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Theatre Arts Scholarship & Professional Activity Statement Recommended for approval by Senate Approval Accepted by Dean, Fall 2014 Department of Theatre Arts
Statement of Scholarship
Revised: November 30, 2012
When considering a candidate for promotion to Associate Professor with
tenure in the Department of Theatre Arts at Ithaca College, the
department applies the broad criteria as written in the ITHACA COLLEGE
POLICY MANUAL - VOLUME IV (section 4.1.5):
For promotion to or appointment as associate professor the criteria are:
1. Possession of the appropriate terminal degree.
2. Normally, a minimum of six years of teaching experience as an
assistant professor, or as an instructor and assistant professor if the initial
appointment was as an instructor.
3. A sustained record of teaching excellence.
4. Evidence of significant scholarly or appropriate professional
attainment and promise of continued scholarly or appropriate
professional development.
5. Evidence of service to the academic community.
Additionally, the department applies the following:
Criteria for Promotion and Tenure
At the College the only criteria for tenure and promotion are those stated
in the Ithaca College Policy Manual. Primary among these is teaching
excellence. Another important criterion is a record of
scholarly/professional attainment. A third criterion is service to the
The department pays particular attention to the statement “Primary
among these is teaching excellence” in reviewing and evaluating a
candidate’s file and application for tenure. A candidate must
demonstrate a sustained record of teaching excellence. In addition to
this a successful candidate must demonstrates significant scholarly or
appropriate professional attainment and promise of scholarly or
1 Theatre Arts Scholarship & Professional Activity Statement Recommended for approval by Senate Approval Accepted by Dean, Fall 2014 appropriate professional development and service to the academic
Appropriate Terminal Degree
In the Department of Theatre Arts, the faculty member's area of teaching
concentration determines the appropriate terminal degree.
1. For individuals teaching in the area of dramatic theory and
criticism, dramatic literature, dramaturgy and theatre history: Ph.D.,
D.F.A, Ed.D., or M.F.A.
2. For individuals teaching in the areas of acting, directing, voice,
movement, dance, design, theatre technology: M.F.A, D.F.A.
and/or Ph.D.
3. For individuals teaching in the area of theatre arts management:
M.B.A, M.F.A, or Ph.D.
NOTE: In certain circumstances, significant and substantial professional
attainment may be considered as an alternative to a terminal degree.
This determination is made at the time of appointment.
Scholarly Research / Creative Activity
The Department of Theatre Arts adheres to the five broad categories of
scholarship as identified in the Ithaca College Policy Manual (section
1. The Scholarship of Discovery encompasses those scholarly activities
which extend the stock of human knowledge through the discovery
or collection of new information. Such scholarship seeks to confront
the unknown and typically exhibits a dedication to free inquiry,
disciplined investigation, and the pursuit of knowledge for its own
sake. The Scholarship of Discovery includes, but is not limited to,
what is sometimes referred to as basic or original research.
2. The Scholarship of Integration encompasses scholarly activities
which are primarily interdisciplinary or interpretive in nature. Such
scholarship seeks to better understand existing knowledge by
making connections across disciplines, illuminating data in a
revealing manner, drawing together isolated factors, or placing
known information into broader contexts. It synthesizes, interprets,
and connects the findings in a way that brings new meaning to
those facts.
2 Theatre Arts Scholarship & Professional Activity Statement Recommended for approval by Senate Approval Accepted by Dean, Fall 2014 3. The Scholarship of Application encompasses scholarly activities
which seek to relate the knowledge in one's field to the affairs of
society. Such scholarship moves toward engagement with the
community beyond academia in a variety of ways, such as by using
social problems as the agenda for scholarly investigation, drawing
upon existing knowledge for the purpose of crafting solutions to
social problems, or making information or ideas accessible to the
4. The Scholarship of Teaching encompasses scholarly activities which
are directly related to pedagogical practices. Such scholarship
seeks to improve the teaching and advising of students through
discovery, evaluation, and transmission of information about the
learning process.
5. The Scholarship of Artistic Endeavor encompasses scholarly
activities which are directly related to the creative process,
especially in the fine or applied arts. Such scholarship may seek to
bring about new artistic creations or to present existing works.
