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Changes &
Problems in
Europe After
Europe’s Influence
Loss of dominance in world
Japan, US in better financial
Europe drained of resources
New Democracies
1914-1918 Euro’s last absolute
rulers overthrown
New democracies were unstable
– Little experience
– Fr. & Italy- inefficiency due to too
many political parties (majority)
– Coalition govt.- temporary
alliance to achieve majority
Why Dawes Plan?
Germany defaults on
– France takes Ruhr
France demands gold, not
inflated dollars
1924 Dawes Plan
Helped Germany recover from
– Strengthen economy
– $200 mil loan from US
– Realistic schedule for reparations
1929 factories returned to 1913
Treaties Bring Hope
Ger. & Fr. Foreign Ministers G.
Stresemann & A. Briand- undo
worst features of Treaty
– Locarno Treaty- Fr. & Ger. Not
go to war, Ger. Respected Belgian
and French borders, Ger.
Admitted into League
Treaties Bring Hope
Kellogg-Briand Pact- war
– Signed by almost every country
– No way to enforce- League had no
American economy basis of
Euro economy
Weimar Republic
Est. 1919
Weak- no democratic experience
7 major political parties
WWI defeat associated w/ govt.
Inflation- during war money
printed as needed
Only mistake= losing war
Makes World
Wartime improvements- electric
fuel pumps & starters, air-filled
tires, powerful engines
Look of car improved
Air Travel
1918 planes fly 100’s miles
– Use for airmail
1927 Lindbergh- 1st nonstop solo
transatlantic flight
1930’s passenger airlines
– Only for rich
Earhart- 1st women to cross
WWI led to push for development
of wireless radio
– Research given high priority
1920- 1st commercial radio station
1925 Radio was $25
Changes in
New Individual Freedoms
Break from tradition
– Consider new ideas
Why: WWI interrupted social
patterns & customs
– Young people more willing to
Work in WWI brings suffrage
Most still followed tradition
Some followed new lifestyle
– Women equal partners w/
Women in medicine, education,
Art Reflects Social Doubts
Horrors of WWI reflected
TS Eliot- world drained of hope
– “The Wasteland”
F. Kafka- people caught in
circumstances they could not
understand or escape
J. Joyce- break from traditional
sentence structure
Art Reflects Social Doubts
Surrealists- influenced by
Freud’s ideas on unconscious
– Freud- behavior explained using
past experiences
American Culture Spreads
WWI proved US economic,
political, cultural power
Distinct contribution= jazz
– Phonograph & radio spread
Harlem Renaissance- African
American arts
Motion pictures– 90% came from Hollywood
Social Patterns
Children raised differently
– Strong father, loving mother
– Freud’s Oedipus Complex
– Parents began to take on both
Education less strict
– Girls and boys- same schools
Effects of the
Overproduction &
Plight of farmers
– Wartime production levels =
Speculation in Stock
– Wall Street losses- economic &
psychological consequences
• Doubt, fear replace optimism
Severely hurt- relied on foreign
1931 Coalition cabinet elected
(National Govt.)
– High protective tariff
– Regulate currency
– Increase taxes
– Lower interest (production)
1937 unemployment rate cut in
– Production at 1929 levels
Mood of discouragement
1930 still agricultural
– Less dependent on foreign trade
– Less impacted by Depression
Radicals wanted to end
democracy and est. dictatorship
– Popular Front- moderates,
socialists, communists
Popular Front- pay increases,
reforms for workers
– Unemployment remains high
People lost faith during Great
Fascist promises:
– Revive economy
– Restore National Pride
– Punish those responsible for
economic hard time
Ideology stressing nationalism
Interests of the state more
important than the individual
Power held by single leader or
small group of party members
Reaction against Communism
– People more loyal to social class not
Enemy= Communism
 Dictatorial one  Fascism- no
man rule
classless society
– Aristocrats,
 Individuals
denied rights
 Supremacy of  CommunismDictatorship of
the Proletariat
– internationalist
Italians Turn to Fascism
After WWI Italians felt defeated
– War causalities
– Did not gain land promised
Food shortages, rising prices,
unemployment, business failures
Peasants seize land,workers revolt
Socialist, Communists groups
– Another Bolshevik revolution?
