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Training & Skills in the
Creative Industries
Professor Rob Dickins C.B.E.
London Metropolitan University
• The way forward to effectively create a Skills and
Training structure to provide real means of filling
the many jobs in the future which will be needed
in the Creative Industries of Music, Film,
Television, Radio, Fashion, Theatre, Advertising,
Design, Video Games, Visual Arts and Publishing
particularly in an increasingly
digital/technological environment both in creation
and in marketing
Education at all levels needs to be
assessed to ensure it provides a
learning environment consistent with
the work environment students seek to
move into and that it can produce
school leavers and graduates, with the
core skills required
Creative Industries must organise
themselves better and map out their
skill needs, vocational training
possibilities and job opportunities with
more focus than before
Guiding Principles
Guiding Principles
Create a culture within secondary
education system that encourages pupils
wanting to pursue a career in the creative
industries to gain a robust grounding in
both Art and Mathematics
Guiding Principles
Equip graduates entering the creative
industries with the core skills required to
fully understand and exploit the tools of
those industries
Guiding Principles
Ensure that University courses keep
pace, anticipate and recognise the
needs of the creative industries and to
look at the practice of other careers
such as medicine and law where there
is at least a year of vocational training
in the workplace before returning to
education for the final year
Guiding Principles
Create a culture of creative problem
solving in education consistent with that
found in industry
Guiding Principles
Put in place a Skills/Training structure that
is efficient and in tune with the real world of
business thus providing fiscal savings and
better results
Where Are We Today?
Where Are We Today?
Where Are We Today?
A culture of testing and league tables has
created an education system driven by the
need to secure validation and vindication
through metric results. Students are trained
to meet criteria, learn isolated skills
required to reach marks in exams at the
cost of producing students equipped to
problem solve, capable of independent
processing and creativity
Where Are We Today?
Pupils at level 3 are frequently asked to
choose between Arts and Sciences rather
than encouraged to continue both
Where Are We Today?
Where Are We Today?
The system is focused on inputs rather
than outcomes…getting student numbers
in rather than the efficacy of who leaves
Where Are We Today?
A rapid growth in the number of courses
offered in the creative industries has led to
courses designed to appeal to the
‘customer’ (the student), rather than
requiring students to take less interesting
modules (e.g. Maths or programming or life
Where Are We Today?
Courses are being restricted to focus more
on academic study and less on practical ‘at
the coalface’ work
Where Are We Today?
Skills Councils
Where Are We Today?
Skills Councils
There is a plethora of Skills/Training advice
centres within many other bureaucracies
both regional such as Creative Lancashire
& South West Screen and national such as
A.C.E. and Creative Scotland…..these
complicate the skills/training landscape and
result in duplication and muddle not clear
Where Are We Today?
Skills Councils
Skills Councils are seen to be too
bureaucratic in manner which is never
a good match for the creative
Where Are We Today?
Skills Councils
The skills councils centre their
activities on the specific with for
example Film & TV at Skillset, Fashion
at Skillfast and Theatre and Music at
CC Skills whilst in the real world many
creative skills can migrate between
most creative industries
Future Strategy
Future Strategy
Future Strategy
Teachers and Career advisors should
be given greater exposure to the core
skills required in the creative industries
Future Strategy
Pupils should be encouraged to take
art AND science courses rather than
chose between them
Future Strategy
Maths should be taught in an applied
way to make it relevant to pupils
Future Strategy
Maths and basic programming need to
be championed as a fundamental to
those wishing to pursue careers in the
creative industries
Future Strategy
Visual literacy and design should be
encouraged in ALL pupils
Future Strategy
Numeracy should be encouraged in
ALL pupils
Future Strategy
To not be afraid to learn from other
nations such as Singapore, China and
India where students with a natural
visual talent and vocabulary are then
mentored in maths and vice versa
Future Strategy
Drawing should be compulsory
Future Strategy
Art History, Music History, Film History,
etc could provide a good basic
understanding for young people and
increase their imaginative knowledge
Future Strategy
Higher & Further Education
Future Strategy
Higher & Further Education
Maths, basic programming, and a
portfolio demonstrating artistic
competence should be part of the
entry requirements for any course
involving digital image creation and
Future Strategy
Higher & Further Education
Course success should be based
on the employment rates of
graduates and those fulfilling the
course rather than just the number
of students starting
Future Strategy
Higher & Further Education
