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Advanced Java Programming
CSE 7345/5345/ NTU 531
Session 4
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
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Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
What value is printed out at line 6?
// Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil, Simon Roberts
class Checking{
public static void main(String args[]) {
Holder h = new Holder();
h.held = 100;
class Holder{
public int held;
public void bump(Holder theHolder) {
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Input/output selection
• Introducing Java's Control Statements
• The if Statement
• The if statement is one of Java's selection
statements (sometimes called conditional
• Its operation is government by one of the
outcome of a conditional test that evaluates to
either true or false.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• if (10 > 9)
// Input/output selection
public class IfDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
if (args.length == 0)
System.out.println("You must have
command line argument");
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• Remember, a number is not a boolean.
Therefore, it is not valid to have an if
statement such as the following:
if (count + 1)
System.out.println("Not Zero");
Such a line generates a compiler error.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
If-else statement
public class IfDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
if (args.length = = 0)
System.out.println("You must have
command line argument");
System.out.prinltn(“not good”);
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
The for statement
• The for loop is one of Java's three loop
• It allows one or more statements to be repeated
and is considered by many Java programmers to be
its most flexible loop.
• The for loop is used to repeat a statement or
block of statements a specified number of times.
Its general form for repeating a single statement
is as followed:
for(initialization; test; increment) statement;
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• public class ForLoop
public static void main(String[] args)
for (int num = 1; num < 11; num = num + 1)
System.out.print(num + " ");
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
The Increment operators
• public class ForLoopIncr
public static void main(String[] args)
for (int num = 1; num < 11; num ++)
System.out.print(num + " ");
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
The decrement operators
public class ForLoopDecr
public static void main(String[] args)
for (int num = 1; num >= 11; num --)
System.out.print(num + " ");
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
What value is printed out at line 6?
// Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil, Simon Roberts
class DecMe{
public static void main(String args[]) {
double d = 12.3;
Decrementer dec = new Decrementer();
8. }
10. class Decrementer{
public void decrement(double decMe){
decMe = decMe -1.0;
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• Chapter 6 con’t
– Objects and classes
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
In this chapter
• Object-Oriented Programming
Introducing classes and objects
Class methods
Input and output methods
Objects and garbage collection
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Object and classes
• Overloading Method Names
• Overloading is the reuse of a method name in the
one class or subclass for a different method.
• Overloading methods are effectively independent,
and there are no constraints on the accessibility,
return type, or exceptions that may be thrown.
Changing parameter names is not sufficient to
count as overloading.
• public void oMethod(String s){ }
• public void oMethod() { }
• public void oMethod(int i, String s) { }
• public void oMethod(String s, int i) { }
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Consider this code
public class ConsideringIt{
public float oMethod(float a, float b){
Which of the following methods would be legal if added
(individually) at line 4?
a. public int oMethod(int a, int b) { }
b. public float oMethod(float a, float b) { }
c. public float oMethod(float a, float b, int c )
throws Exception { }
d. public float oMethod(float c, float d) { }
e. private float oMethod(int a, int b, int c) { }
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• The keyword class indicates that a class
names clsName is being declared.
• This name must follow the Java naming
conventions for identifiers.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Class (con’t)
• Constructors always have the same name
as the class. They do not have return
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Declaring classes
• A class begins with the class keyword
followed by braces that delimit the
class’s content:
– class AnyClass
• ……….
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Declaring classes
• Most classes have one or more methods,
such as main(), which is found in all standalone Java applications.
– Class AnyClass
– {
• public static void main(String[] args)
• {
– //statements inside main( )
• }
– }
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Declaring classes
• You can also create other methods and call them from main()
and from other places.
class AnyClass
public static void main(String args[])
// Call HiThere( ) method
public static void HiThere()
System.out.println("Hi There!");
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Class Name
• Class names are usually capitalized.
• Variables and methods begin with
lowercase letters.
