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World History Journal
Sixth Six Weeks
Today’s Lesson A Day 4/23 B Day 4/24
• Warm-up: Journal prompt Germany after
• Notes lesson with film clips: The 1920s
• Short notes quiz
Warm-up 4/23, 4/24
Journal Prompt:
Write in
sentences three
reasons why the
German people
felt anger and
hatred in the
post WWI
WH TEKS (11) History. The student understands the causes and impact of the global
economic depression immediately following World War I.
Today’s Lesson A Day 4/30 B Day 5/1
• Warm-up: Totalitarianism
• Begin Fascism Handout, Chapter 31, Sections
3 & 4.
Warm-up 4/25, 4/26
WH Government 19 (B) Identify the characteristics of totalitarianism.
Journal Prompts: Answer in sentences.
1) What are two ways individuals in a totalitarian state are molded into
2) How would your life change if you lived in a totalitarian state?
Chart on p. 776
Totalitarian leaders in the 20th century
• Adolf Hitler (Germany) 1933-1945
• Benito Mussolini (Italy) 1925-1943
• Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) 1929-1953
• Kim Il Sung (North Korea) 1948-1994
• Saddam Hussein (Iraq) 1979-2003
Pablo Picasso painted Guernica in 1937 after Nazi planes destroyed the Spanish city.
The canvas is huge 11 feet long X 25 feet long.
Today’s Lesson 5/2, 5/5
• Journal prompt: Winston Churchill
• European and African Battles
Warm-up 5/2, 5/5
• Winston Churchill: British prime
minister who rallied British
people to fight on against Nazi
• Churchill speech August 10, 1941
• Prompt: What was
Churchill’s message to
the British people?
Winston Churchill 1874-1965
WH TEKS 12 B Explain the roles of various world leaders, including Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler,
Hideki Tojo, Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill, prior to and during
World War II
Journal Prompt A Day 5/2/2014
B Day 5/5/ 2014
WH 12 G Explain the major
causes and events of World War
• Pages 826
1) What was the early
response of the United
States to its Allies in
2) What agreement did
Roosevelt and
Churchill make on
September 4, 1941?
3) What did the
agreement uphold?
Franklin Roosevelt and Winston
Churchill aboard the battleship
HMS Prince of Wales.
Today’s Lesson May 6-7
Journal Prompt: Japanese Aggression
Profiles in Courage
Group Activity: War in the Pacific
• songs
Journal prompt A 5/6, B 5/7
• WH 12 G Explain the
major causes and
events of World War II,
including Japanese
imperialism and the
attack on Pearl Harbor.
• P. 827
• Why was President
Roosevelt concerned
about Japanese
ambitions in Southeast
Asia? What did he do to
stop the Japanese
• Pearl Harbor: Who?
What? Where? When?
Vocabulary WWII Pacific Front
Pearl Harbor
Douglas MacArthur
Atom Bomb
Harry Truman
Poster Activity
• Battle of the Coral Sea
• Battle of Midway
• Battle of Guadalcanal
• Battle of Leyte Gulf
• Iwo Jima
• Manhattan Project
Today’s Lesson May 9,10
Warm-up Hiroshima
Video: Weaponry
Chapter 32, section 5 notes
Comparison WWI and WWII
Warm-up May 9,10
Hiroshima after the U.S. dropped a nuclear
bomb on August 6, 1945. Over 100,000
people died.
U.S. drops nuclear bomb on Hiroshima
HG WELLS: Prophet?
Read pages 840-841 The
Atomic Bomb.
Prompt: Do you think
President Truman made
the correct decision by
ordering the atomic
bomb dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Why or why not?
WH 12 G Explain the major causes and events of World War II, including the German invasions of Poland and the Soviet Union, the
Holocaust, Japanese imperialism, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Normandy landings, and the dropping of the atomic bombs.
Today’s Lesson 5/10 5/12
• Warm-up: Holocaust
• Review of WWII with clips
• Posters on Island Hopping Campaign
Warm-up May 12, 13
Read “Hitler’s Final
Solution” pages 833-834.
Prompt: How could
concentration camp
doctors and guards have
justified to themselves the
death and suffering they
caused other human
(C) explain the major causes and events of World War II, including the German invasions of
Poland and the Soviet Union, the Holocaust, Japanese imperialism, the attack on Pearl Harbor,
the Normandy landings, and the dropping of the atomic bombs.
Journal Entry Topics Chapters 31 & 32
German anger post WWI
Winston Churchill
Atlantic Charter
Japanese Aggression
Final Solution
Today’s lesson 5/19, 5/20
• Warm-up Cold War geography
• Guided reading notes: Chapter 33 Two
Superpowers face off
• Begin video: Communism and Socialism
– Everyone is required to take notes for journal
– Journal essay due with submission of journal 5/275/28.
Warm-up May 5/19, 5/20
Also see the map on pages 852-853.
Prompt: How did geography play an important role in U.S. and
Soviet Cold War strategies?
WH Geography 16(B) analyze the influence of human and physical geographic factors on
major events in world history
Today’s lesson 5/21, 5/22
• Warm-up #1 Communists in Vietnam
• Notes: Chapter 33, Sections 3 & 4 Cold War
around the World
• Continue video Communism and Socialism
Warm-up May 21/22
p. 868 Read “The Road to War” and
“History Makers”.
In 1945, Ho sent two telegrams to
President Truman seeking a seat on an
advisory commission which would define
the fate of Indochina. Truman ignored
Prompt: Why do you think the
United States refused to deal with
Ho Chi Minh in 1945?
WH History 13 (C) Identify the following major events of the Cold War, including the
Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the arms race.
Fidel Castro
• Face the Nation
PHOTO: Cuban President Fidel Castro speaks
during the May Day ceremony in Havana, May
1, 2006.
Adalberto Roque/AFP/Getty Images
Castro public appearance January 2014
Today’s Lesson 5/23, 5/27
• Journal Prompt: Arms Race
• Cold War Discussion Activity
Political Cartoon Prompt 5/23, 5/27
Herbert Block drew this political cartoon
shortly after the Cuban missile crisis,
the most serious U.S.–Soviet confrontation.
Notice that, unlike many American
politicians and journalists who were severely
critical of the Soviet leader at the
time, Block depicts Nikita Khrushchev as an
equal of President Kennedy in struggling
to contain nuclear war.
Discussion Questions
1. Recognizing Purpose What message
does this cartoon send to the leaders of
the United States and the Soviet Union?
2. Making Judgments Considering the
climate of the Cold War in 1962, do you
think the spirit of this cartoon is overly
optimistic? Why or why not?
“Let’s Get a Lock for This Thing,” from Herblock: A Cartoonist’s Life
(Lisa Drew Books/Macmillan, 1993).
Communism & Socialism Journal Essay
• Communism and Socialism Teacher’s Video Company.
• World History Patterns of Interaction
– Socialism and Marxism, The Communist Manifesto, The
Future p. 648-649.
– Stalinist Russia p. 775-780
– Maoist Transformation and Revolution p. 864-865
– Fidel Castro, Cuban Revolution p. 872-873
– Collapse of the Soviet Union p. 926-930
Student Work Product
• Take at least one full page of notes on the sixty-minute film.
One daily grade, required.
• Write an essay about centrally planned economies using the
video and text as sources. 20% of journal grade.
• See next page form more details.
Communism & Socialism Journal Essay
(Part II of instructions)
Address these topics:
1. What were the goals of socialism and communism?
2. What was Karl Marx’ vision for communism?
3. How did the societies which adopted communism differ from his
4. Who, What, Where, When, How
Use details to describe attempts at using the communist system in
The Soviet Union