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European Nationalism to
the Revolutions of 1848
Nationalism: loyalty to one’s nation
Congress: an assembly/conference
Concert: mutual agreement
Conservatism: philosophy based on
tradition and social stability
Opinion Question to answer at the
end of the slide show
• Why weren’t the Congress of Vienna and
the Concert of Europe able to stop
revolutions over time?
• Write a paragraph explaining your idea.
Include an opinion topic sentence and
statements of fact that support your topic
The French aroused
nationalism in two
• They were hated
as oppressors
• French nationalism
showed other
countries what a
nation in arms
could do.
Congress of Vienna
• A series of international
meetings to secure peace
across Europe
• King Frederick William of
• Czar Alexander I of Russia
• Emperor Francis I of Austria
• foreign ministers of Britain
and France.
• Countries around France
were made stronger to
weaken France and
provide a balance of
power across Europe.
• A balance of military &
political power could keep
one country from
dominating Europe.
• The most
important leader
at the Congress of
conference was
Austria’s foreign
minister, Klemens
von Metternich.
Metternich wanted to:
• Restore the
Monarchy in France
and in Europe
• Restore the
Monarch’s hereditary
right to rule
• this would help bring
peace & stability
back to Europe.
Question – Why was creating a
balance of power in Europe
Answer – Creating a balance of
power in Europe was important
because it kept one country from
dominating Europe.
The three major accomplishments at the
Congress of Vienna were
1. France was weakened,
2. a balance of power was created
3. monarchs were restored to power.
Congress of Vienna
• the Congress of
Vienna was based on
the political
philosophy of
• based on tradition &
social stability.
Congress of Vienna
• Conservatives favored obedience to
traditional political authority
• believed that organized religion was
important to an ordered society.
• Opposed to revolutions or demands
for rights & government
Congress of Vienna
• The delegates agreed to meet in the future and
keep the balance of power in Europe.
Concert of
Concert of Europe,
• An international alliance between
Russia, Austria, & Prussia, led by
Klemens von Metternich that met
when peacekeeping issues arose
• promised to help each other in
the event of revolution
Concert of
• principle of
countries had a
right to intervene
where revolutions
were threatening
Question – What was the main
purpose of the Concert of Europe?
Answer – The main purpose of the
Concert of Europe was to stop or
crush revolution.
Revolutions of 1848
• Uprisings for
in France, the
Empire, and the
German &
Italian states
Question – How did Old Regimes try
to stop revolutions after Napoleon’s
Restoring monarchies
using aristocratic rule with force
Revolutions of 1848
• Nationalists wanted nation-states –
national governments that are
independent of royal rule and serve
the people and their ideals.
• Nationalists claimed loyalty to their
fellow people rather than royal
Revolutions of 1848
• Nationalists
believed they
would be united by
their shared
history, culture,
and land rather
than by any one
Revolutions of 1848
• France attempted to set up a republic,
with an elected president & legislature.
• Austrian nationalists tried to set up a
constitutional government.
• Germans tried to create a constitution for
a unified Germany
• Revolts broke out in the Italian states in
the hopes of creating a unified country.
Revolutions of 1848
• these uprisings were quickly repressed,
but their ideals persisted.
• Within 20 years
movements would
finally turn the
scattered states of
Germany and
Italy into two new,
unified nationstates.
The Congress of Vienna was able to create a
balance of power in Europe by surrounding
France with strong countries.
2. After Napoleon’s defeat, former royalty were
returned to power in most of Europe, primarily
as a result of the Congress of Vienna.
3. Nationalism was held back by monarchies &
aristocratic rule until the Revolutions of 1848.
Required readings: 238-241, 253-263
Opinion Question
Why do you think the Congress of Vienna
and the Concert of Europe were not able
to stop the European revolutions?
 Write a paragraph (4-5 sentences)
explaining your idea. Include an opinion
topic sentence and statements of fact that
support your topic sentence