• These conventions are not
requirements, but help make program
clearer to read and understand.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Class Bag
class Bag
boolean flag;
int i, j =2, k = 3, l, m;
double array[] = { -3.4, 8.8e100, 09.2e-100};
String s1, s2 = new String(“Hello”);
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Class Bag
class BagTest
public static void main(String[] args)
Bag bag = new Bag();
for(int i =0; i < bag.array.length; i++)
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Object-oriented key concepts:
• In Java, object-oriented programming
revolves around a few concepts:
• classes
• objects
• data members
• methods
• and inheritance
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Questions to consider….
What are those terms mean:
data members,
and inheritance.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Consider this code
class HasStatic
private static int x =100;
public static void main(String args[])
HasStatic has1 = new HasStatic();
HasStatic has2 = new HasStatic();
has1 = new HasStatic();
System.out.println("x = " + x);
Which one statement is true about this code?
a. Line 8 will not compile, it is static reference to a private variable
b. line 13 will not compile, because it is a static reference to a
private variable
c. The program compiles, and the output is x = 102.
d. The program compiles, and the output is x = 103.
e. The program compiles, and the output is x = 104.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Creating an object
• To create a object, you call a class’s
constructor, which is a method with
the same name as the class itself.
• This constructor creates a new
object of the class.
• You call an instance of a class an
• An object is a variable.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Creating an object
• An object occupies space in memory,
and it must be initialized.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
The new Operator
• Up to this point, you have been
creating objects indirectly, such as
through the use of some Java’s static
• It is now time to learn how to create
an object directly.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• Objects are created using the new
• Or, put differently, the new operator
creates an instance of a class.
• It is invoked as follows:
– clsName ObjRef = new clsName(args);
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Creating objects
• clsName is the name of the class to be
• Instantiated means to create an instance
of that class.
• A reference to the new object is assigned
to a variable name objRef.
• Notice the expression immediately to the
right of the keyword new.
– clsName ObjRef = new clsName(args);
• This is known as a constructor.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• A constructor creates an instance of a class.
It has the same name as the class and may
optionally have an argument list args.
• The next slide illustrates the relationship between
objects and object reference variables.
• In the diagram, the variable named varA refers to
one object.
• Variables named varB and varC both refer to a
second object.
• The third object is referred to by the variable
named varD.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Objects and object references
Here, i is a simple int value and s is a String object. Notice that the
second form of the constructor can throw an exception if the
constructor argument is not correctly formatted.
The first form of the constructor cannot throw an exception
because any int can be used to create an Integer object.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• A key point to understand is that the
variable is distinct from the object.
• In effect, a variable that serves as an
object reference has an implicit pointer to
the object.
• However, a Java programmer cannot
directly access the pointer.
• Also note that multiple variables may refer
to the same object.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
The symbol null
• The symbol null has a special meaning
in Java.
• It represents the value of an object
reference variable when that variable
does not reference any object.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Again Classes and Objects
• Classes and objects form the building
blocks of any Java program.
Therefore, a basic understanding of
them is necessary.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Constructor Modifiers
These are three modifiers that may precede the
declaration of a constructor.
These are summarized in the following table:
Can be invoked only by code in
the same class
Can be invoked only by code
in a subclass or the same package
Can be invoked by any other class
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Constructor Modifiers
• These modifiers are mutually
• If none is specified
• The default is that only code in the
same package may access that
• constructor.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
class Person
// declare variable;
String name;
int age;
public Person(String name, int age)
{ = name;
= age;
private Person()
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
class PrivateConstructor
public static void main(String[] agrs)
// Public constructor may be invoked
Person p1 = new Person(“John”, 30);
//Private constructor may not be invoked
//Person p2 = new Person();
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Method Modifiers
• There are eight possible modifiers
that may precede the declaration
of a method.
• These are summarized in the
following table:
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Method Modifiers
Is not implement by this class
May not be overridden
The method is implemented in
the machine Code used by the
host CPU, not using Java
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Method Modifiers
Can be invoked only by code in the
same class
Can be invoked only by code in a
subclass. Or the same package
Can be invoked by any other class
Is not an instance variable
Acquires a lock when it begins
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
If a class contains an abstract method, that class itself must
also be declared abstract. Otherwise, the Java compiler
issues an error message.