Benito Mussolini
Teacher of Fascism
Hitler’s teacher
Named Fascism- root Roman
– Ax- symbol of power
Becomes Il Duce- leader of Italy
Benito Mussolini
Initially a Socialist
WWI organized Fascist party
Wanted to bring back glory and
military strength of ancient
Revive economy
1922 Appointed PM by Victor
Emmanuel II (legal)
Mussolini’s Support
Business owners Middleclass
Govt. officials Soldiers
War Veterans
– End strikes
– End workers’
political power
Mussolini’s Policies
Democracy weak – Dictatorship
est. (no political parties)
– Use of secret police, censorship
All production into nationwide
“syndicates” (State Corps)
– Organized like corporations
– Controlled wages, prices, working
hours (command capitalism)
Farmers urged to use modern
Policies continued…
It became harder to leave
Single men taxed
Jobs for women limited
Building families encouraged
Fascist States
Italy (Mussolini)
Germany (Hitler)
Japan (Tojo)
Spain (Franco)
– until 1970’s
Rise of Hitler
Weimar Republic
Created 1919-under Stresselman
Republican constitution
Parliamentary govt.
– Germans had little experience
with democracy
– Democracy seen as weak
– Germans used to strict rule
Weimar Opposition
Opposed by left and right
Communists wanted govt. like
German nationalists, military,
landowners, opposed govt.
Industrialists feared govt.
takeover of industry
People felt Republic betrayed
them by urging peace
Hitler’s Beginnings
Born Austria, 1889
Adolph Snickelgrupper
HS dropout
– Study art in Vienna
Vienna- Jews among
intellectual, financial leaders
– Beginning of hatred for Jews
Hitler Emerges…
 Served for Germany during WWIwon Iron Cross
– Wanted to overturn Treaty
 Began as govt. spy (on Nazis)
 1920’s Helped Organized the Nazis
 NAZI Army of Brown Shirts SA
 1923 Failed Beer Hall Putsch
– Take over Bavarian govt.
– Hitler put in jail, writes Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf
Dictated to Rudolf Hess
Outline of political views
– Racism (Jews were reason for
German problems)
– Nationalism (Aryans were master
race, lebenstraum)
Released from jail in 9 months
Why Hitler?
Economic crisis
– People out of work
– Hunger
– Insecurity
– Restlessness
Hitler gave people:
– Enemy to hate
– Cause to fight for
Hitler Gains Support
Used violence and speeches
Less wealthy- Hitler would protect
them from large industrialists,
Unemployed-Hitler’s private army
– Food, clothing, shelter, cause
Industrialists, bankers,
landowners- liked stand against
Communists, promise to rebuild
Hitler Gains Power
Jan. 30, 1933 Hitler made
chancellor by Hindenburg
– Hoped to contain the Nazis
Feb. 27, 1933- Dutch communist
Martinus van der Lubbe set fire
to Reichstag
March 1933 Reichstag elections
Nazi’s win 43% of vote
– Reichstag passes Enabling ActHitler given dictatorial power
Hitler’s Early Policies
Trade unions banned
Political parties eliminated
Army and secret police
– Brown Shirts (SA)- Hitler’s
personal army (early 1920’s)
– Gestapo- secret state police
– SS-Hitler’s body guard (1925)
Early Policies cont…
Nuremberg LawsAnti-Semitism- became official
govt. policy
Jews lost citizenship
1933- Jews forbidden from
holding govt. jobs or owning
Not flu flag, write, teach, bankers
Night of Long Knives
June 30, 1934
SS ordered to eliminate any
threats within the party
As many as 1,000 killed
Violence shocked people into
Night of broken glass
Cause: young Jew killed German
diplomat in Paris
Nov 9-10, 1938- Nazis set fire to
synagogues in Germany, Austria,
– Jewish home and stores looted
– Many Jews killed or wounded,
1000’s arrested
– Result- 1000’s of Jews flee
Nazi’s Rebuild Economy
Businesses aided
– Public works programs
– Arms industry secretly revived
Unemployment rate of 6 million
reduced to 0
Propaganda used to increase
Eastern Europe
Democracies give way to
Authoritarianism- political system
stressing obedience to authority
No tradition of democracy
– Countries lacked business and
professional people (backbone of
Post-war problems blamed on
59 Days
 Checks
 Sprite Timelines Thursday
 Picture Essay
 Compare Social Darwinism to Marx
 Nature of French and German
 Economic comparison of France
and the Netherlands
Italy and
March to War
Fascist Aggression
Italian Expansion
– Mussolini builds army
– 1935 Ethiopia invaded
• League of Nations denounces
action and urges boycott of
arms to Italy
Spanish Civil War
Republican govt. replaced
2 sides: (war between ideologies)
– Falangists (Fascists) under Franco
– Republicans (anti-Fascists)
Hitler and Mussolini aid Fascists
Stalin and volunteers from US,
France, England aid Republicans
1939- Franco becomes dictator
Fascist Aggression
German rearmament and
expansion (Turning Point)
– Weimar Govt. tried to change treaty
through diplomacy
– Hitler vows to destroy treatyrebuilds military
– 1936 Rhineland remilitarized
– Hitler believed no action would be
• GB and France condemn, but take no
1936 Rome-Berlin Axis
Hitler’s strength leads to
agreement w/ Mussolini
Europe come to rotate around
Giving into other’s demands in
order to avoid conflict
Followed by GB and France
towards Germany
After WWI people wanted peace
at any price (ignored Hitler’s
GB cut military spending- focus
on economy
Why Appeasement?
