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Solar System Physics
Astronomy 311
Professor Lee Carkner
Lecture 6
Quiz #1 is next Monday (Sept 25)
Short answer and multiple choice
Covers lectures 1-8 (through “Origin of the
Solar System”)
Physics and the Solar System
There are many physical effects that are
important in shaping the solar system
We will concentrate on three:
Newton’s Law of Universal
Gravity -- a force that all objects exert
on each other proportional to their mass
and inversely proportional to the
distance squared
Inverse square law
Using The Gravity Equation
If mass is in kilograms and distance is
in meters:
One newton is the force the Earth
exerts on a ¼ pound object on its
Gravitational Interaction
Gravity holds the planets and moons in
Gravity can change orbits
All orbits have little perturbations
caused by the other planets’ gravity
Gravity also can cause tidal effects
When gravity pulls more strongly on one part
of an object than on another the result is a tidal
Example: Tides on the Earth
Tries to stretch the Earth into a football shape
High and Low Tide
Types of Tides
High tides and low tides happen twice a
Sun also produces tides
Sun’s tidal force about 1/2 that of the Moon
Spring Tide --
Neap Tide --
Spring and Neap Tides
Synchronous Rotation
Why do we always see the same side of
the moon?
The Earth’s gravity distorts the Moon,
slowing its rotation
Evaluating a Theory
Use the scientific method in detail
Use scientific reasoning
Rely on others who use the scientific
Should We Believe Scientists?
Carkner’s Law:
Bottom line,
If you can’t evaluate yourself, be skeptical
but look for consensus among scientists
Magnetic Fields
The Sun and many planets produce a
magnetic field
A magnetic field exerts a force on charged
Can manifest itself as:
Magnetic Field Generation
Magnetic fields are generated by the dynamo
Moving charges produce magnetic fields
Generating a magnetic field requires a liquid
Magnetic fields are dipolar
Earth’s Magnetic Field
Solar Wind
The Sun’s magnetic field heats up its
outer layers which produces a stream of
fast moving ionized particles
Constant stream of ions flowing
through solar system
A planets magnetic field interacts with
the solar wind to produce a
Particles from wind get trapped in
magnetic field
Size of magnetosphere changes as solar wind
ebbs and flows
The Earth’s Magnetosphere
Charged Particle Belts
All planets with magnetic field have particle
The interaction of the particles and the
magnetic fields produce currents
The moving particles collide with molecules
in the atmosphere exciting them and
producing light
Gravity, impacts and magnetic fields are
responsible for a wide range of solar
system phenomena
All solar system bodies effect each other
gravitationally, but the effect is often small
Strong gravitational fields produce tides
Differential gravity creates bulges on opposite
sides of a planet
Magnetic fields
liquid interior allows moving charges to generate
field via dynamo
magnetosphere deflects solar wind (deflection)
magnetosphere traps charged particles (pressure)
magnetosphere creates currents (induction)