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Week 1
The first 2 weeks of CS121 covers Chapter 7 - Inheritance
• Define inheritance and discuss its importance.
• Use the terms subclass, child class, derived class and parent
• Explain the IS_A relationship between a child & parent class.
• Write a Java class that is derived from another class.
• Use the super reference.
• Use the protected modifier.
Week 2
We continue with inheritance.
• Distinguish inherited members from other members.
• Use the super reference in different contexts.
Draw class diagrams to show parent-child relationships
Explain how child class members can override inherited members.
Access non-inherited members indirectly.
Discuss the principles of creating a class hierarchy.
Use polymorphism through inheritance.
Explain how polymorphic references function.
Define multiple inheritance.
Use polymorphism through an interface implementation.
Week 3
We finish with inheritance and start exceptions
• Define variable shadowing.
Exceptions (Chapter 8 – Section 8.1)
• Explain Java’s approach to handling unusual/erroneous situations.
• Explain the relationship of try statements and catch clauses.
• Use a try statement with multiple catch clauses.
• Define the term throws and use throws.
• Explain how exceptions are propagated.
• Use the finally clause.
Week 4
We continue with exceptions and start I/O Streams
• Discuss the Exception class hierarchy.
• Define and use a custom exception class.
Java I/O (Chapter 8 – Section 8.2)
• Discuss the concept of I/O Streams and Java’s associated classes.
• Describe the categories of I/O streams and Java’s standard I/O streams.
• Explain the key differences between binary files and text files.
• Use I/O Streams to read from and write to text files and binary files.
• Discuss the implementation of the Keyboard class.
• Define object serialization and the transient modifier.