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End of Year Review
CMS Formative
Ms. Hunt
Agenda: Friday, May 10th, 2013
• OBJ: Students will analyze major events and
topics in world history by participating in a review
tour and connection activity.
• 1. Warm Up
• 2. World Tour Review
• 3. Word Connections and Rankings Activity
• 4. Short Answer Response Practice
• HW: All chapter work and summative activity is
due NEXT CLASS for Red Scarf Girl!
Review Rules
• Throughout our tour of content be sure to be
paying close attention to Ms. Hunt, your peers
questions/answers, and your final exam
review guide.
• Your final exam review guide will be very
helpful in organizing all of the information we
have discussed throughout this school year!
• Let the tour BEGIN! 
Population Density- What are Pull and
Push Factors?
Primary vs. Secondary
Sources- What’s the
Define each
government and
provide an example.
Governments that
rely on religion for
laws are called….?
Why are rivers important to ancient societies?
Cartoon Break!
How does religion play a role in culture?
Exploration- What led to it?
The Renaissance
The Desire to Spread Christianity
Claim New Lands
What was the
“Mad Scramble
for Africa”?
What was the European mentality of
Imperialism? Of natives?
Take up the White Man’s Burden -Send forth the best ye breed -Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captive’s need;
- “White Man’s Burden”
By: Rudyard Kipling
What made non-violence work?
“An eye for an eye makes
the whole world blind.”
“People must learn to hate,
and if they learn to hate, they
can be taught how to love.”
What are natural rights?
• Fundamental human
rights based on
universal natural law
– as opposed to those
based on man-made
Political Revolutions
• How do the “Don’t
Tread on Me” and
“Stamp” cartoons help
us to understand the
American Revolution?
Political Revolutions
• How does the “Piggy
Back” cartoon helps us
to understand the
French Revolution?
Industrial Revolution- What was it?
The huge change in manufacturing methods
that began in the 18th Century.
Refers to the effect that the use of machinery
had on every aspect of humanity and our
entire way of life.
• New inventions– Factory system
– Steam Engine/ Water Power
– Electricity
Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Describe how the
“Forceful Winds”
cartoon helps us
to understand the
causes of the
Great War.
What is Nationalism?
What impact
did “The
cartoon have on
the American
public, prior to
entering the
What effect did the Great War have on Germany?
Let’s talk about it!
• Why did nations turn to dictators following
• Dictators provided a clear leader who could
improve the economy, increase the power of
the nation, and unite the people through a
common culture.
How do the “Nations for Food” and
“German Hand” cartoons help us to
understand Germany’s role in WWII?
Describe the change in thought
between these 2 documents.
“Yesterday, December 7th,
1941- a day which will live
in infamy- the United
States of America was
suddenly and deliberately
attached by navel and air
forces of the Empire of
Japan… With confidence
in our armed forces- with
the unbounded
determination of our
people- we will gain the
inevitable triumph…”
- President FDR
Why was the Cold War called the Cold
Describe the Cultural Revolution in China.
Use the following questions to help guide your
-How was Chairman Mao thought of by the
-How did culture and daily life change during
the Cultural Revolution?
What were the major factors that caused
conflict in modern Middle Eastern history?
For each factor write a definition OR give an example!
Religion (Religious Differences)
Ethnic Groups
*For the next pages, note which factor caused
each conflict!
Arab- Israeli Wars
Islamic Revolution
The Islamic Revolution
led to what event?
Why did it help in the
starting of the Iran- Iraq
Persian Gulf War
What role in the United States and the United Nations
play in the Persian Gulf War?
What was Arab Spring?
What role did technology play in the
Arab Spring movements?
Compare and Contrast
• What are the similarities and differences
between the Korean and Vietnam Wars?
• Similarities- Involved communism, the US got
involved, both in Asia
• Differences- Viet-Cong won, Korean War
ended with a cease fire, Vietnam War was
very difficult to fight because of the terrain
What is Genocide?
• Write a definition and describe 1 event in
history that relates to the topic of genocide.
• Genocide- the deliberate and systematic
extermination of a national, racial, political, or
cultural group.
– Cambodia
– Holocaust
– Rwanda
• What are some areas of weakness I have in
regards to our study of World History?
• Think of at least 2 items you feel you should
review prior to taking the World History EOC.
Word Connections and Rankings
• Materials required- vocabulary cards, legal paper, writing
• With your team create a Connection board of all of the words
you are given.
– Your connections can be cause and effects, similarities and
differences, or any material you feel can bring the words together
• Each word must be connected to another vocabulary word and
include the following…
– A definition or description of the word
– An colorful icon to represent the word
• Be sure to leave space for a “Rankings Box”
– In the rankings box, pick the top 5 words, from those you were
assigned, as vocabulary that is the most important.
– In your rankings box, describe why your group choose those words
and why they are important!
• Your Connection and Rankings work will be picked up next class
for a grade!
– The material must be correct, neat, and colorful!!!
Short Answer Practice!
• On the back newsprint provided and with your
team members support draft a response for
each question you are assigned!
• A minimum of 3 sentences are needed for
each response.
– Use your notes and your brain!!!!!!
• Be prepared to present your answers to the