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The Solar System
By: Eli Champion
The Sun
The sun is a star that Earth and 7 other planets
orbit. The diameter is a total of 1,391,000
kilometers long. The sun has NO moons. The total
amount of gravity on the sun is 617.5 km/s. That’s
enough to crush you on the ground if you were not
burned to death by the heat.
Inner and Outer Planets
The inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars. They are rocky and dense. They have
no rings. They have few moons. The outer
planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
Neptune. These planets are made of many
gases. They are huge compared to the inner
planets. They have many moons and rings.
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. This
planet is a inner planet. The distance from the
sun is 35,980,000 miles. It takes 176 Earth days
to make full rotation around the Sun. It takes 89
Earth days to make a full revolution around the
Sun. The density is 4,879 km. The gravity on
Mercury is %38 the gravity on Earth. The
temperature is 750 degrees Fahrenheit. It has no
moons or rings.
Venus is the 2nd closest planet to the Sun and is
a inner planet. Venus is 67,240,000 miles from
the sun. It takes 243 Earth days to make a
rotation and 225 Earth days to make a orbit
around the Sun. The diameter of Venus is 7,521
miles. The temperature on Venus is the hottest
of the planets in are solar system. The gravity on
Venus is about %90 the gravity on Earth. It has
no moons.
Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun
and is a inner planet. Earth is about
92,960,000 miles from the Sun. It takes
365 days to orbit the Sun and takes 1
day to make a rotation. The diameter
of Earth is 7,918 miles. The average
temperature on Earth is 15°C. Earth
has 1 moon that we call moon.
Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun and is a
inner planet. The total distance from the sun is
141,600,000 miles. The time of a full rotation is
exactly 24 hours, 37 minutes and 22 seconds.
The time to make a orbit around the Sun is 687
days. The diameter of Mars is 4,212 miles long.
The temperature on Mars is very cold. The
gravity on Mars is %38 the gravity on Earth.
Mars has no moons.
Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun and is a
outer planet. The distance of Jupiter from the
Sun is about 778 million km. The time in one full
rotation of Jupiter is 9.9 hours. The time to make
a revolution is 11.86 years. The diameter of
Jupiter is 86,881 miles. The temperature is
thought to be 145 degrees C. The gravity on
Jupiter is 2.53 the gravity on Earth. Jupiter has
69 moons.
Saturn is the 6th planet from the Sun and is a
outer planet. The distance of Saturn from the
Sun is 890,700,000 miles. The time it takes for
Saturn to make a rotation is about 10 hours and
39 minutes. The time to make a revolution is
about 30 days. The diameter of Saturn is 72,367
miles. The temperature of Saturn is about 288
degrees Fahrenheit. The gravity on Saturn is
%91 the gravity on Earth. Saturn has 62 moons
discovered so far.
Uranus is the 7th planet from the Sun and is a
outer planet. The distance from the Sun to
Uranus is 1.79 billion miles. Uranus makes a full
rotation in 17 hours 14 minutes 24 seconds. It
takes 84 years to make a full revolution around
the Sun. The diameter of Uranus is 31,518 miles.
The gravity on Uranus is %89 the gravity on
Earth. The temperature on Uranus is the coldest
in the solar system and has 27 known moons.
Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun and it is an
outer planet. Neptune orbits the Sun at a distance of
30.1 AU. Temperatures at the planet's center are
approximately 5,400 K (5,000 °C). Neptune revolves
around the sun once every 165 years. Neptune makes a
full rotation in 16 hours. The diameter of Neptune is
30,599 miles. The temperature on Neptune is -218
degrees Celsius. Neptune’s gravity is %14 stronger than
Earth’s. Neptune has 13 moons. Neptune has the most
violent weather in our Solar System. It has a giant
storm on it.
Asteroids are minor planets, especially those of the
inner Solar System. The larger ones have also been
called planetoids. These terms have historically been
applied to any astronomical object orbiting the Sun
that did not show the disk of a planet and was not
observed to have the characteristics of an active
comet, but as minor planets in the outer Solar
System were discovered, their volatile-based
surfaces were found to more closely resemble
comets and so were often distinguished from
traditional asteroids.
A comet is an icy small Solar System
body that, when passing close to the
Sun, heats up and begins to outgas,
displaying a visible atmosphere or
coma, and sometimes also a tail. These
phenomena are due to the effects of
solar radiation and the solar wind
upon the nucleus of the comet.