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What is the lobe of the brain that is
most important for vision?
a. Frontal
b. Occipital
c. Temporal
d. Parietal
What is the lobe of the brain that is
most important for hearing ?
a. Occipital
b. Frontal
c. Temporal
d. Parietal
What is the lobe of the brain that is
most important for touch ?
a. Temporal
b. Frontal
c. Occipital
d. Parietal
What is the lobe of the brain most
important for reasoning and planning?
a. Temporal
b. Parietal
c. Frontal
d. Occipital
What is the largest lobe of the
human brain?
a. Occipital
b. Temporal
c. Frontal
d. Parietal
The human brain weighs about
a. 1 pound
b. 3 pounds
c. 5 pounds
d. 8 pounds
It acts as a "cushion" or buffer for the cortex,
providing a basic protection to the brain inside
the skull.
a. Arterial Blood
b. Cerebrospinal Fluid
c. Oxygen
d. Venous Blood
The protective membranes covering the brain
and spinal cord, known collectively as the
meninges include the following, EXCEPT:
a. Dura Mater
b. Gray Mater
c. Pia Mater
d. Arachnoid
It is an electrically excitable cell that
processes and transmits information by
electrical and chemical signaling
Neurone / Neuron / Nerve Cell
These are filaments that arise from the
nerve cell body
It is the central part of the neuron
It is a finer, cable-like projection
which can extend tens, hundreds,
or even tens of thousands of times
the diameter of the soma in length.
Afferent neurons convey information
from tissues and organs into the
central nervous system and are
sometimes also called
Neurons communicate with one
another via
The cell, coined by the German
anatomist Heinrich Wilhelm
Waldeyer, is the basic structural and
functional unit of the nervous
Almost all chemicals in the brain are
known as
The part of the brain that interprets
the sensory information and helps
determine what is good and bad.
The area of the brain that helps you
dream and wake up from your sleep
is the
The body coordination and control
of posture and maintenance of
equilibrium is taken care by the
The signals sent to the cerebral
cortex that helps in attending
stimulation and remain alert while
sleeping is taken care of by the
Reticular Formation
The area of the brain that helps you
breath, walk, sleep and signal the
heart to continue beating.
It looks after the blood glucose, salt,
blood pressure and hormones.
The emotions, learning and memory
actions are taken care of by the
It takes care of aggression, eating,
drinking and the carnal instincts,
that is, sexual behavior.
The lobe that controls the actions
like planning, decisions, setting
goals and connecting the present to
Frontal Lobe
The sensory processes, spatial
interpretation, attention and
language comprehension is
controlled by the
Parietal Lobe
The auditory perception, language
comprehension and visual
recognition is controlled by the
Temporal Lobe
In Greek literature, he claimed that it
is the human brain that is the hand
behind all the body actions and not
the heart.
There was an airplane crash, every
single person died, but two people
survived. How is this possible?
They were married.
What letter is next in this sequence?
O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E, __