Download drift to war - Mr McElhinney`s History Class

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 No Germany conscription
 Army limited to 100,000 – no navy or
 War Guilt Clause
 Reparations
 Lost land to Poland, Czechoslovakia,
Rhineland (neutral)
 Germany humiliated
Destroy the Treaty of Versailles
United German speaking people
To take over land in East Europe and Russia
to create Lebensraum for Germans
Army increased
1936 Conscription
Established the Luftwaffe
Military alliances with
Mussolini – Rome-Berlin
Axis 1936
Pact of Steel 1939
There would be 5 steps to war:
Rest of Czech
Unoccupied land
between Germany
and France
German troops not
allowed enter it
1936 Hitler sent
troops in
France and Britain did
Hitler grew in
Austria was German speaking
Hitler felt that Austria and Germany should
be united – Anschluss
Many Austrians were Nazis and agreed
1938 – Hitler invaded Austria
Majority of Austrians glad – welcomed him
Again, France and Britain did nothing
Why did Britain and France do nothing?
Did not want another war
They remembered the suffering of WW1
Decided to try to appease (satisfy) Hitler
Allowed him to make reasonable gains
Also, Britain felt that Germany had been too
harshly treated in the Treaty of Versailles
After WW1, America practised isolationism
They decided to keep out of European affairs
So they had nothing to do with these events
Sudetenland was a German-speaking part
of Czechoslovakia
Had been taken from Germany in Treaty of
The Germans living there demanded unity
with Germany
In 1938, Hitler announced he would invade
Czech. Asked Germany and France for help
The leaders of Britain, France and Germany
met to discuss it
Czech not invited
British leader Neville Chamberlain decided
to appease Hitler
Deal worked out
Hitler agreed not to invade all of Czech.
In return Britain and France allowed him to
take over Sudetenland
Czech Betrayed
Hitler broke his promise
Demanded more Lebensraum
In March 1939 (6 months
later) invaded all of Czech.
Britain and France realised
that Hitler couldn’t be trusted
Decided they must act next
Hitler hated communism
So Hitler hated Stalin, the leader of the Soviet
Hitler eventually planned to invade it
Poland now lay between Germany and Russia
Neither Germany or Russia were ready for war
So they signed a non-aggression pact
Agreed not to attack each other for 10 years
Secretly agreed to split Poland between them
Neither side trusted each other
Europe was shocked
Hitler could now safely invade Poland
Why didn’t Stalin side with Britain and France?
He didn’t trust them
They were afraid of communism
Afraid it would spread to their countries
1st Sep – Hitler invades Poland
Britain and France demanded immediate
Hitler ignored them
3rd Sept – Britain and France declared war on
WW2 had begun
What were the 5 steps Hitler took to
Put these in the right order:
Invasion of Poland
Munich Conference
Nazi – Soviet non-aggression pact
Invasion of rest of Czech.
Germany begins rearmament
3. Name three things done to Germany in
Treaty ofVersailles.
4. What was appeasement?
5. What was isolationism?
6. What was the Munich Conference?