The Department of Theatre Arts is a diverse department housing both
traditional scholars as well as theatre practitioners. Because of this,
primary evidence of scholarship can manifest itself in traditional forms of
research and publication as well as creative/artistic scholarship and
professional activity. Traditional forms should contribute to the discipline
through peer reviewed publications such as books, journal articles or book
chapters, which allow the work to receive a national or international
audience. Creative/artistic scholarship and professional activity should
gain recognition of excellence on at least the regional level and may
include tangible accomplishments within the department that are
documented by external peer review.
Note, too, that candidates within the Department of Theatre Arts may
base their application for tenure on some combination of combination of
types of scholarship including the Scholarship of Discovery, the Scholarship
of Artistic Endeavor, the Scholarship of Application, the Scholarship of
Teaching and the Scholarship of Integration as defined in the Ithaca
College Policy Manual section It is expected that a
probationary faculty member will present evidence of Scholarly
Research/Creative Activity each year of the probationary period.
3 Theatre Arts Scholarship & Professional Activity Statement Recommended for approval by Senate Approval Accepted by Dean, Fall 2014 Although probationary faculty are expected to demonstrate yearly
activity, the department values quality over quantity.
In general, the department expects the primary artifacts for traditional
scholarship to be peer reviewed publication and for practicing artists to
be peer reviewed professional activity. The department also recognizes
that a candidate’s scholarship may include both of these forms. In certain
instances, a faculty member’s field requires work in a variety of forms of
scholarship. Dramaturgy, for example, includes critical or scholarly writing
(the Scholarship of Discovery) as well as participation in the creation of
realized dramatic work (the Scholarship of Creative Endeavor.
Additionally a faculty member’s specialization and experience may cross
combine two or more commonly identified fields e.g. such as a lighting
designer who also designs scenery. While supporting the blurring of
distinctions among fields, the department will evaluate candidates on
areas relevant to their primary field of specialization identified at the time
of their initial appointment.
Because of the collaborative nature of theatre arts, those working on
theatrical productions must also show a firm commitment to mutually
respectful artistic collaboration*. The granting of tenure inaugurates a
potential lifetime of artistic collaboration with peers. Therefore, the
department expects faculty whose scholarship falls within the
department's production activity to amass a demonstrable record of
mutually respectful and responsible collaboration.
* “Mutually respectful artistic collaboration” is ascertained through
departmentally-approved peer and student interviews as described in the
department’s bylaws.
Guiding Principles for Assessing the Significance of Scholarship / Creative
In assessing the significance and quality of a candidate’s scholarship the
Department of Theatre Arts applies the following guidelines:
Scholarship should:
o demonstrate sound methodology
o be available for objective and informed peer evaluation
o demonstrate artistic and/or intellectual merit
o demonstrate relevance and significance to the disciplinary
4 Theatre Arts Scholarship & Professional Activity Statement Recommended for approval by Senate Approval Accepted by Dean, Fall 2014 o demonstrate a pattern of ongoing activity
o meet or exceed the best practices of the candidate’s
professional discipline
Guiding Principles & Assessing for Traditional Forms of Scholarship
Traditional forms of scholarship will be weighted according to the
stature and nature of the publishing entity in which the work is
published and/or available, whether the entity is regional, national
or international.
The quality of collaborative scholarly activity may be further
validated through documented assessment by prominent
colleagues or organizations.
Scholarly work must be of high quality and significance and
accessible for assessment by the relevant scholarly community.
External review of scholarly work will assist in the assessment of the
candidate’s contribution.
As noted above, though the department supports and encourages the
blurring of distinctions among areas, the department will evaluate a
candidate predominantly on the field of specialization identified at the
time of the initial appointment. Traditional areas of specialization within
the study of theatre include but are not limited to:
• Theatre History
• Dramatic Literature
• Dramatic Theory and Criticism
• Dramaturgy
The department recognizes the following activities as primary and
appropriate evidence in consideration of attainment and promise of
continued scholarly or appropriate professional development for the more
traditional forms of scholarship:
Contributions to the discipline through publications. Publications
include books, plays, libretti, screenplays, chapters in books,
monographs, abstracts, articles in journals that are authored, coauthored, translated or edited by the candidate
Note: Refereed publication is ranked higher than non-refereed
publication and works published will constitute evidence where works in
progress will constitute promise of continued scholarship.