The public, protected, and private modifiers are mutually
The synchronized modifier is very important in multithreaded
The native modifier is beyond the scope of programming.
If none of these modifiers are specified, the method is
assumed to be a non-abstract, non-final, non-native, nonsynchronized method. It may be accessed only by code in the
same package.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• The class JetPlane declares one abstract method named
• Therefore, the class itself must also be declared
• There are two concrete subclasses named DC8 and DC10.
Each of these provided a different implementation of
numEngines() method.
• The main() method instantiates each of these classes and
invoke its numEngines method.
• This is an excellent example of run-time polymorphism.
• Each subclass provides a different form of the method.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
abstract class JetPlane
abstract int numEngines();
class DC8 extends JetPlane
int numEngines()
return 4;
class DC10 extends JetPlane
int numEngines()
return 3;
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Example cont
class JetPlanes
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(new DC8().numEngines());
System.out.println(new DC10().numEngines());
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Chapter 7
The StringBuffer Class
• There is no way to change the
character sequence encapsulated by
String object after it is created.
• The StringBuffer class also
encapsulates a sequence of
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Its constructor has the following
• /* This form of the constructor initializes the buffer size
to 16 character*/
StringBuffer( )
• /*This form explicitly sets the buffer capacity to size
StringBuffer(int size)
• /*This form initializes the buffer with the contents of s and
also reserves another 16 characters for expansion*/
StringBuffer String s
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Create StringBuffer objects
• This example creates StringBuffer
objects by using the three form of
constructors and displays their
current capacity and sizes.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
public class StringBufferExample
public static void main(String[] args)
StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer( );
StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer(30 );
StringBuffer sb3 = new StringBuffer("abcde" );
System.out.println("sb1.capacity = " +
sb1.capacity( ));
System.out.println("sb2.capacity = " + sb2.capacity( ));
System.out.println("sb3.capacity = " + sb3.capacity( ));
System.out.println("sb3.length = "
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
sb3.length( ));
Read / Work With (Course Links)
Liang, Nutshell Chapter 7-9
Life Cycle of Applets
List Of Basic Tags
Try It Editor
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Creating Strings
//Creating a String object:
public class StringObject
public static void main(String[] args)
String s1 = "Hello from Java";
String s2;
String s3 = new String();
s2 = "Hello from s2 Java";
//s3 = new String();
s3 = "Hello from s3 Java!";
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• 1. Can you change a String object at
runtime? Why?Why not?
• 2. What is the default constructor of
a String class?
• 3. Is a class an object?
• 4. What are the Java’s String class
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• String: use this one for fixed length
strings that will not change at runtime. A String object is immutable.
• StringBuffer: use this class for
variable-length strings that might
change at runtime. A StringBuffer
object is mutable.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Getting String Length
public class StringLength
public static void main(String[] args)
String s1 = "Hello from Java!";
System.out.println("\"" + s1 + "\"" + "is " +
s1.length() + " characters long.");
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Concatenating strings means joining them together.
// Concatenating strings means joining them together.
public class Concatenating
public static void main(String[] args)
String s1 = "Hello!";
String s2 = s1 + "from";
String s3 = s2 + "Java";
String s4 = s1.concat("from");
String s5 = s4.concat(" Java!");
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Getting Characters and Substring
public class GettingChar
public static void main(String[] args)
String s1 = "Hello from Java!";
char c1 = s1.charAt(0);
System.out.println("The first character of
\"" +
s1 + "\" is " + c1);
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Converting a String
object into a char array
//Using toCharArray and getChars
public class GettingCharArray
public static void main(String[] args)
String s1 = "Hello from Java!";
char c1 = s1.charAt(0);
System.out.println("The first character of \"" + s1 +
"\" is " + c1);
char chars1[] = s1.toCharArray();
System.out.println("The second character of \"" +
s1 + "\" is " + chars1[1]);
char chars2[] = new char[5];
s1.getChars(0, 5, chars2, 0);
System.out.println("The first five character of \"" +
s1 + "\" are " + new String(chars2));
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Searching for and replacing Strings
// Using indexOf, lastIndexOf
public class IndexOf
public static void main(String[] args)
String s1 = "I have drawn a nice drawing!";
System.out.println("The first position of draw is " +
System.out.println("The last position of draw is at
location " +
String s2 = "Edna, you're hired!";
System.out.println(s2.replace('h', 'f'));
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Changing Case in Strings
//Using toLowerCase, toUpperCase
public class LowerUpperCase
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Hello from Java!".toLowerCase());
System.out.println("Hello from
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Formatting Numbers in Strings
import java.text.*;
public class Formatting
public static void main(String[] args)
double value = 1.23456789;
NumberFormat nf =
String s = nf.format(value);
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
The String class
The String class provides several good examples of instance
You may declare a variable of type String and initialize it with
a string.
