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Abney Elementary
K. Delaup
The planets are divided into two groups; the
inner and the outer planets.
The dividing line between the inner planets
and the outer planets is the asteroid belt.
 The asteroid belt is chunks of rock and metal
that orbit around the Earth.
The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars.
The inner
are rocky
Earth is different from all the other planets
because it contains liquid water and supports
The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, and Pluto. (Pluto is a “dwarf” planet.)
Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and
Neptune are
large spheres
made up of
mostly gases.
That is why
they are often
called the gas
These planets
are large and
have many
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar
Jupiter’s energy produced
due to the active
atmosphere causes a
circular storm known as the
Great Red Spot.
 This weather, which is a lot
like a hurricane, has lasted
more than 300 years.
 It is so big around that
three Earths would fit
Saturn is the gas
giant known for its
 Other planets have
rings but Saturn’s
are so wide and so
bright that they
can be seen from
Earth through a
small telescope.
Planets rings are made up of bits of dust, ice
crystals, and small pieces of rock. Rings may
have been formed as a moon was pulled apart
by gravity because it was too close to the
Pluto is the smallest of the planets.
 Recently, scientists decided that Pluto would have a
downgraded status.
 Pluto is no longer an official planet.
 They have renamed it a “dwarf planet” because it is so
much smaller than all the other planets.
The planets that have no moons are Mercury
and Venus.
Scientist study space in the following ways:
telescopes, crewed missions, and unscrewed
A telescope is a device people use to observe
distant objects. (Note: There are many
different types of telescopes.)
Telescopes that scientist use to study space
are large and powerful. Many of them have
cameras that constantly take pictures.
Trips that people take into space are called
crewed missions.
 Crewed missions are useful because people
can actually find out for themselves what it is
like to live and work in space.
The United
States uses
the space
shuttle to
carry crews,
materials and
satellites to
and from
Uncrewed missions are missions to space that
launch without people. Many of these
missions take place to explore places that are
too dangerous or too far away for people to
Hubble Telescope
Pathfinder on Mars
Space probes are
vehicles that carry
cameras, instruments,
and other tools. They
take pictures and
some collect and
analyze rock samples,
test for substances
like water, and collect
other data.