* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Turbo-Charging Advance Web Response with Forward Caching Presented by: Presenter Tom Jamate, University of Massachusetts April 10, 2013 Session ID 2524 Session ID 2524 1 Introduction • The challenge with any web-based application is delivering content to the user in a timely manner. • Long-running SQL and repeated server-client round trips can seriously degrade response time and lead to user frustration as they wait for page loads. • Having application content pre-loaded on the web server dramatically increases response time. This can include reports, web pages, charts and graphics • This presentation will demonstrate the technical details with some examples of setting up forward caching on an Advance Web server using the Java runtime environment. Session ID 2524 2 The Problem • We exist in a competitive IT environment. Users expect to have information at their fingertips. • Large scales web applications, such as Google, Gmail, Facebook and Twitter feed this expectation of instant information. • Using SQL to generated content, with db server round trips can be expensive time-wise. Session ID 2524 3 Current approaches • Hardware engineering: hard drives and video systems make heavy use of buffering. Local Cache Local Cache Local Cache Content Originator Local Cache Local Cache Local Cache • Internet Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) move content closer to users. Session ID 2524 4 One approach • This presentation will show you how to setup a batchdriven forward cache on an Advance Web server using commonly available tools: • Java/JDBC • Window job scheduler • Oracle pl/sql • Javascript • jQuery • ASP/VB.Net • A few moving parts, but not a lot of code, a page or two per stage. Session ID 2524 5 Gift summary forward cache example • A Gift summary report, or JSON data for a web chart (or any content), would take too long to pull ‘live’ to a web page. The data to generate the gift summary is located on a database table. We can batch load the report data to the web server once a night: Session ID 2524 6 Process overview Generate and Deliver Session ID 2524 7 Generate local cache. 1. Web Server AW / IIS 2. Batch job runs Overnight (Java/jdbc program pull from db) 3. Oracle HTML wrapper SP calls report SP. Refcursor output wrapped in HTML snippet. 4. File saved to local web server. Session ID 2524 8 Cache delivery 1. User’s web browser web server 2. HTML Cache ‘retriever’ process AW Web form Custom ASP.Net to handle request Gift Campaign Summary Javascript jQuery / Ajax loads snippet into HTML <div> tag. 3. Local file System HTML/JSON snippet directory. Database Server Session ID 2524 9 Generate cache details Setting up web server batch pull, java jdbc utility programs, Oracle store procedure. Session ID 2524 10 Generate local cache details. 1. Web Server AW / IIS 2. Batch job runs Overnight (Java/jdbc program pull from db) 3. Oracle HTML wrapper SP calls report SP. Refcursor output wrapped in HTML snippet. 4. File saved to local web server. Session ID 2524 11 1. Schedule job (web server) The Windows scheduling tool is located under: ..Accessories/System Tools/Scheduled Tasks The batch job runs a java program on the web server. Session ID 2524 12 2. Web server pull (Java/jdbc connector) Most Oracle client-installs include the Java JRE and the jdbc library. Javac is the bytecode compiler used to turn your Java code into class files that Java can run. Jdbc is widely supported with many example available: DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver()); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection ( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@"+“ORA_SERVER:PORT:SID" ,user_provider[1],pass_provider[2] ); // Call Oracle SP CallableStatement cstmt3 = conn.prepareCall("begin advschema.cp_program_step_sp_htm(?); end;"); cstmt3.registerOutParameter (1, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.VARCHAR); cstmt3.execute(); String output2 = (String)cstmt3.getObject(1); // Write html snippet from string to local file. FileWriter fr = new FileWriter( fcache_dir + “foo_out.html"); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fr, true); pw.println(output2); // … Create as many request/cache files as needed. Session ID 2524 13 2. (Cont) Java/jdbc ( Refcursor example) Another Java / jdbc example, input parameters with refcursor output. CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall("begin