– String s = “Enter an integer value: “;
After this statement executes, s contains the string “Enter an
integer value:.”.
You can use it anywhere.
(see Table 2-2)
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Class First10Chars
public static void main(String args[])
String s = “One Two Three Four Five Six Seven”;
String substring = s. substring(0, 10);
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• One Two Th
• It s=displays the substring formed by
the first 10 characters of string
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Integer Class
• Integer is one of the commonly used
classes in the Java class libraries.
• An integer object encapsulates a simple int
• In other words,
• Integer is a wrapper class for int.
• Integer is an excellent example of a class
that provides both static and instance
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
The Integer MAX_VALUE
• The Integer class defined
two of its static variables.
• These contain the maximum and
minimum values that can be
accommodate by the 32 bits of a
simple int type. (See table 2-3, 2-4)
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Table 2-3, 2-4
• Table 2-3 summarizes some of the most
commonly used static methods of this
• Notice that some of these methods can
generate an exception if their string
argument is not correctly formatted.
• Table 2-4 summarizes some of the most
commonly used instance methods of this
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
The following program illustrates how some of the Integer static
and instance methods can be used.
public class StringToInt
public static void main(String[] args)
//Declare variables
String s = “125”;
Integer obj = Integer.valueOf(s);
int i = obj.intValue();
i += 10;
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Explain please….
• The main() method begins by assigning a
string literal to variable s.
• The static method valueOf() accepts this
String object as an argument.
• It creates a new Integer object that
encapsulates the value represented by s
and returns this object.
• This object is assigned to the variable obj.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Keep explaining…
• The instance method named intValue()
is then used to obtain a simple int
equivalent to the value encapsulated
by obj.
• The value returned by this method is
assigned to the variable i.
• The variable i is incremented by 10
and displayed by println().
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• The output is 135
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Chapt 8 con’t Inheritance
• Inheritance and variables
• The class inherits the state and behavior
defined by all of its superclasses.
• State is determined by variables;
• Behavior is determined by methods.
• Therefore, an object has one copy of every
instance variable defined not only by its
class but also by every superclass of its
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Inheritance and Variables
• A static or instance variable in a
subclass may have the same name as a
superclass variable.
• In that case, the variable hides the
superclass variable.
• These two variables may have the
same type or different types.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Inheritance and variables
• The following application demonstrates a
class inheritance hierarchy.
• Class W extends Object and has one
instance variable of type float.
• Class X extends W and has one instance
variable of type StringBuffer.
• Class Y extends X and has one instance
variable of type String.
• Class Z extends Y and has one instance
variable of type Integer.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Inheritance and Variable con’t
• An object of class Z has the instance
variables that are defined in all of
the superclasses.
• The main() method instantiates class
Z with the new operator, initializes
the instance variables, and displays
their values.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Example: Inheritance and variables
Class W
float f;
class X extends W
StringBuffer sb;
class Y extends X
String s;
class Z extends Y
Integer i;
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Example: Inheritance and Variables
Class Wxyz
public static void main(String[] args)
Z z = new Z();
z.f = 4.567f; = new StringBuffer(“abcde”);
z.s = “ Learning this Inheritance Stuff”;
z.i = new Integer(41);
System.out.println(“z.f = “ + z.f);
System.out.println(“ = “ +;
System.out.println(“z.s = “ + z.s);
System.out.println(“z.i = “ + z.i);
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
The following application illustrates
how the final keyword can be used in a class modifier.
