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Origins of World War II
It started with Hitler…
I. Origins of World War II
Treaty of Versailles, 1919
Ends World War I
Unfair towards Germany (blames them)
League of Nations weak and has no authority
i. Created by Woodrow Wilson in 1919
ii. Created after WWI
C. Rise of Authoritarian Dictators
Italy: Benito Mussolini 1922
Germany: Adolf Hitler 1933
Japan: Hideki Tojo 1931
Spain: Francisco Franco 1939
D. M.A.N.I.A (again)
a. Militarism
b. Alliances
c. Nationalism
d. Imperialism
e. Assassination
• Explain to your partner the
economic problems Europe faced
after WWI (Hint: think Germany)
Adolf Hitler
Nazi Swastika
Swastika’s throughout history
• What does the Swastika mean now?
II. Adolf Hitler
A. Born April 20, 1889 in Austria
B. Raised in an abusive household
C. Hitler’s father died in 1903- received a
D. Never graduated from secondary school- he
dropped out due to his failure
E. Attempted to go to art school- rejected due
to his lack of a high school degree
How did not having a high school diploma affect
Why do you think it’s important to have a high
school diploma?
Adolf Hitler’s Paintings
II. Adolf Hitler
F. Dismissed from Austrian Army- too weak to
bare arms
i. Early machine guns weighed 60-120 lbs
G. When Germany declares war on France in 1914,
Hitler rushes to join the military in Germany
H. Decorated hero of WWI
i. Receives 2 Iron Crosses for bravery
I. Used as a spy by the German Army to find
subversive activities
Iron Cross
II. Adolf Hitler
J. 1920: National Socialist German Worker’s Party
(NSDAP) later known as the N.A.Z.I.’s
K. Leads the “Beer Hall Putsch” in 1923
i. Nazi’s march on Munich (in S. Germany). After taking
control of the government there, Hitler planned to
march on Berlin
L. Arrested and imprisoned for 5 years
i. He only served 1 year
M. Writes Mein Kampf in prison
i. “My Struggle”
ii. (anti-Semitic, anti-communist, etc)
II. Adolf Hitler
N. Nazi party becomes less popular with German
economic improvement
N. Hitler becomes omnipotent in Oct. 1929
when the U.S. stock market crash sends the
U.S. into a depression
O. Nazi Party voted into the Reichstag
i. German Parliament
German Reichstag
II. Adolf Hitler
P. Hitler made Chancellor of Germany 1933
i. Voted into power
ii. Initially appointed by Paul von Hindenburg but
was later voted in
Q. Hitler withdraws from the League of Nations
R. Hitler passes Enabling Bill of 1933
i. This gives him FULL and LEGAL dictatorial powers
over Germany
III. Germany Under Hitler
A. Passes Nuremberg Laws of 1935
Revokes rights of the Jews
Racial purity laws
Prevents marriages between Jews and non-Jews
Jews cannot employ non-Jewish women under the
age of 45
Jews cannot display the German Flag
B. Rebuilds army in 1936
Treaty of Versailles forbids it
Rebuilds the army, navy and airforce (Luftwaffe)
What are the Nuremberg laws of 1935?
Which is the worst law to follow, why?
III. Germany Under Hitler
C. March 1938- Anschluss with Austria
i. Voluntary union of Austria with Germany
ii. Hitler’s first movement to gain an empire
iii. Example of appeasement
D. Sept. 1938- Germany takes the Sudetenland
At the Munich Conference France, England and Italy
agree to appease Hitler by giving him the Sudetenland
(in Czechoslovakia)
ii. Czechoslovakia was not invited to this meeting
iii. Hitler promised this was the last time he wanted to add
land to his empire
iv. Example of appeasement
What territory has Hitler acquired?
III. Germany Under Hitler
E. Kristallnacht occurs Nov. 9th and 10th, 1938
Night of Broken Glass
Jewish businesses, homes and synagogues were attacked
91 Jews were killed
30,000 Jewish citizens were arrested and taken to
Concentration Camps
1,668 synagogues were ransacked and 267 were burned
F. Nazi-Soviet Pact signed in Aug. 1939
Hitler and Stalin promise to not attack each other
They also divide up Poland
G. German invasion of Poland Sept. 1, 1939
This officially starts World War II!
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
• Kritallnacht- night of broken glass
Directions: you are a reporter, write a report
about what happened on the night of
November 9th and 10th 1938.
Include a title and small description
Complete this assignment in your INB
CFU: Origins of World War II
On a sheet of paper write both the question and the answer to the
question. You have 10 minutes.
1. In 1920, which political party does Hitler join?
2. What does it mean to be anti-Semitic?
3. What two things does Hitler do in 1933?
4. What is the purpose of the Nuremberg Laws?
5. In 1938, the Anchluss occurs. It’s between Germany and which
6. What happens at the Munich Conference?
7. What occurs on Kristallnacht?
8. What event officially starts WWII? Give the date too.