advschema.cp_program_step_sp_htm(?,?); end;"); cstmt.setString(1, in_value_01); cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.CURSOR); cstmt.execute(); ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) cstmt.getObject(2); ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData(); int columnCount = rsm.getColumnCount(); while ({ System.out.println(“Cols Test: " + rs.getString(1) + ", " + rs.getString(2) ); for (int j=0;j< columnCount;j++){ output2 = rs.getObject(j+1) + output2; } } Session ID 2524 14 3. Database side: Stored Procedure (pl/sql ) type rec_out is record ( SCHOOL varchar2(50), … DATE_ADDED date ); rc rec_out; Generating HTML content on the database side is not ideal but does work well enough for this purpose. There is another approach we’ll get too. // Gift summary report SP. cp_program_step_report(rc1 => c_inter); loop fetch c_inter into rc; exit when c_inter%notfound; o_string := chr(10)||'<tr><td> '||rc.SCHOOL||'<td> '|| … '<td>'||TO_CHAR(round(rc.GOAL), '$999,999,999')|| o_string; end loop; close c_inter; o_out_string := chr(10)||'<TABLE width=100% border=0>' || o_string||chr(10)||'</table>'; Session ID 2524 15 4. Gift Summary snippet-file on local server. 1. 2. 3. Scheduler launches java batch program. Java program runs Gift Summary stored procedure html wrapper. Output saved to local file: <table width=60% border=0> <tr><th align=center colspan=4>Quarterly Step Progress <tr><th>School<th>Current Total<th>Goal<th> %Goal <tr><td >Behavioral Sciences<td align=right > $5,000,000<td align=right > $5,000,000<td align=right > 100% <tr><td >Librarary Science<td align=right > $1,000,000<td align=right > $5,000,000<td align=right > 20% <tr><td >Engineering<td align=right > $3,123,456<td align=right > $5,000,000<td align=right > 62% </table> Session ID 2524 16 Cache delivery details Deliver the local cached content when an Advance Web form is requested for display. Session ID 2524 17 Cache delivery details. 1. User’s web browser 2. HTML Cache ‘retriever’ process Small custom ASP.Net to handle request AW Web form loads Javascript jQuery / Ajax loads snippet into HTML <div> tag. URL Request 3. Local file System HTML snippet directory. Request is handled locally, no round trip to the database, appears to load instantly. Session ID 2524 18 1. AW form references JS jQuery/AJAX to populate <DIV> Advance Web HTML Form Control Maintenance: <script src="/ext/js/jquery.min.js" (not needed on current AW versions) type="text/javascript"></script> <div id="um_foo_v4"> </div> <!– Container to be updated. --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { //$ is jQuery’s access $('#um_foo_v4').load('um/test/um_fc.aspx?s=g_step_sum'); }); </script> Small VB.Net handler Session ID 2524 19 jQuery client-side Javascript library • jQuery is an open source library that greatly simplifies a number of otherwise onerous Javascript tasks, such as DOM (web page elements) manipulation and (browserindependent) AJAX calls. • jQuery with AJAX makes it relatively easy to update a single element on a web page from an external source or URL, without the need for a full page refresh. • jQuery is fast becoming a universal tool used on many websites. jQuery’s motto is: write less, do more. • Official website: Session ID 2524 20 2. Cache ‘retriever’ handler, IIS/ file Custom VB.Net cgi to handle jQuery load request (not vendor supported). aspx files execute from a IIS Web directory in response to a web URL request. Read cache-request parameter, write cache file to web response. ‘ File access init. Dim oFile as System.IO.File Dim oRead Dim LineIn = " " ‘ Read web get input. Dim s_cache_req = “-” s_cache_req = web_sanitize(Request.QueryString(“s”)) ‘ Read Cache file and write out to web response. ‘ Setup for as many as needed… if req_valid(s_cache_req) then oRead = oFile.OpenText( fcache_dir + s_cache_req ) While oRead.Peek <> -1 LineIn = oRead.ReadLine() Response.Write( LineIn + NL ) End While oRead.Close() end if ‘s_cache_req = g_step_sum Session ID 2524 21 2. Cache ‘retriever’ handler, IIS/ file (Cont.) From the VB.Net handler it’s possible to get access to the Advance Web user login context using the AdvanceWebPageInformation object. You can use it to test for access and authentication, not vendor supported: Protected Function GetAdvPInfo() As AdvanceWebPageInformation Dim _AdvPInfo = New AdvanceWebPageInformation With _AdvPInfo .InitCollections(Me.Controls, Me.Request.Form, Me.Request.QueryString, Me.Session, Me.Validators) .User = DirectCast(Session("AdvUser"), IAdvanceUser) .Request = Me.Request .Response = Me.Response .PageType = Page.GetType() .InstanceId = _instanceId End With Return _AdvPInfo End Function ‘ Simple access example, zz_user info: Response.Write("<BR><SMALL>You are: " + Me.GetAdvPInfo().User.Name) Response.Write(" UserGroup: " + Me.GetAdvPInfo().User.UserGroup) Response.Write(" .e-id: " + Cstr(Me.GetAdvPInfo().User.EntityID) + "</SMALL>") Session ID 2524 22 3. Locally cached file loads summary snippet into AW form: 1. 