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Astronomy 1010-H
Planetary Astronomy
Course Announcements
How is the sunset/sunrise observing going?
Dark Sky nights – Mon. 10/5 & Wed. 10/7 starting at
7:30pm – at the Observatory.
Total lunar eclipse: Sun.-Mon. 9/27-28
Weather dependent, if clear, we’ll be setup at the
observatory about sunset.
Here’s the important information
I will collect the L-T workbooks on Friday.
Make sure your name is in it.
Kepler’s First Law: The orbit of a planet about
the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.
Kepler’s Second Law: A line joining a planet and
the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals
of time.
Lecture – Tutorial
Kepler’s 2 Law: pg 21
 Work with a partner!
 Read the instructions and questions carefully.
 Discuss the concepts and your answers with one
 Come to a consensus answer you both agree on.
 If you get stuck or are not sure of your answer, ask
another group.
 If you get really stuck or don’t understand what the
Lecture Tutorial is asking, ask one of us for help.
According to Kepler’s second law, a
planet with an orbit like Earth’s would:
A. move faster when further from the Sun.
B. move slower when closer to the Sun.
C. experience a dramatic change in orbital speed
from month to month.
D. experience very little change in orbital speed
over the course of the year.
E. none of the above.
Kepler’s second law says “a line joining a planet
and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
amounts of time.” Which of the following
statements means nearly the same thing?
A. Planets move fastest when they are moving toward the
B. Planets move equal distances throughout their orbit of
the Sun.
C. Planets move slowest when they are moving away from
the Sun.
D. Planets travel farther in a given time when they are
closer to the Sun.
E. Planets move the same speed at all points during their
orbit of the Sun.
 The size of the orbit determines the orbital period
 planets that orbit near the Sun orbit with shorter periods than
planets that are far from the Sun
p = ~ 12 years
p = 1 year
The size of the orbit determines the orbital period
planets that orbit near the Sun orbit with shorter periods
than planets that are far from the Sun
Both have p = 1 year
 The size of the orbit determines the
orbital period
 planets that orbit near the Sun orbit with shorter
periods than planets that are far from the Sun
 Kepler’s third law in its simplest form utilizes
nonstandard units—the periods are in years,
while the distances are in AU.
 The relationship does not change if standard
units are used.
 The equation is just more complicated.
 Consequences:
• Distant planets take
longer to orbit the
• Distant planets travel
at slower speeds.