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eclipse Tips
What is eclipse?
• Eclipse is a popular IDE (Integrated Development
Environment) that we will use to create, compile,
execute, and test our Java code.
• It has many advanced features that make it an ideal
tool not only for the academic setting but also for
the corporate world.
• We will be using only a small subset of its
capabilities. To learn more about eclipse, visit their
website at, or take advantage of
its extensive help features.
Installing eclipse
• Note: You can skip this step on the school
computer, since Java and eclipse are already
installed on it
• Prerequisite for eclipse: Download the Java
Development Kit (JDK) if you don’t already
have it
– Select JDK 6 Update 21 (listed under Java
Platform, Standard Edition). Click on “Download
JDK” button.
Installing eclipse
• Download eclipse (or copy it from the school’s S:
drive). Pick one of the 2 options below:
– To download:
• Select Eclipse Classic 3.6.0 (there is an option for “Windows” to
the right of this option – select it if you have Windows)
– Or you can copy eclipse from the school’s shared drive:
• Copy folder S:\StudentShare\AP Computer Science\Eclipse to
your flash drive
• Copy the entire folder to your home PC
Jar files
• Jar files are libraries that store compiled code
that you can use in your own programs.
• At school, copy the jar files to your H: drive. One
recommendation is to create a folder named
H:\JarFiles and copy any needed jar files to this
• Note: The KarelJRobot.jar file is located on my
website. You can download it from my Daily
Lesson Plan page. You can copy this file to
H:\JarFiles for later use in programs.
• workspace
– Projects
• Packages
– Classes
• A workspace is used to store all of your Java
• At school, create a workspace on your H:
drive. Do this by creating a new folder
named H:\workspace .
• To begin with, there should be no files in this
Launching eclipse
• To launch eclipse, select Start > Programs >
Student Applications > eclipse
• When you first open eclipse, it may ask you
to select the workspace. While at school,
select H:\workspace.
• If a Welcome screen appears, you can either
browse through some of the topics or close it
to get to the main eclipse windows.
• workspace
– Projects
• Packages
– Classes
• A Java project contains source code and related files
for building a Java program. The Java project is a
folder underneath the workspace folder.
• To create a new Java Project:
– Select File > New > Java Project
– Enter the name of the project
– All radio buttons should be on their top option
– Remember to include the External jar file (listed under the Libraries
tab > Add External JARs). Note: While at school, the jar file should
be located on your H: drive
– Press “Finish”.
• workspace
– Projects
• Packages
– Classes
• A Java package is used to organize related
Java classes. It is a folder underneath the
Java project folder.
• To create a new Java Package:
– Single click on the project
– Select File > New > Package
– Enter the package name.
– Press “Finish”.
• workspace
– Projects
• Packages
– Classes
• A Java class is the programming code. The
source code has an extension of .java and is
located in the package folder. It is a text
file and can be edited with any text editor.
• To create a new Java class:
– Single click on the package
– Select File > New > Class
– Enter the class name.
– Press “Finish”.
• workspace
– Projects
• Packages
Running a class
– Classes
• A class can always be saved, even if there are
errors. To do this, press the Save button.
• Saving the class will automatically try to compile it.
If it is free from errors, it will be compiled
successfully and a file with the extension .class will
be created in thhe package folder.
• To run a new Java class:
– Note: The class must have a main method to be run.
– Make the class the active class: Double click on it in the
Package explorer to make it active in the window.
– Select Run > Run as > Java application
• workspace
– Projects
• Packages
– Classes
• It is good practice to indent code so that a human
can more easily read it. The methods within a class
should be indented as well as the statements within
a method.
• Eclipse can help you with indentation:
– Show your class in the active window.
– Optionally, select the lines of code to be indented.
Otherwise, the entire class will be corrected.
– Select Source > Correct Indentation
– The end result is that your code should be indented
Copying Classes between
School and Home
• Since there are times when you will want to continue your work at
home, you will need to be able to transfer your code back and forth.
This is where your flash drive becomes handy.
• To reduce confusion, keep the folder structure on your flash drive the
same as the folder structure on H:\workspace.
• Use file manager to locate the Java source file (that has extension
.java) within the package folder.
• Copy only the .java files (not the .class files) to your flash drive
• You can then copy these files to your package folder on your
destination computer.
• Note: After you launch eclipse, it is important to refresh the
project and package. Otherwise, the new code may not be seen
within eclipse:
Single click on the project and select File > Refresh (or press F5).
Single click on the package and select File > Refresh (or press F5).