Download Cell Cycle - Denton ISD

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Your HDA
Hopes, Dreams, and Aspirations
Your 10 Year Goals
10 years from today
Where will you live?
What will you be doing?
Things to think about; will you have a job? Will you be in college? Will you have
graduated and start a career? Will you have moved? House or apartment?
Roomates? Consider everything.
Considering those goals you set...
What are you doing RIGHT NOW to prepare for
those goals?
Are you studying for SAT’s? Do you have a part
time job? Do you know which colleges you’re
thinking of applying to? Are you planning on
entering your career straight out of high school?
What still needs to be done…?
What things are you NOT doing right now that still need to happen? Create a
1. Apply to part time jobs
2. Get driver’s license
3. Get CAR to drive
4. etc.
Describe your move out day
Let’s assume you’re moving out of your parents house at some point in these
10 years. Describe that day. What happens? Be as detailed as possible.
Cell Cycle
1. Cell division happens in the body cells, called SOMATIC CELLS
2. The CELL CYCLE is the series of events that the cell goes through as they
grow and divide.
3. Both PLANT AND ANIMAL cells undergo the cell cycle and mitosis.
4. It maintains the SAME genetic information from one cell to the next.
Remember when you copied your K’NEX DNA?
Two Main Phases
Interphase (90%)
Mitosis (10%)
G1 -Gap 1
The cell grows LARGER, makes
new proteins, and develops
Like you, since you were little,
people have asked what you
want to be when you “grow up”.
Since you were tiny, you’ve been
growing and maturing.
S (Synthesis)
Synthesis is when the DNA in
your cells begins to replicate.
Or making copies of the DNA…
...preparing for what is ahead.
It’s like you, now, preparing for
your future. As you are going
through your daily life, what
are you doing to prepare to live
on your own?
Last phase before cell enters
The cell grows more and
produces structures needed for
upcoming division.
When you’re ready to split from
home...what do you need to
have ready for moving day?
(electricity turned on, helpers)
Shortest Phase of the
cycle cycle, but greatest
amount of activity.
Everything has been
leading up to this
It’s time to split! This is
like, “moving day”.
Why do cells undergo mitosis?
1. To replace old cells
2. To replace damaged cells
3. To allow the organism to grow in
Mitosis divides the nucleus, distributing
DNA to each daughter cell. It is an
EXACT COPY of itself. Like your K’nex
split into two copies!
It is completed by cytokinesis, which
divides the cytoplasm and separates the
cell into two individual cells (daughter
A word about cancer….
When cells leave the cell cycle, they exit the G1 phase and then go into a
resting period called a G0 phase….
Most cells then go back to a G1 phase and then to the S phase.
Cancer cells are different because they don’t enter a G0 phase, and are
then likely to repeat the cell cycle continuously (causing overproduction
of cells or tumors).
What is the difference between the cell cycles of
cancer and a regular cell?
What is cancer and how is it caused?
1 G1-daughter cell grows up
2. S(synthesize)-prepares for future by
replicating DNA
3. G2-doubles in volume, produces
organelles to help it split.
90% of time is
spent in the
phases G1, S,
and G2.
10% of time is
spent in
4. M(mitosis)-cell splits into daughter cells.
Don’t answer this out loud, just think about it in your head.
If you were to examine a plant or an animal cell under a microscope, what
phase of the cell cycle would you most likely see?
Let’s see what you remember...
Which phase has the most DNA….. G1, S, G2, or M?
Cell Cycle Plate
1. Divide your plates into 4
2. Label one section G1,
another S, then G2, and
finally M. MOVE
3. Define each stage in
your own words
4. Illustrate what the cell is
doing in each stage