This program does no compile because
the declaration of V2 attempts to extend V1,
which is declared as a final class
Final cannot be extended.
classes are sometimes declared in this manner so
the methods implemented by that class cannot be
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
final con’t
• One of the common uses of final is
to create named constants.
• For example, the following
application illustrates this use of
• It creates a variable x whose value
cannot be changed.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
final con’t
• One of the common uses of final is
to create named constants.
• For example, the following
application illustrates this use of
• It creates a variable x whose value
cannot be changed.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Example: Final
final class V1
class V2 extends V1
class FinalClass
public static void main(String args[])
V1 obj = new V1();
//Will not compile because cannot inherit from final V1
//class V2 extends V1
// cannot inherit from final V1
//class V2 extends V1 because final cannot be extended
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Example: final
class L
static final int x = 5;
class FinalVariable
public static void main(String[] args)
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Constructor Modifiers
These are three modifiers that may precede the declaration of
A constructor.
These are summarized in the following table:
Can be invoked only by code in the same
Can be invoked only by code in a subclass
Or the same package
Can be invoked by any other class
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
• The class JetPlane declares one abstract method named
• Therefore, the class itself must also be declared
• There are two concrete subclasses named DC8 and DC10.
Each of these provided a different implementation of
numEngines() method.
• The main() method instantiates each of these classes and
invoke its numEngines method.
• This is an excellent example of run-time polymorphism.
• Each subclass provides a different form of the method.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
abstract class JetPlane
abstract int numEngines();
class DC8 extends JetPlane
int numEngines()
return 4;
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Example cont
class DC10 extends JetPlane
int numEngines()
return 3;
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Example cont
class JetPlanes
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(new DC8().numEngines());
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Chapt 9 Applets
• How applets and Applications Are
• Java applications are standalone Java
programs that can be run by using
just the Java interpreter.
• Java applets, however, are from
inside a WWW browser.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Creating applets
• To create an applet, you create a
subclass of the class Applet.
• The applet class, part of the
java.applet package provides much of
the behavior your applet needs to
work inside a java-enabled browser.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Creating applets con’t
• Applets also take strong advantage of
Java’s Abstract Windowing Toolkit and
applications: drawing to the screen:
creating windows, menu bars, buttons,
check boxes, and other UI elements; and
managing user input such as mouse clicks
and keypresses.
• The AWT classes are part of the
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Major applet activities
• To create a basic Java application, your
class has to have one method, main()
method, with a specific signature.
• Then, when your application runs, main() is
found and executed, and from main() you
can set up the behavior that your program
needs to run.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
Creating applets con’t
• Applets are similar but more complicated - and in
facts, applets don’t need a main() method at all.
• Applets have many different activities that
correspond to various major events in the life
cycle of the applet.
For example, initialization, painting, and mouse
Each activities has a corresponding method, so
when an event occurs, the browser or other Javaenabled tool calls those specific methods.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
5 important Applets methods
Initialization- occurs when the applet is first loaded
reloaded, similar to the main() method.
public void init(){... }
Starting- start the applet (can happen many
different times during an applet’s lifetime.
public void start(){... }
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
5 important Applets methods
• Painting- is the way the applet
actually draws something on the
screen, be it text, a line, a colored
background, or an image.
– public void paint(Graphics g){…..}
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
5 important applets methods
Stopping- goes hand in hand with starting. Stopping
occurs when the reader leaves the page
contains a currently running
applet, or you can
stop the applet yourself by
calling stop().
public void stop(){….}
• Destroying- enables the applet to clean up after
itself just before it is freed or the browser exits.
– public void destroy(){…. }
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil
The keyword “super”
• It is possible to access a hidden
variable by using the super keyword,
as follows:
Here, varName is the name of the
variable in the superclass.
This syntax may be use to read or
write the hidden variable.
Liang, Oreilly, Herbert Schildt, Joseph O’Neil