宫
Anteversion 前倾
-axis of uterus meet
with that of vagina at
about 90o ;
-axis of body of uterus is
bent forward to form an
angle of about 170o with
that of the cervix .
internal genital organs
Supports of uterus
Pelvic diaphragm
Broad ligament of
uterus 子宫阔韧带
Round ligament of
uterus 子宫圆韧带
Cardinal ligament of
uterus 子宫主韧带
Uterosacral ligament of
uterus 骶子宫韧带
internal genital organs
Broad ligament of uterus 子宫阔韧带
Mesosalpinx for the uterine tubes 输卵管系膜
Mesometrium for the ovary 卵巢系膜
Mesovarium 子宫系膜
internal genital organs
Round ligament of uterus 子宫圆韧带
maintain in anteversion position of uterus
Cardinal ligament of uterus 子宫主韧带
support the position of uterus to prevent from dropping.
Uterosacral ligament of uterus 骶子宫韧带
maintain in anteverted position of uterus
internal genital organs
Vagina 阴道
Flattened fibromuscular
tube, about 8~9cm long
Extends upward and
backward from vestibule to
Fornix of vagina 阴
Formed between cervix and
walls of vagina
Posterior fornix
Lateral parts
deepest and larger
Anterior part
part and related to
the rectouterine
pouch closely.
internal genital organs
Accessory gland 附属腺体
Great vestibular gland
 On either side of
vaginal orifice
 Open on both sides of
orifice of vagina
Ⅱ.External genital organs外生殖器
Mons pubis 阴阜
Greater lips of pudendum
Lesser lips of pudendum
Vaginal vestibule 阴道前庭
Clitoris 阴蒂
Bulb of vestibule 前庭球
Ⅲ. The mammae 乳房
• Lie in superficial fascia
over the pectorals major
and pectoral fascia
• Extend from 3rd to 7th ribs
vertically, and from
parasternal line to
midaxillary line
Ⅲ. The mammae 乳房
in the young adult female
(nullipara) the mamma
forms a round eminence.
The mammary niple 乳头
is on the center of the
mamma, and commonly
lies at the level of the fouth
intercostal space .
area surrounded the niple
Ⅲ. The mammae 乳房
The mamma consists of skin
皮肤, mammary glands乳腺
and adipose tissue脂肪;
Each brest has about 15~20
lobes of mammary gland 乳腺
Each lobe has has a
lactiferous duct 输乳管 which
opens separately on the
summit of the nipple and
possesses a dilated
lactiferous sinuses输乳管窦
just prior to its termination
Ⅲ. The mammae 乳房
• Suspensory ligaments of
breast 乳房悬韧带
(cooper’s ligaments )-
strands of connective
tissue runs between skin
and deep fascia and
serve to support the
mammary glands
Ⅲ. The mammae 乳房