France needed help of GB to
take on Hitler
Many in GB believed Treaty of
Versailles was too harsh
Many in GB believed Stalin and
Communism was more of a
threat than Hitler
German Advances
Result of appeasement- Hitler
continues to enlarge German
Self-determination- Bring German
speaking together in Third Reich
1938 Anschluss- Union of
Germany and Austria (Austria
threatened with use of force)
Czechoslovakia- Hitler wanted the
Munich Peace Agreement
Issue= Sudetenland (3 million
Germans live here)
Mussolini, Chamberlain, Daladier
meet with Hitler
– Give Hitler Sudetenland if he would
stop expansion
– Student becomes teacher
Result- Hitler not satisfied and
takes all of Czechoslovakia
– Chamberlain “Peace in our time”
Beginning of
War for
The Coming War
March 1939- Germany turn to
Poland to recover Polish
– Hitler demands port of Danzig,
RR’s and highways through the
corridor to East Prussia
Poland refuses demands
– France and GB give support
The Coming War
August 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact– Distrust between France, GB,
Russia prevented alliance
– Soviet Union agreed to let
Germany invade Poland in return
for land in Eastern Europe
The War Begins
Sept. 1, 1939- Germany invades
Sept. 4, 1939- GB and France
declare war on Germany
The Sides
– England
– Germany
– France
– Austria
– Poland
– Italy
– Later USA
– Later USSR
– Japan
Blitzkrieg in Eastern Europe
Blitzkrieg- German style of
warfare consisting of quick,
concentrated attacks on land
and sea (reaction against WWI)
Sept. 27, 1939- Poland
– Hitler and Stalin divide Poland
USSR sets up bases in Baltic
States for invasion of Finland
Blitzkrieg in Western Europe
“Phony War”- No real fighting
in winter of 1939-1940
1940 Germans begin advances
in Denmark, Norway, Belgium,
Netherlands, Luxembourg
France establishes the Maginot
Line- heavily defended forts
along German, French border
State Social Science Standard
 Yesterday
 10.8.2
 Understand the role of
appeasement, nonintervention
(isolationism), and the domestic
distractions in Europe and the
United States prior to the
outbreak of World War II.
 10.8.3
 Identify and locate the Allied
and Axis powers on a map and
discuss the major turning points
of the war, the principal theaters
of conflict, key strategic
decisions, and the resulting war
conferences and political
Aztecs Are ABLE
A = Informed Choices
B = Societal Norms
L = Resolve Problems
E = Listening Speaking
Character Traits
Invasion of France
 Maginot Line
 Germany attacks through Belgium
– Divides the Allies (Paris and coast)
– Dunkirk- 300,000 Allies retreat, all
available vessels sent to rescue
troops Mistake # 1
– **GB united and inspired against
– Germans continue through France
France is Conquered
June 10, 1940- Mussolini declares
war on France
June 14- Germans march on Paris
– France surrenders to save Paris from
French sign armistice where
Germany surrendered WWI
– Germany occupied N. France
– Puppet Govt. est in S. France= Vichy
Govt. (Petain’s govt.)
French Resistance
Free French
Led by C. de Gaulle
Secret, underground
Britain Holds Out
Winston Churchill (PM)refuses to give in to Hitler
Aug 8, 1940- Battle of Britain
Operation Sea Lion
Destroy RAF
Control Air/Cross Channel
British Bomb Berlin
Hitler Turns to Cities
Battle of Britain
“Blitz”- Britain bombed day
and night
RAF aided by radar- used to
spot enemy aircraft
Allies broke German secret
RAF Rebuilds
Battle of Britain
Hitler Gives Up
Mistake # 2
“ Never Have so Few done
so much for so many”
Phillip II
Eastern Front
Invasion of USSR
June 22 1941 Hitler invades
Why USSR?