Courses and those running them
should keep abreast of industry
practices, through industry
relations, to avoid redundancy in
what is being taught
Future Strategy
Higher & Further Education
Tutors should be
encouraged/obligated to spend
time working in industry…either
during summer recess or on
Future Strategy
Higher & Further Education
As the demands are different within
skills…. a ‘Foundation’ Year such
as is practised in Art Colleges
should be introduced where all
aspects of certain skills can be
explored before choosing the right
Future Strategy
Higher & Further Education
Medicine and Law degrees demand
a compulsory year of practical
working experience….the Creative
Industry courses would also benefit
from such an inclusion
Future Strategy
Higher & Further Education
Courses should have a strong
practical aspect to them. They
should seek to mimic commercial
reality, by placing constraints, either
time or software restrictions, on
project based work
Future Strategy
Skills Councils
Future Strategy
Skills Councils
One Skills Council for the Creative
Industries not 3 or 4 and that should
be ‘striped’ into actual skills e.g Sound
Design, Computer Graphics, Lighting,
etc (See Appendix). ‘Sector Skill’ is a
misnomer…. skills knock down walls
Future Strategy
Skills Councils
Talent should be able to find the right
and focussed help in a subject they
have an interest in and which would
allow them to follow that area in
gaining the necessary skills, training or
retraining to pursue a career within the
Creative Industries
Future Strategy
Skills Councils
The Creative Skills Council would then
liaise with Industry Councils about the
detailed needs of their industries with
expert and timely regard to specific
Future Strategy
Skills Councils
The Council could co-ordinate all of
the Creative Industries’ job
opportunities for specific skills where
they are available and needed
Future Strategy
Skills Councils
A very important function of a Skills Council
is the ‘badging’ of certain FE & HE and
training courses i.e. the assessment of how
good they are and how useful to employers
(Skillset do this well but with a large bias to
the Film industry….not surprising as they
have been one of the main funders of
Future Strategy
Skills Councils
With one Creative Skills Council this
would be done with equal measure
across all necessary creative industry
Future Strategy
Skills Councils
With one Creative Skills Council this
would be done with equal measure
across all necessary creative industry
One Council would mean lower
bureaucracy overheads comprising
the very best of staff available
empathetic to the need
Future Strategy
Creative Industry Councils
Future Strategy
Creative Industry Councils
Encourage all creative industries to have
one council representing their industry in
the way as UK Film Council, UK Music,
Design Council, British Fashion Council
do...encouraging Advertising, Video Games,
Commercial Theatre, etc to follow these
models and be self financing…..not
dependent on the public purse as UK Film
has been
Future Strategy
Creative Industry Councils
There should be a situation where
all Creative Industries are treated
equally as all are crucially important
for the Creative Economy
Future Strategy
Creative Industry Councils
Music Industry’s BPI not only funds the
incredibly successful BRIT School which
specialises in 15-18 year olds who not only
perform well in the academic curriculum but
trains youngsters across all areas of the
Creative Industries not simply music and is an
inspirational centre. UK Music and the BPI also
work with many independent organisations
such as Music 4 Good, Generator and the
Bristol Music Foundation and are aware that
more could be achieved
Future Strategy
Creative Industry Councils
There should be a budget for
independent creative SME’s such as
fashion labels, record companies,
video games, commercial theatre,
publishing companies, etc.... it should
be given on worth and on condition
any company receiving such funding
takes in skills students for practical
training and agrees a return to the
Future Strategy
Related Organisations
Future Strategy
Related Organisations
Over the past 10 years there have been
many initiatives involving skills in the
Creative Industries resulting in many
bodies being set up which still
exist....these should be re-assessed in
light of current circumstances and where
still relevant such as Cultural
Leadership, Creative Partnerships, etc
be folded into the one Skills Council
Future Strategy
Related Organisations
The Arts Council has yet another set of
Future Strategy
Related Organisations
The Royal Opera House initiative of the
Skills Academy nearing completion in
Thurrock is a great example of a practical
venue for the development of many related
skills but at such a great cost should be
open to training the related skills of other
industries (see Appendix)
Future Strategy
Related Organisations
SME’s must provide the basis for the
UK’s Creative Company growth and
they are sometimes too small or
overworked to train or mentor and in
many cases require and deserve
mentoring themselves
Future Strategy
Related Organisations
What is needed is one clear strategy
not a basket of duplications and
Future Strategy
Related Organisations
There should be a focus on the efficacy of
Specialist Training bodies such as Motley
