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Self Organization:
Competitive Learning
CS/CMPE 333 – Neural Networks
Competition for limited resources is a way of
diversifying and optimizing a distributed system
 E.g.
a sports tournament, evolution theory
Local competition leads to optimization at local and
global levels without the need for global control to
assign system resources
Neurons compete among themselves to decide the one
(winner-takes-all) or ones that are activated
 Through
competitive learning the output neurons form a
topological map unto the input neurons
 Sefl-organizing feature maps, where the networks learns the
input and output maps in a geometrical sense
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Competition is intrinsically a nonlinear operation
Two types of competition
 Hard
competition means that only one neuron wins the
 Soft competition means that there is a clear winner, but its
neighbors also share a small percentage of the system
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Winner-Takes-All Network
Inputs xi (i = 1, p); output is
yi = 1 if neuron i wins the competition
yi = 0 otherwise
 The
winning criterion can be any rule, as long as one clear
winner is found (e.g. largest output, smallest output)
The winner-takes-all network has one layer with p
neurons, self-excitatory connections, and lateral
inhibitory connections to all other neurons
 When
a input is applied, the network evolves until the output
of the winning neuron tends to 1 while the outputs of the
other neurons tends to 0
Winner-takes-all network acts as a selector
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Instar Network (1)
Instar network is made up of McCulloch-Pitts neurons
Instar neuron is able to recognize a single vector
pattern based on a modified Hebbian rule that
automatically accomplishes weight normalization for
normalized inputs
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Instar Network (2)
Learning rule
wji(n + 1) = wji(n) + ηyj(n)[xi(n) – wji(n)]
is the hard-limiter output of either 0 or 1
 The rule modifies the weights for neuron j if neuron j is
active (wins). Otherwise, the weights remain unchanged.
 This rule is similar to Oja’s rule, except that the weights are
not multiplied by the output
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Instar Network (3)
The effect of the instar rule is to move the weight
closer to the input in a straight line proportional to η
A trained instar neuron provides a response of 1 for
data samples located near the training pattern (the bias
controls the size of the neighborhood)
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Competitive Rule for Winner-Takes-All
The hard-limiter in the instar network acts as a gate that
controls the update of weights
If a winner-takes-all network is used, the gating
mechanism is not needed, as the winning neuron is
decided separately
Update rule
wj*i(n + 1) = wj*i(n) + η[xi(n) – wj*i(n)]
 j*
= winning neuron
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Criterion for Competition (1)
What criterion should be used to determine the winning neuron?
The criterion should have some geometrical relevance
Inner product
A neuron wins if the input is closest to the neuron (i.e. its weights)
However, this only works when the input is normalized
Winning neuron is the one with the largest inner product
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Criterion for Competition (2)
Euclidean distance
||x – w|| = [Σi (xi – wi)2]1/2
 Winning
neuron is the one with the smallest Euclidean
 Less efficient than inner product
L1 norm or Manhattan distance
|x – w| = Σi (xi – wi)
 Winning
neuron is the one with the smallest L1 norm
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
The competitive rule allows a single-layer linear
network to group and represent data samples that lie in
a neighborhood of the input space
 Each
neighborhood is represented by a single output neuron
 The weights of the neuron represent the center of the cluster
 Thus, a single-layer linear competitive network performs
Clustering is a ‘divide and conquer’ process where an
input space is divided into groups of proximal patterns
Vector quantization – an example of clustering
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
k-Means Clustering Algorithm (1)
Classical algorithm for data clustering
Cluster data vectors xi (i = 1, N) into k cluster Ci (i = 1,
k) such that the distance between the vectors and their
respective cluster centers ti (i = 1, k) is minimized
 Randomly
assign vectors to class Ci
 Find center of each cluster Ci
ti = (1/Ni) ΣnЄCi xn
 Reassign the vectors to their nearest cluster, i.e., assign
vector i to cluster k if ||xi – tk||2 is minimum for all k
 Repeat the last two steps until no changes occur
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
k-Means Clustering Algorithm (2)
Performance measure or function
J = Σi=1 kΣnЄCi ||xn – ti||2
 This
measure is minimized in the k-means algorithm
Estimating J with its instantaneous value, then taking
derivative wrt ti
δJ(n)/ δti = -η[x(n) – ti(n)]
and, the change becomes (to minimize J)
Δti(n) = η[x(n) – ti(n)]
 This is identical to the competitive update rule, when ti
is replaced by wi
 Thus,
the single-layer linear competitive network performs kmeans clustering of the input data
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
k-Means Clustering - Example
Cluster [0, 1, 3, 6, 8. 9, 10, 11] into 2 groups. N = 8, k
C1 = [0, 1, 3, 6]; C2 = [8, 9, 10, 11]
t1 = 10/4 = 2.5; t2 = 38/4 = 9.5
C1 = [0, 1, 3]; C2 = [6, 8, 9, 10, 11]
t1 = 4/3 = 1.33; t2 = 44/5 = 8.8
C1 = [0, 1, 3]; C2 = [6, 8, 9, 10, 11]
 No
change. Thus, these are the final groupings and clusters
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Determining the Number of Clusters
The number of clusters k (the number of output
neurons) has to be decided apriori
 How
is k determined ?
