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DRQ 14.1
List 3 important steps the U.S. took in moving from isolation
to involvement before the attack on pearl harbor.
o Atlantic Ocean supply
o trade between U.S./Britain
o improved German U-boats
o German battleship
o U-Boat Attacks
o German wolf packs
o The Allies Fight Back
o American
o gave Allies the advantage
o Allies cracked the “Enigma”
o 1941 - Hitler broke Soviet pact
o invaded the Soviet Union
o Soviets joined the Allies
o Russian winter proved a great
o Germans controlled large area
o Thousands die during siege of
o The Battle of Stalingrad
o Soviets refused to surrender
o Hitler defeated in early 1943
o marked beginning of Germany’s
o Germany pushed out of Russia
o 12 million Soviet soldiers and
millions of civilians were killed
o Control of Mediterranean Sea
o oil from Suez Canal
o General Erwin Rommel
o Germany’s “desert fox”
o Led forces in N. Africa
o Faced defeat at El Alamein
o Operation Torch
o Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
o First U.S. combat action
o gains Allied control of N. Africa
o On to Italy
o Allies invade/take Sicily
o Mussolini captured/executed
o Tuskegee Airmen play vital role
o Thousands die at “Bloody
o Planning “Operation Overlord”
o invasion of mainland Europe
o Gen. Omar Bradley in charge
o Germans develop V1/V2 rockets
o The landing at Normandy
o June 6, 1944 – D-Day
o Largest invasion in history
o Allied soldiers storm the
o Allies establish a beachhead
o Paris freed in 2 months
o The Battle of the Bulge
o Allies moved eastward
o Germans launch counterattack
o Gen George S. Patton provides
relief for trapped Allied soldiers
DRQ 14.2
Name three U.S. Generals involved in the European theater of
battle and brief ly describe what role they played
o Hitler’s scapegoats
o Jews blamed for Germany’s
o Jews forced to wear Stars of David
o Hitler in Power
o 1933 - German anti-Semitic laws
o 1935 – Nuremburg Laws
o stripped Jews of citizenship/rights
o Attacks on Jews
o Nov. 9 & 10, 1938 - Kristallnacht
o “night of broken glass”
o Jewish businesses/synagogues
destroyed - hundreds were killed
o many sent to concentration camps
o Flight from Germany
o Many foreign countries refused to
accept Jewish refugees.
o Concentration Camps/Ghettos
o POW’s, Jews, “enemies of state”
o Some risked lives for Jews
o The Diary of Anne Frank
o prisoners overworked and
o ghettos were separated/sealed
o thousands died in Warsaw
o the Jewish Fighting
o The Final Solution
o Hitler proposed genocide
o Called for death camps
o sped up extermination of Jews
o Millions of various people died
at the hands of the Nazis
o Jewish immigration limited
o protect American jobs
o Nazi atrocities dismissed as
o 1944 – the War Refugee Board
o assisted any victims facing death
o Liberating the Nazi Camps
o Russians discover camps such as
Auschwitz and Buchenwald
o Bodies stacked like wood
o survivors barely alive
o The Nuremburg Trials
o 22 Nazi leaders tried for war
o Some Nazi leaders discovered
later and still tried for crimes
DRQ 14.3
List in order at least 5 major events that affected the
development of the holocaust
o Pearl Harbor attack gives time
o Japanese Advances
o captured Wake Island and Guam
o captured Hong Kong and
o captured oil reserves and
strategic bases in S.E. Asia
o The Philippines
o Gen. Douglas MacArthur
o led the defense of the Philippines
o American/Filipino troops forced
to retreat and surrender
o MacArthur vowed, “I shall
o the Bataan Death March
o five-day forced march with little
food or water – thousands perish
o April, 1942 – Doolittle’s Raid
o revenge for Pearl Harbor
o shook Japanese confidence
o The Battle of Coral Sea
o Admiral Chester Nimitz
o marked first time Japanese
o The Battle of Midway
o U.S. broke Japanese code
o knew beforehand about the
o planes from carriers
attacked/sank Japanese ships
o turning point in the Pacific
o first defeat for the Japanese
o Guadalcanal – U.S. victory
o The Allies Press On
o MacArthur’s “island hopping”
o “Navajo code talkers”
o Back to the Philippines
o Battle of Leyte Gulf
o Japanese first used kamikaze attacks
o MacArthur returned to Philippines
o Iwo Jima and Okinawa
o American B-29 bombers raid targets
o Iwo Jima – entrenched Japanese
soldiers fought to the death
o Okinawa – bloodiest battle - would
provide launching point for possible
DRQ 14.4
List and brief ly describe 3 major battles that took place during
the Pacific Theater of World War II
 Conserving Food/Other Goods
 victory gardens provided some
 rationing was
 families received ration books
 scrap drives helped conserve
 Investing in Victory
 Americans bought war bonds
 Paying the Personal Price
 flags displayed families’ sacrifice
 journalist Ernie Pyle and
cartoonist Bill Mauldin
 described war/lives of soldiers
 FDR’s “four freedoms” speech
 speech, worship, want, fear
 The Office of War Information
 spread pro-war propaganda
 posters – encouraged work,
support for war, Axis threat
 Hollywood Helps Out
 movies - major form of
 movie stars sold war bonds and
entertained the troops.
 The Barnette Ruling
 West Virginia vs. Barnette
 can’t be forced to salute the flag
 Executive Order 9066
 to remove all persons of Japanese
ancestry from the western U.S.
 110,000 people relocated to camps
 2/3 were American citizens
 confinement was called
 Japanese American Loyalty
 442nd Regimental Combat Team,
 made up of only Japanese
 highest decorated unit of the war
and for its size, all of U.S. History.
 Korematsu vs. the United States,
 Fred Korematsu challenged
 Courts ruled limit of civil rights
during war is legal
 Office of Price
 oversaw wartime rationing
 War Production Board
 oversaw converting industries
to war production
 government increased
 caused increase in national
 Americans paid increased
income tax
DRQ 14.5
List and brief ly describe 3 ways in which the war
affected American life on the home front
 The Yalta Conference – 1945
The Big Three - FDR, Churchill, Stalin
make peace plans for Europe
divided Germany and Berlin
Stalin promised free elections
 Crossing the Rhine
 key barrier to the center of Germany
 Allies used bridge at Remagen
 The Question of Berlin
 Soviets reached Berlin first
 Eisenhower held U.S. troops back
 April 12, 1945 – word of FDR’s death
 Hitler’s Death
 April 30, 1945 – Hitler’s suicide
 May 8, 1945 – VE Day - Germany
surrendered - victory in Europe.
 The costly invasion
 invasion might cost 1 million lives
 Japan Continues Fighting
 bombers destroyed Japanese cities
 the Japanese vowed no surrender
 The Atomic Bomb
 Manhattan Project developed A-bomb
 Harry S. Truman became president
 made decision to use the bomb
 Aug. 6, 1945 - the Enola Gay dropped
the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima
3 days later - Japanese don’t respond
2nd atomic bomb dropped - Nagasaki
Emperor calls for people to surrender
August 15, 1945 – VJ Day – the Japanese
 Creation of the United Nations
 June 1945 – representatives from
50 nations form UN in San
 The Potsdam Conference
 Allied leaders discuss future of
 Stalin breaks promises from Yalta
 Rebuilding Europe and Japan
 MacArthur in Japan
 establish democracy
 rebuilding their economy
 Japanese officers tried and
 U.S. worked to rebuild Europe,
 tensions with Soviet Union