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1-Comforting places
2- Gossips
3- Sporting Projects
Our school has got a number of comforting places: such as the theatre
or the garden.
The theatre is called “Karol Wojtyla”, in me-mory of the Pope who died in 2005.
It’s a new theatre provide with lots of seats,
a wide stage and a toilet.
You can see the theatrical performance or
watch a movie on the screen or sit at confe-rences and discuss important themes.
The atmosphere is similar to the theatres of the XVII century, infact
see the windows are covered by dark red curtains which remind the
typical cloth of the 17 th century. In conclusion, we are proud to have
this theatre.
Another nice space is our green, fresh and
clean garden, where there are two busts: One
of Karol Wojtyla and one of Padre Puglisi, who
is very well-known because he tied to fight
against the mafia but in vain, in fact he was
killed by the mafia in front of his church in 1993.
In our garden a number of flowers blossom and everything in nest. You
can also relax here, study, read or eat in fact close the garden there
is a little bar.
This is the bust
of Padre Puglisi
who was killed by
mafia in 1993
This is the
bust of Karol
Wojtyla, the
Pope who died
in 2005.
Our school is situated near the school “Filippo Parlatore” that
is a professional school just for boys.
We know that in the past this school was a monastery of
Palermo is a city rich of secret dungeon and lots of students
narrate that in the past the sisters of our school met the
monks of Filippo Parlatore school in these secret dungeon. So
they had a secret love story and when the sisters were going
to have a baby they left them in the secret dungeon.
In our school there are a lot of sporting projects. There are also
sporting projects to disabled children. For example 14° march they
have play and for competed with other disabled children and our
children won a lot of medals.
Nevertheless there are also lots of sports for us like mini soccer. At
the beginning of this project there were a lot of boys but very little
girls. But now after four years there are more girls than boys. At
the end of this plan we are going to play lots of matches with other
schools in Palermo to win the student championship. There is also
volleyball projects. Every year there are a lot of girls that want to
play volleyball but teachers must choose only 12 girls. At the end of
this project they also play with other schools. Basket Ball project is
only for boys and we have had a team just for two year because in
our school there aren’t a lot of boys. Athletic project, instead, is a
curricular project and during our physical education lesson teacher
decides which the sport is able. So after a selection we can go to
play with other schools to win medals.
Realizzato da:
Romano Laura
Messineo Valerio
Liliana Inzerillo
Prof.ssa Grace Macaluso
Prof. Dallicardillo
Prof. Politi
prof.ssa Shrago Devon