There is no easy answer without prior knowledge of the
data that indicate the number of clusters
 If
k is greater than the number of clusters in data, then natural
clusters are split into smaller regions
 If k is less than the number of clusters in data, then more than
one natural cluster is grouped together
An iterative solution
 Start
with a small k, cluster and find value of J
 Increment k by 1, cluster and find value J
 Repeat until J starts to increase
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Soft Competition
Hard competition = winner-takes-all. That is, the
winner neuron is active while the rest are inactive
Soft competition = winner-shares-reward. That is, the
winning neuron activates its neighboring neurons as
 The
winning neuron has the highest output, while its
neighboring neurons’ outputs decrease with increase in
 Consequently, weights of all active neurons are modified, not
just that of the winning neuron
Soft competition is common in biological neural
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps (1)
Kohonen SOMs are single-layer competitive networks
with a soft competition rule
They perform a mapping from a continuous input space
to a discrete output space, preserving the topological
properties of the input
Topological map
 points
close to each other in the input space are mapped to
the same or neighboring neurons in the output space
 There is topological ordering or spatial significance to the
neurons in the output and input layer
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Kohonen SOMs (2)
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Kohonen SOMs (3)
1-D SOM has output neurons arranged as a string, with
each neuron having two adjacent neighbors
2-D SOM has output neurons arranged as an 2-D array,
with more flexible definition of neighborhoods
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Kohonen Learning Algorithm (1)
Competitive rule
wj(n + 1) = wj(n) + Λj,j*(n) η(n) [x(n) – wj(n)]
 Λj,j* =
neighborhood function for winning neuron j*
A common neighboring function is the Gaussian
Λj,j*(n) = exp(- dj,j*2 / 2σ(n)2)
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Kohonen Learning Algorithm (2)
Initialization: Choose random values for the initial
weight vectors. Make sure the weights for each neuron
are different and of small magnitude
Sampling and similarity matching: select an input
vector x. Find the best-matching (winning) neuron at
time n, using the minimum-distance Euclidean
Updating: adjust the weight vectors using the Kohonen
learning rule
Continuation: Repeat the previous two steps until no
noticeable changes occur in the feature map are
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Example (1)
Create a 1-D feature map of a 2-D input space. The
input vectors x lie on a unit circle.
No. of inputs = 2 (defined by the problem, 2-D)
No. of outputs = 20 (our choice, 1-D linear array or
Randomly initialize the weights so that each neuron has
a different weight (in this example weights are
initialized along the x-axis, i.e, the y component is
See the MATLAB code for details
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Example (2)
Consider the input x = [0.7071 0.7071]T
Assume the current weights are
W = [ 0 0:19] = [0 0; 0 1; 0 2; 0 3;…;0 19]
Winning neuron is the one with smallest norm from the
input vector
neuron is 2 (weight vector w2 = [0 1]T)
 Norm = (0.70712 + 0.29292)1/2 = 0.7674 (this is the smallest
distance from the weight vectors)
 Winning
Update of weights
wj(n + 1) = wj(n) + Λj,j*(n) η(n) [x(n) – wj(n)]
 Assume
Gaussian neighborhood function with variance of
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Example (3)
Neuron 1
w1(n + 1) = w1(n) + Λ1,2*(n) η(n) [x(n) – w1(n)]
= [0 0] + 0.3679([0.7071 0.7071] – [0 0])
= [0.2601 0.2601]
Neuron 2 (winning neuron)
w2(n + 1) = w2(n) + Λ2,2*(n) η(n) [x(n) – w2(n)]
= [0 1] + (1)([0.7071 0.7071] – [0 1])
= [0.7071 0.7071]
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS
Example (4)
Neuron 3
w3(n + 1) = w3(n) + Λ3,2*(n) η(n) [x(n) – w3(n)]
= [0 2] + 0.3679([0.7071 0.7071] – [0 2])
= [0.2601 1.5243]
Neuron 4
w4(n + 1) = w4(n) + Λ4,2*(n) η(n) [x(n) – w4(n)]
= [0 3] + 0.0183([0.7071 0.7071] – [0 3])
= [0.0129 2.9580]
Neuron 5 and beyond
 There
update will be negligible because the Gaussian tends to
zero with increasing distance
CS/CMPE 333 - Neural Networks (Sp 2002/2003) - Asim Karim @ LUMS