5 Theatre Arts Scholarship & Professional Activity Statement Recommended for approval by Senate Approval Accepted by Dean, Fall 2014 The above will constitute the primary scholarship for a candidate whose
appointment is in the traditional areas of theatre study (history, theory,
dramaturgy, criticism, etc.). The department also recognizes the following
activities that, in combination with the primary activities listed above,
strengthen the candidate’s scholarship. These activities include but are
not limited to:
Presentations, seminars, workshops or master classes at professional
conferences, symposia, conventions or other institutions
Invitations to provide external peer adjudication and review
Curating of regional, national and international exhibitions
Guiding Principles & Assessing Creative Activity and Professional Activity
External creative activity will be weighted according to the stature
of the venue in which the work is performed, (whether the venue is
regional, national or international) and/or the stature of the
The quality of collaborative scholarly activity may be further
validated through documented assessment by prominent
colleagues or organizations. Creative/scholarly accomplishments must be of high quality and
significance and accessible for assessment by the relevant scholarly
or artistic community.
External review of creative/scholarly work will assist in the
assessment of the candidate’s contribution.
Additional measures of the quality of artistic accomplishment
o Originality, range and depth of artistry.
o Skillful and creative use of self, materials, and/or other
performers to realize a work of art.
o Successful collaboration with other artists.
The discipline of theatre is distinct in that artists work together to create
the artistic product, which may complicate the assessment of the
candidate’s individual contributions. Therefore, it is important for
evaluators to assess the candidate’s contribution as discretely as possible.
As noted above, faculty practitioners and artists in the department are
appointed with a primary area of specialization including, but not limited
• Acting
• Costume Design
6 Theatre Arts Scholarship & Professional Activity Statement Recommended for approval by Senate Approval Accepted by Dean, Fall 2014 •
Lighting Design
Scenic Design
Sound Design
Technical Direction
Theatre Arts Management
Voice and Speech
The department recognizes the following as primary and appropriate
evidence in consideration of attainment and promise of continued
scholarly or appropriate professional development for the Creative
Scholarship and Professional Activity pertinent to a candidate’s area of
Artistic and/or professional activity at the college, local, regional,
national and/or international level (including performances of
compositions by the faculty member) as documented by, but not
limited to the following:
o appropriate peer review
o unsolicited reviews by highly regarded critics
o receiving awards in recognition of the success of the
candidate’s contribution
o presentation in juried or adjudicated festivals recognized as
important in one’s field
o favorable citation of one’s works in the critical writing of
Creating and/or developing new instructional methods
The above will constitute the primary scholarship for a candidate whose
appointment falls within the disciplines of practitioner or artist. The
department also recognizes the following activities that, in combination
with the primary activities listed above, strengthen the candidate’s
scholarship. These activities, many of which fall within the scholarship of
discovery, integration, application and teaching include but are not
limited to:
Continued study in the candidate’s discipline (Policy
Membership in the following unions requiring peer review for
admission including but not limited to:
7 Theatre Arts Scholarship & Professional Activity Statement Recommended for approval by Senate Approval Accepted by Dean, Fall 2014 o
The Stage Directors and Choreographers Society (SDC)
Actors’ Equity Association (AEA)
United Scenic Artists (USA)
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE)
Screen Actors Guild / American Federation of Television and
Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA)
American Guild Of Musical Artists (AGMA)
Association of Theatrical Press Agents and Managers (ATPAM)
Directors Guild of America (DGA)
The Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD)
Invitations to consult or adjudicate in the theatre, entertainment or
art fields at the local, regional, national or international level
Teaching master classes, leading intensive workshops or mentoring
for reputable theatre, entertainment, or educational organizations
Presentations at professional conferences, symposia, seminars
and/or workshops including invited presentations at other institutions
Invitations to provide external peer adjudication and review
Contributions to the discipline through publications such as books,
plays, libretti, screenplays, chapters in books, monographs,
abstracts, articles in journals that are authored, co-authored,
translated or edited by the candidate
Curating for regional, national and international exhibitions
Obtaining funds, either internal or external, for research or
development or for instructional or program improvement
A record of the creative/artistic activity based solely on the Ithaca
College Theatre season is not an adequate basis for promotion and
tenure. However, artistic assignments in the Ithaca College Theatre season
can be considered a component of a candidate’s scholarship as long as
objective external critical evaluation is conducted. Evaluation methods
might include providing audio and/or video recordings and/or
photographs of the work under consideration or arranging for peer
observation of a live performance of the work.
It is the responsibility of the candidate to solicit appropriate external peer
evaluation. The candidate may request assistance from the department
for the provision of such external evaluation.