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Joint Injuries
Today’s Agenda
• Shoulder Joint Injuries
• Knee Joint Injuries
• Ankle Joint Injuries
Shoulder Joint Injuries
Bicep Tendinitis
• It is an overuse injury
• This happens when the biceps brachii has
not been given enough rest when it has
been overused or overloaded
• Symptoms include pain on the proximal
end of the biceps which make flexion of
the shoulder and elbow painful
Shoulder Joint Injuries
Shoulder Separation
• It is tearing of the acromioclavicular ligament
• These injuries occur from a direct fall on the
Shoulder Dislocations
• This occurs when the humerus “pops out” of the
glenoid fossa
• This occurs from a hit or fall resulting a tear to
the glenohumeral ligaments and joint capsule
Shoulder Joint Injuries
Rotator Cuff Tears
• It involves one or all four muscles of the
rotator cuff: supraspinatus, infraspinatus,
teres minor and subscapularis
• When a tendon is torn, one or all of these
muscles are affected
• When a tear occurs, it hard to abduct and
laterally or medially rotate the shoulder
Knee Joint Injuries
Knee ligament tears
• Most common involve “blows” to the
lateral side of the knee, typically knee
damage will result to the medial side
• The first tissue to tear is the joint capsule
• Depending on the severity of the injury
damage to the medial collateral ligament,
the medial meniscus and anterior
cruciate ligament (ACL) will occur
Knee Joint Injuries
Knee Ligament Tears
• Q-angle may contribute to the
predisposition of ACL tears
• Proper stretching and strengthening will
decrease the chance of injury
Knee Joint Injuries
Osgoode - Schlatter Syndrome
• Affects the epiphyseal plate of the tibial
• It is known as growing pains for a child
• The growth plates can inflamed and
irritated if overused or overloaded
• Symptoms of this syndrome are swelling
and discomfort
Knee Joint Injuries
Patellofemoral Syndrome
• Gradual onset of anterior knee pain/pain
around the patella
• Overuse, overloading and misuse of the
patellofemoral joint will set off pain in the
• The pain is aggravated by sports such as
running, volleyball and basketball
Ankle Joint Injuries
Inversion Sprains
• It is commonly known as “rolling over on
your ankle” or “twisted ankle”
• It is most unstable during plantar flexion
• This injury occurs when you jump in the
air, or plant hard to change your direction
causing the ankle to be inverted past the
joint’s normal range of movement
Ankle Joint Injuries
Eversion Sprains
• It is a rare injury
• Occurs to the deltoid ligament
• This ligament is so strong, that only tears
the tip of the medial malleolus
– Pott’s Fracture
• A force on the medial side of ankle causing the
deltoid ligament to rip off the tip of the medial
malleolus; and a break of the fibula