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The Integumentary System
The Integumentary System
 The parts of the integument:
 Skin
 Sweat and Oil glands
 hairs
 Nails
The Integumentary System: The Skin
 The skin is pliable yet tough, allowing it to take
constant punishment from external organs.
Covers 2.2 meters, weighs 4 to 5 kg, and accounts for
about 7% of total body weight in the average.
Thickness varies from 1.5 to 4.0 mm or more in some
Millions of dead cells rub off daily
A totally new epidermis every 25 to 45 days
The average person sheds 18kg (40lbs) of skin flakes
in a lifetime
The Skin
The Skin: Epidermis
 The epidermis is a keratinized stratified
squamous epithelium consisting of four
distinct cell types or five distinct layers.
Cells of the epidermis:
1. Keratinocyte produce keratin
2. melanocyte produce melanin
3. Langerhans’ cell are macrophages
4. Merkel cells (epidermal dendritic
cells) function as a sensory receptors
for touch
Layers of the Epidermis
 Thick skin: covers the
palms, fingertips, and
soles of the feet
Five Layers (strata) from
deep to superficial
1. stratum basale
2. stratum spinosum
3. stratum granulosum
4. stratum lucidum
5. stratum corneum
 Thin skin: covers the rest
of the body
 **stratum lucidum is
absent and the other
strata are thinner
The Skin:Dermis
 The dermis, composed
mainly of dense,
irregular connective
tissue, is well supplied
with blood vessels,
lymphatic vessels, and
 Cutaneous receptors,
glands, and hair follicles
reside within the dermis
Layers of the dermis
 From superficial to deep:
 1. papillary layer exhibits dermal
papillae that protrude into the
epidermis above and the
epidermal ridges that produce
 2. reticular layer is thicker and
the connective tissue fibers are
much more densely interwoven.
Skin Color
 Skin color reflects the amount of
pigments (melanin and carotene) in
the skin and the oxygenation level of
hemoglobin in blood
 1. Melanin is the only pigment made
in the skin.
 ranges in color from yellow, redish
brown, to black
 Stimulated by exposure to ultraviolet
radiation in sunlight and protects
the nuceli from damaging effects of
UV radiation
Homeostatic Imbalance
 1. stiae = stretch marks
 Tears in the dermis
 2. blisters = separation of dermis and epidermis
Homeostatic imbalance
 Excessive sun exposure can
 cause clumping of elastin fibers, leading to leathery
 temporarily depresses the immune system
 Alter the DNA of skin cells which may cause cancer
Homeostatic Imbalance
 1. Cyanosis = poorly oxygenated blood
Homeostatic imbalance
 Redness, or erythema = redding of skin
 Pallor or blanching
Homeostatic balance
 Jaundice or yellow cast =
Homeostatic imbalance
 Bronzing =
Homeostatic imbalance
 Black-and-blue marks; bruises; hematomas
Appendages of the Skin
 Skin appendages, which
derive from the epidermis,
Hair follicles
Sweat (Sudoriferous) Glands
 Found all over the body
except the nipples and the
external genitalia
 More than 2.2 million per
Sweat glands: Eccrine glands
 Merocirne glands
 Found over most of
the body
 Thermoregulation
 Sweat is 99% water
 Salts, Vit C.,
antibodies, metabolic
wastes and lactic acid
Sweat Gland: apocrine
 Largely confinded to the
axillary and anogenital
Larger than eccrine glands
and their ducts empty
along hair follicles
Start production around
Function is unknown
Cerunminous glands
Mammary glands
Sebaceous (oil) glands
 Located all over body
except palms of hands
Functions to softens and
lubricates the hair and skin
Prevents hair from
becoming brittle, and slows
water loss from the skin
Bacterialcidal action
Homeostatic imbalance
 Whiteheads
 Blackheads
 Acne
 Seborrhea “cradle cap”
Hairs and Hair Follicles
 Hair:
 main function is sensory protection