Theatre Design, Deep Sound Recording,
Cass Film Business School, etc with
support given when earned and/or needed
Future Strategy
Related Organisations
There should be a focus on the efficacy of
Specialist Training bodies such as Motley
Theatre Design, Deep Sound Recording,
Cass Film Business School, etc with
support given when earned and/or needed
The very best of such courses should be
able to receive grants in order to become
true centres of excellence in their area
Future Strategy
Related Organisations
The BBC should reinstate its
apprenticeship scheme
Future Strategy
Investment & Jobs
Future Strategy
Investment & Jobs
Jobs across the wide spectrum of film industry
skills are dependent on major films (mostly
from the US ) being made in the UK. Without
this, there would be widespread unemployment
in the film making trades and the future UK jobs
market would become largely irrelevant and so
there has to be a tax environment that is
attractive to US and other film-makers
Future Strategy
Investment & Jobs
Investment in theatrical productions especially
plays also needs a reasonable tax structure to
maintain and grow one of our leading (mostly
UK owned) creative businesses and to invest in
a play should be no different than investing in
property with the corresponding tax application
Future Strategy
Investment & Jobs
SME’s of fashion labels, video games,
independent record labels, film and theatre
production companies, etc will become the
foundation of the UK’s Creative Company
growth and investment in incubating these UK
companies will have to be similarly incentivised
• Understand that the Creative Industries call for a special kind of
talent and skill market
• Understand that the Creative Industries call for a special kind of
talent and skill market
• Educate to establish a cross pollination between maths and visual
• Understand that the Creative Industries call for a special kind of
talent and skill market
• Educate to establish a cross pollination between maths and visual
• Focus on cross-over skills not individual industries
• Understand that the Creative Industries call for a special kind of
talent and skill market
• Educate to establish a cross pollination between maths and visual
• Focus on cross-over skills not individual industries
• Rationalise Skills agencies
• Understand that the Creative Industries call for a special kind of
talent and skill market
• Educate to establish a cross pollination between maths and visual
• Focus on cross-over skills not individual industries
• Rationalise Skills agencies
• Seek to ‘badge’ only those courses that provide the best
• Understand that the Creative Industries call for a special kind of
talent and skill market and constant refreshing to rapidly changing
industry standards
• Educate to establish a cross pollination between maths and visual
• Focus on cross-over skills not individual industries
• Rationalise Skills agencies
• Seek to ‘badge’ only those courses that provide the best
• Incentivise financial support for SMEs and insist on training
The End
Thank You
MUSIC : Recording Studios, Live Gigs
FASHION : Fashion Shows
THEATRE : Theatre Design and Performance
VIDEO GAMES : Game Design
FILM, TV & RADIO : Production
VISUAL ARTS : Sometimes have an audio involvement
MUSIC : Live Gigs, Videos
ADVERTISING : Commercials
FASHION : Fashion Shows
THEATRE : Theatre Design and Performance
VIDEO GAMES : Game Design
FILM, TV & RADIO : Production
VISUAL ARTS : Creation, Display
MUSIC : Live Gigs, Videos
ADVERTISING : Commercials
FASHION : Fashion Shows
THEATRE : Theatre Design and Performance
VIDEO GAMES : Game Design
FILM, TV & RADIO : Production, Special Effects
VISUAL ARTS : Creation, Display
MUSIC : Music Videos
ADVERTISING : Commercials
VIDEO GAMES : Game Design
FILM, TV & RADIO : Production, Special Effects
VISUAL ARTS : Creation
MUSIC : Music Videos, Live Gigs
ADVERTISING : Commercials
VIDEO GAMES : Game Design
FILM, TV & RADIO : Production
THEATRE : Design
MUSIC : Album Sleeves, Marketing, Publicity
ADVERTISING : Commercials
VIDEO GAMES : Character Design, Marketing
FILM, TV & RADIO : Production, Marketing, Publicity
THEATRE : Design, Marketing, Publicity
FASHION : Shows, Marketing, Publicity
PUBLISHING : Book Covers, Illustrations, Newspapers, Magazines,
• VISUAL ARTS : Creation
MUSIC : Music Videos
ADVERTISING : Commercials
VIDEO GAMES : Character Development
FILM, TV & RADIO : Films, TV Plays, Soaps, Variety, etc
THEATRE : Plays, Musicals
VISUAL ARTS : Performance
MUSIC : Music Videos,Live Gigs, Choreography
ADVERTISING : Commercials
VIDEO GAMES : Choreography, Movement Design
FILM, TV & RADIO : Films, TV Plays, Soaps, Variety, etc
THEATRE : Dance, Musicals
VISUAL ARTS : Performance
ADVERTISING : Commercials, Copy, Storyline
VIDEO GAMES : Storyline
FILM, TV & RADIO : Films, TV Plays, Soaps, etc
PUBLISHING : Books, Plays, Magazines, Comics
MUSIC : Music Videos
ADVERTISING : Commercials
VIDEO GAMES : Game Design
FILM, TV & RADIO : Production, Special Effects
VISUAL ARTS : Creation
MUSIC : Music Videos, Performance
ADVERTISING : Commercials
VIDEO GAMES : Character Design
FILM, TV & RADIO : Production
THEATRE : Performance
PUBLISHING : Magazines
FASHION : Shows, Photo-Shoots
MUSIC : Retail, Online
VIDEO GAMES : Retail, Online
FILM, TV & RADIO : Retail, Online
PUBLISHING : Retail, Online
FASHION : Retail, Online