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World War II
Causes, Events, and Results
Chapter 30
1. National Socialist (Nazi) Party
2. Blitzkrieg
3. Winston Churchill
4. Battle of Britain
5. Holocaust
6. Battle of the Bulge
7. Pearl Harbor
8. Battles of the Coral Sea &
Midway Island
9. United Nations
10. Tehran Conference
11. Yalta Conference
12. Potsdam Conference
13. Total War
14. Atlantic Charter
15. Quit India Movement
16. Muslim League
17. Jomo Kenyatta
18. Afrikaner National Party
19. Apartheid
20. Vichy
War II
Germany begins to
I. Causes of World War II
systematically break
A. Germany
the terms of the
1. Hitler suspended reparation payments Treaty of Versailles!
2. 1935 Germany announces it is rearming
3. 1936 German forces move into the Rhineland
4. 1936 Spanish Civil War – Germany and Italy support
Spanish right under General Franco
a. Russia supports the left even when Britain and
France would not
5. 1938 Anschluss – union of
Germany and Austria
General Francisco Franco
6. Hitler demanded the Sudetenland
a. Was given to him at the 1938 Munich
Conference by Britain and
France…“Peace in our time”
b. Appeasement was a failure
7. March 1939 Czechoslovakia swallowed
up by Germany
8. ***September 1939 Poland attacked by Chamberlain and Hitler
Germany and Russia (remember: they
had signed the Russo-German Non-Aggression
Pact)…war begins in Europe***
9. Russia also takes the Baltic states and attacks Finland
The League of Nations
did nothing to
stop the spread
of the Axis Powers.
B. Japan
1. Japan invades Manchuria…1931
2. Japan continued to press
China…1937 Japanese troops
skirmished with the Chinese
near Beijing
3. Conflict escalated – Japanese took
major cities in east and coastal
4. 1940 Tripartite Pact – alliance of Germany, Italy, and
Japan…the Axis Powers
C. Italy
1. Invades & conquers Ethiopia…1935
Haile Selassie – King of Ethiopia
II. Main Events of World War II
A. European Theater of War
1. 1939 - 40 Blitzkrieg... Hitler’s
new style of warfare; “lightning
war”. First planes, then tanks,
then troops.
a. Used to overwhelm an opponent before they could
mount a defense.
2. German armies moved into Belgium &
France, they pushed the combined British and French
armies to the coast...a massive evacuation saved over
300,000 troops from begin caputred.
3. Vichy France – By the middle of 1940, the Germans
controlled northern France. The Vichy French were a
puppet government put in charge of Southern France.
4. Battle of Britain – By the summer of 1940 only Britain stood
against Germany in Western Europe. This battle was an air
war in which Germany bombed the citizens of Britain daily for
a. Prime Minister Winston Churchill called this
Britain’s “darkest hour”.
b. Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to soften up Britain
for invasion
c. British Radar saved the country – Germany was
unable to defeat the RAF or break the spirit of the country.
“Never in the field of human
conflict was so much owed by so
many to so few.”
--Winston Churchill
5. The Germans also advanced into the Balkans and North Africa.
6. 1941 – Operation Barbarossa…Germany invades Russia
a. Russia practiced “scorched earth”
b. Forced Germany to over extend
supply lines and brings USSR into
war – forces Germany to fight a
two-front war
7. 1942 – Stalingrad
a. By late 1942 the Germans controlled
most of the city, but were almost
completely surrounded
b. Hitler refused to order a retreat…by
February 1943 the Germans
surrendered…only 90,000 of an
original 330,000 soldiers survived The Battle of Stalingrad
was the turning point of
the war in Europe!!
Scenes from
8. North Africa to Italy
a. British General Bernard Montgomery and
American George Patton defeat German General
Erwin Rommel in North Africa…gives the allies a
base from which to invade Italy
b. Allies invade Sicily from North Africa in
July 1943.
--June 1944, the Allies
liberate Rome.
--April 1945, Mussolini is
captured, shot, and hung
upside down in Milan.
9. D-Day…June 6th, 1944…invasion of Normandy (France)…first
step in the liberation of Western Europe
a. The British, Canadians, and Americans had to penetrate
Hitler’s Atlantic wall…the German system of defenses built to
protect against an Allied
invasion from Britain
b. The invasion covered nearly
60 miles of beaches…Gold,
Juno, Sword, Utah, and Omaha.
10. Battle of the Bulge
a. Facing a two front war, Hitler gambled on one last big attack
to defeat the British & Americans. Tried to split their forces
and supply lines.
b. Eventually, the Allies pushed the Germans back and began
to head to Berlin.
11. Battle of Berlin…Hitler commits suicide
a. Allies closed in on Berlin from the Southwest, while the
Soviets closed in on the East. By April 25, 1945, the
Soviets had the city surrounded.
b. Hitler’s suicide April 30, 1945
--Married Eva Braun, his long time girlfriend, and they both
committed suicide in Berlin as the Americans and
Russians closed in.