– Hates Communism
– Land for German settlers
– Grain for Germans
– Oil, coal, iron ore for war effort
No Longer 2 Front
Seize of Leningrad
Russia initially devastated
2 year siege, 3 million trapped
– 1 million die of disease and
– First year: 2.5 million soldiers lost
“Scorched-earth”- withdraw
from Germans destroying fields
and equipment
Winter helps Russians wintroops from Siberia arrive
Battle of Stalin grad
Spring/Summer 1942
Strategic city in terms of northsouth transportation
August 600 planes bomb city
– 40,000 Russians killed
– Russians refuse to surrender
But Do leave a dead city
The Tide Turns
 Marshal Zhukov plans counterattack
– Encircle German army-Stalin
 Hitler refuses to let Germans
Mistake # 3
 **Turning point in Eastern
– Soviets begin push toward Berlin
North African Campaign
First year of war- Mussolini
works to est. control of
Libya (Italian colony)
unsuccessfully invades Egypt
trying to take control of Suez
Canal (from GB)
Germany sends Afrika Corps
led by Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel to protect Libya
Africa cont…
Rommel battles GB for more
than a year
1942 GB sends Field Marshal
Bernard Montgomery to block
Rommel’s advance to the Suez
– El Alamein- retreating GB begins
– Rommel driven from Africa
– First major British victory
Results in Africa
May 1943- Allies held all N.
Allies control Suez Canal
Africa would serve as a base to
launch attacks into Southern
Europe Under Hitler
Size of Hitler’s Empire
– Atlantic to USSR
– Norway to North Africa
Victories for the Allies
End of 1942- Allies on offensive
in Asia and Europe
North Africa
Italy attacked from North
July 1943- GB, US land in Sicily,
later in month Mussolini
Germany remains in Italy
Invasion of France
Gen. Eisenhower leads Allies
across English Channel
Second Front to Help Russia
Operation Overlord
June 6, 1944 D-Day- Allies
land in Normandy
Invasion of France
– 150,000 landed at 5 beaches
– Omaha, Juno, Sword- major
– Germans caught off guard
– 1 million Allied troops in
France within month
– End of August- Paris freed
– Free French join Allies
Defeat of Germany
Fall 1944 Germans hopeless
– Soviets on East
– US, GB on West
57 Days
Questions on
Friday’s Essays?
Battle of the Bulge
Mid Dec. 1944
Germans attack US soldiers at
German border near Belgium,
Germans break through lines
US holds key towns and roads
Germans halt offensive- ran out
of gas, unable to crush US
The End
Jan. 1945- Allies take German
April 1945- US and Soviet
troops meet in Eastern Europe
April 30,1945- Hitler commits
suicide in underground quarters
in Berlin
May 8, 1945 VE Day- Germany
surrenders unconditionally
WWII’s Aftermath
Most costly war in human
– 50 million dead
– 10 million die in concentration
– Homeless refugees
– Vast areas of destruction
Germans and their Conquered
Germans took food, weapons, and
art from conquered
Labor demanded from conquered
– 7 million sent to labor camps in
• Died of disease, hunger, exhaustion
– 5 million Russians taken
• 3.5 million died
The Holocaust
Reinhard Heydrich- Himmler’s
deputy and chief planner of Nazi
program to rid Europe of Jews
– “The Final Solution to the Jewish
problem”- genocide
Holocaust- systematic murder of
European Jews
– Jews rounded up, put in cattle
cars and sent to death camps
Life in Death Camps
Methods of killing:
– Gas chambers, torture,
starvation, beatings
Medical experiments
6 million Jews killed
Auschwitz (Poland)- 2 million
died here
Resistance Movements
Nazis did meet opposition
– Hit and run attacks on German
– Strikes, blowing up factories,
underground newspapers, relaying
info to Allies, rescuing prisoners
– “Govts. in exile”- govts. fled
occupied countries
– Citizens escaped and joined GB
War Crime Trials
Nazi leaders arrested and
charged with “crimes against
Nuremberg Trials- Nov. 1945
– World learned of Nazi horrors
– ½ of officers tried were sentenced
to death
– Japanese officers also tried
Postwar Europe
Allies held 3 summits (meetings
between top govt. officials)
during the war
– Tehran, Iran
– Yalta, USSR
– Potsdam, Germany
Tehran Conference
Nov. 1943
Present- Churchill, Stalin, FDR
– “Big Three”
Plan- discuss war strategy for
– Normandy invasion planned
 Feb 1945 the “Big Three” meet
 Stalin agrees to free elections in
Soviet occupied Eastern Europe
– Puppet govts. had already been est.
 Stalin agrees to declare war on Japan
when Germany defeated (for land in
 United Nations developed
 Division of Germany into temporary
occupation zones
July 1945
Present- Stalin, Churchill, and
Stalin refuses to hold free
– It would be “anti-Soviet”
Disagreements over Eastern
Europe would split Allies
– Raise fears of another world war