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What does absolutism mean? What does
divine right mean?
 What was the Scientific Revolution? List two
scientific revolutionists and what they did.
 What was the Enlightenment? List three
Enlightenment thinkers and what they
They Call it a Revolution….
English (1689), US(1776), French (1789), Haitian (1791) and
Latin American (1808-1825) Revolution
Chapter 22,23
Ms. Altman
The Glorious Revolution
(in England)
James II new Monarch
 Cause: New King was a Catholic and viewed
as a threat by members of the Anglican Church.
 James has a son (male heir). Protestants are afraid his son
will want to spread Catholicism.
 William of Orange invades England to assume the throne.
James and his family flee to France, surrendering the throne
without a fight (chicken).
 Result: William of Orange and his wife Mary assume
leadership of England. They agree to increase power of the
legislature and accepted an English Bill of Rights.
Results from the Glorious
Known as the “Bloodless revolution”********
 dissolved old beliefs about the divine rights
of kings
 Est. Parliament as the ultimate power w/n the
British government
 Laid the foundation of England’s
constitutional monarchy (king or queen is
limited by laws)
A Bill of Rights is created
To make clear of the limits to royal power,
Parliament drafted a Bill of Rights in 1689.
This document listed many things the ruler
could not do.
No suspending of Parliaments laws
 No levying of taxes w/o grant from Parliament
 No interfering with freedom of speech
This creates a Constitutional Monarchy
American Revolution (fill in WKST)
1. Increasing population and
-A new sense of identity was growing
in the colonists mind
British Laws and Acts
-taxation without representation
Enlightenment Ideas
-Used enlightenment ideas to justify 1. Declaration of
independence. They asked for
same political rights as the people
2. Constitution
in Britain.
3. Bill of Rights
The French Revolution Causes
Peasants lost ½ their income to taxes. French
nobles were exempt from paying taxes.
Shortage in grain led to sharp increases in the
price of bread (poor peoples main food source)
King Louis XIV’s lavish lifestyle left a massive
public debt
Cost of helping the American’s win their
revolution worsened the economy.
Louis the XV was a weak and indecisive ruler
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
Calling the Estates General
By the Spring of 1789 the French
Government faced the imminent threat of
 Louis’ solution… Raise the taxes! He
suggests that the nobles pay taxes….
 The assembly (made up of Nobles) refused
his suggestion
 They called a meeting of all three estates to
vote on what to do.
France Vs. France (causes)
French society was divided between three estates
1) The Clergy (Catholic Bishops, priests, etc)
2) The Nobility (rich, land-owning aristocrats) which occupied
many of the nations positions of leadership and influence
3) Consisted of the more common classes and made up the
majority of the population. Included Peasants, Shopkeepers,
farmers and the Bourgeoisie (French middle class)
When voting each estate usually gets one vote. The first two estates vote the
same and “bully” the second estate into doing what they want them to do. The
third estate, sick of falling into this trap, demanded that all 3 estates meet
together and every delegate get a vote. When the king refused, the third estate
declared itself the true National Assembly and met nearby in an indoor tennis
Tennis Court Oath
The Third Estate met in the tennis court, in
defiance of King Louis’ XVI order to disperse.
Instead they took an oath that they would not
leave until that had drafted a constitution.
 The Tennis Court Oath marked the beginning
of the French Revolution.
 Soon after nobles and members of the
Clergy who favored reform joined the third
estate delegates
A Revolution begins
On July 14 1789, a mob
searching for gunpowder and
arms stormed the Bastille, a
Paris prison. The mob
overwhelmed the guard and
seized control of the building.
The attackers hacked several
of the guards to death and
then paraded around the
streets with the dead men’s
heads on a long pole.
Ever since July 14th is known
as Bastille Day, it is similar to
our 4th of July.
This attack claimed the
lives of about 100 people
‘The Terror’
Louis XVI gets tried for
He is found guilty and
Robespierre- leader of
the army that pushed
back Frances Foreign
Robespierre basically
become dictator of
The state executed as
many as 40,000
Frenchmen on the
Robespierre executed in
July, 1794
Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia were considered absolute rulers because
a. broke away from the Catholic Church
b. helped feudal lords build secure castles
c. instituted programs that provided more power to their parliaments
d. determined government policies without the consent of their people
One similarity of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment is that both
a. had the support of the Roman Catholic Church
b. placed great value on traditional beliefs
c. emphasized the value of observation and human reason
d. contributed to the end of feudalism
The writings of Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Locke were similar in that each supported the
principles of
a. a military dictatorship
b. an autocracy
c. a theocratic society
d. a democratic republic
Rise of Napoleon
Public discontent mounted as the interim
government failed to deal with inflation, food
shortages, and corruption.
 On November 9, 1799, an ambitious and
talented young general named Napoleon
Bonaparte over threw the government and
seized power.
 This overthrow is called a coup’d’etat which
is a military overthrow of the government.
Napoleon Bonaparte
oNapoleon quickly took command of the
new government. He held all the power
and made all the decisions.
oNapoleon’s popularity continued to rise
as he restored order, stimulated
prosperity and the economy.
oGrateful voters overwhelmingly
endorsed Napoleon’s rule, he
successfully used the democratic
process to destroy democracy.
Napoleonic codes
Legal experts consolidated hundreds of local law
codes into a uniform legal code, that is still the
basis of French law today.
The new code guaranteed many achievements of
the French Revolution, including equality before the
law, freedom of religion, the abolition of privilege,
and the protection of property rights.
Napoleon understood the importance of ending the
strained relationship between the French
Government and the Catholic Church.
How did such a little man have
so much power?
He censored the press and suppressed political opposition
He declared himself emperor on Dec. 2, 1804
By 1799 he had signed peace treaties with Britain, Austria and
Prussia. By 1802 Europe was at peace for the first time in 10 yrs.
He exercised authority over various independent states (Spain, Italy,
the Netherlands, Switzerland, and parts of Germany)
He also forced nations he defeated to join him in wars against Great
As Napoleon acquired more territory and influence, ideas
and principles of the French Revolution, such as equality,
nationalism (pride in ones country) and religious toleration,
spread to other countries
He dissolved what remained of the Holy Roman Empire
What would make this little man
1) He could never defeat the
British (think geographic
advantages of Great Britain)
 2) As the French Empire spread,
so did nationalism
 3) Despite his keen since to
military over-powerment, he
made some key mistakes
 Most notably to invade Russia
 Tired, cold and starving
Average Temp is 23
degrees. In winter -13
What happened to him
March of 1814- Napoleon was
exiled to the island of Elba
March 1815- Napoleon
escaped Elba and formed a
new army. In June Napoleon
was defeated at the Battle of
Now he is exiled to St.
Helena, a remote island in the
South Atlantic. Once a master
of Europe, Napoleon now
lived in lonely exile writing
memoirs, he died in 1821.
Latin American Revolution
Almost all of Latin America was
controlled by Spain
Latin America is composed of South
America and Middle/Central America
Cause: During this time these
countries began to feel discontent
towards Spain and Portugal.
Resented what they saw as unfair
economic policies.
Result: By 1810 Jose de San Martin
led forces that expelled the Spanish
from Argentina. Simon Bolivar
liberated Venezuela, Columbia and
Ecuador from Spanish rule.
Great Britain’s navy shielded the new
nation from further European invasion
Haitian Revolution
Haiti was a French colony
Cause: In 1791, black slaves in
Saint-Dominique rebelled against
their white masters after learning
of a revolution in Europe.
Toussaint L’Ouverture became
their leader, proclaimed himself
ruler, and then freed all the slaves.
Result: First Free Black Country