2. 3. AW form loads, javascript jQuery call requests cached content. Cache ‘retriever’ handler loads local file into <DIV> tags Cached snippet displays (almost instantly) inside web form. Session ID 2524 23 Further Refinements Use Javascript, DOM and JSON for the presentation layer. Session ID 2524 24 Further Refinement, using JS and JSON • Eliminate the Oracle HTML wrapper step. • Instead, the overnight batch process will write JSON formatted data to the cache file. • JSON is fed to the browser-side Javascript engine, using HTML5, DOM and CSS for display logic. Session ID 2524 25 JSON and client-side Javascript • JSON = Javascript Object Notation • Data interchange format, similar, yet lighter than XML. It has become the lingua franca for internet applications and web services. • There’s an astonishingly wide array of tools and libraries that use JSON to process and display web content, including the open source DataTables ( library. • The DataTables javascript library accepts JSON input from a URL to render an HTML table inside a page. Session ID 2524 26 JSON example, Gift summary data { "aaData": [ ["Architecture"," $3,002,122"," ["Behavioral Sci"," ["Engineering"," $3,123,456"," ["Librarary Sci"," ["Marketing"," $500,000"," $2,000,000"," $5,000,000"," $5,000,000"," $1,000,000"," $2,002,122"," $1,000,000"," 27 10%","01/01/2013"], 62%","01/01/2013"], $5,000,000"," ] } Session ID 2524 150%", "01/01/2013"], 20%","01/01/2013"], 200%","01/01/2013“ ] Generate JSON formatted local cache. 1. Web Server AW / IIS 2. Batch job runs Overnight (Java/jdbc program pull from db) 3. Oracle HTML wrapper SP calls report SP. Refcursor output wrapped in JSON snippet. 4. JSON File saved to local web server. Session ID 2524 28 Cache delivery using JSON 1. User’s web browser AW Web form 2. HTML Cache ‘retriever’ process Javascript jQuery / Ajax calls JSON file to Datatables JS function. Custom ASP.Net to handle request 3. Local file System JSON file format. Session ID 2524 29 Java/jdbc JSON output Web server overnight batch: Java / jdbc JSON generator: cstmt = conn.prepareCall ("begin advschem.cust_t,temp_cp_program_step_sp_js(?); end;"); cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.CURSOR); cstmt.execute(); rs = (ResultSet) cstmt.getObject(1); rsm = rs.getMetaData(); columnCount = rsm.getColumnCount(); output2 = "{ \"aaData\": [ "; // Loop through refcursor output while ({ output2 = output2 + "\n ["; for (int j=0;j< columnCount;j++){ output2 = output2 + "\"" + rs.getObject(j+1)+"\"," ; } output2 = output2 + " \"\" ]," ; } // Write to local file fr = new FileWriter(fcache_dir + “gsumm_js.json"); Session ID 2524 30 Setup AW form to pull JSON into JS AW form control, use Javascript and DataTables to create formatted table inside <DIV>. Session ID 2524 31 Setup AW form, JS DataTable function. <script language="JavaScript" src=“../js/jquery.dataTables.js"> </script> <script language="JavaScript" src=“../js/TableTools.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function() { var oTable = $('#example').dataTable( { " bJQueryUI": true, "bProcessing": true, "sPaginationType": "two_button", "sDom": '<"H"Tfr>t<"F"ip>', "sAjaxSource": '../..//um_fc.aspx?s=gsumm_js' } ); } ); </script> Session ID 2524 32 JSON example, loaded DataTable in AW. Session ID 2524 33 Summary • Problem: expectation of instant information. • Forward Cache, moving content closer to users, eliminates the need for a round trip to the database. • Overnight batch to the web server via Java using HTML snippet output. • Overnight batch to the web server using JSON and Javascript to render when requested. Session ID 2524 34 Questions? Answers? ? Session ID 2524 35 Thank You! Presenter Tom Jamate, UMass Amherst [email protected] Please complete the online session evaluation form Session ID 2524 . Session ID 2524 © 2013 Ellucian. All rights reserved. 36