--Aides burned their bodies.
c. May 8, 1945
--VE (Victory in Europe) Day
--End of European Theater
B. Pacific Theater of War
1. Stalemate in China…Resistance finally slowed the
Japanese assault…led to brutal Japanese atrocities
2. Japan advances into SE Asia
3. Negotiations breakdown with the U. S.
4. Pearl Harbor is attacked…December 7th, 1941
war on
8th, 1941
5. Philippines…Bataan and Corregidor
a. The Japanese, during their sweep through
the Pacific, ran into bitter fighting in the
Philippines. Eventually, the conquered the
forces on the Bataan Peninsula and the
island of Corregidor.
b. The captured soldiers were then taken on
a forced march through tropical heat for more than a week.
Thousands died from dehydration and Japanese atrocities.
6. Battle of Midway...turning point of the Pacific
a. From this point forward, the Americans are
advancing toward Japan.
7. Island hopping…Douglas MacArthur, Supreme
Allied Commander in Pacific, came up
with this strategy
a. Guam, Leyte Gulf, Iwo Jima and
Okinawa…faced Kamikaze
raising the flag
on Iwo Jima
MacArthur returning to the Philippines
8. Harry S. Truman succeeds FDR and decides
to drop a new weapon, the atomic bomb
a. Eventually two are dropped on Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, Japan
b. Japanese sign
surrender on
Sept. 2, 1945.
Bombing of Nagasaki
Little Boy (Hiroshima)
and Fat Man (Nagasaki)
III. Human Costs of World War II
A. Pacific
1. The Rape of Nanjing (Nanking)
a. The Japanese killed thousands
of captured soldiers and children,
and raped thousands of women
A ditch full of the bodies of
Chinese civilians, killed by
Japanese soldiers.
2. The Japanese internments
a. Japanese-Americans, mainly
living on the west coast, were
forced into camps by American
3. Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings
a. Bombing of Hiroshima killed 70,000
Severe burns. Only
his waist was
protected from a
burn by a
waistband he wore.
B. Europe
1. Bombings of civilian
centers, especially
2. The Holocaust…systematic persecution and attempted
genocide of the Jews
“The Jews are
undoubtedly a race,
but they are not human.”
--Adolf Hitler
“The world is too dangerous to live in
– not because of the people who do
evil but because of the people who
sit and let it happen.”
--Albert Einstein
There were no longer any questions
of wealth, of social distinction,
and importance, only people all
condemned to the same fate.”
“There our troops found sights, sounds,
and stenches horrible beyond belief,
cruelties so enormous as to be
incomprehensible to the normal mind.”
--Elie Wiesel
--Col. William W. Quinn
IV. The War Ends…Birth of the Superpowers
A. United Nations…peacekeeping organization…after the war
did much to aid refugees and promote healthcare
1. Security Council…U.S., U.S.S.R., Britain, France, China
B. Prosecution of War Crimes
1. Trials held in Nuremberg, Germany during the years
1945 – 1946 in which many of the remaining leaders of
the Nazi party were put on trial
Goering, Hess, von
Ribbentrop, and
Keitel in front row
C. From Hot War to Cold War
1. Teheran Conference, 1944…first wartime conference, early
plans were laid for the postwar world…cold war tensions
begin to rise
2. Yalta, 1945…second wartime conference…Germany was
divided into four occupation zones
The Yalta Conference
Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin
3. Potsdam, 1945…Third wartime conference…Germany had
already surrendered…first conference for Harry Truman
as President
a. Germany, Austria divided, occupied
4. Japan invaded and occupied by the United States…loses its
territories, even Korea, which was freed and divided into
two zones…these zones mark North & South Korea today
5. China regains territory, but almost immediately faces a
struggle for control between the Communists and
6. The Baltic States of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia quickly
become Soviet provinces
a. Almost all nations of eastern Europe come under Soviet
domination except Yugoslavia and Greece
V. The Growth of Nationalism…Downfall of Colonization
In the Atlantic Charter, the U. S. agreed to an alliance with Britain,
but the U. S. also forced Britain to agree to the right of self-determination!
A. Independence Comes to South and Southeast Asia
1. Indian National Congress stops cooperating with the
British…leads to the Quit India Movement (massive civil
disobedience campaigns) in 1942…Gandhi and other
leaders arrested
2. The Muslim League supported the British in an effort to
earn a separate state (eventually Pakistan)
3. British Labour Party takes over in 1945
from Churchill’s Conservative Party
4. Hindu/Muslim conflict…India, Pakistan split
in 1947…led to tremendous violence
5. Gandhi assassinated, 1948…hurts
peace efforts
6. Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Myanmar (Burma) earn a peaceful
independence following Britain’s retreat from India
7. Philippines…U.S. grants independence without violence
8. Dutch…Lose Indonesia to nationalists, 1949
9. French…Struggle in Indochina…eventually leads to the
Vietnam war
B. Non-settler Africa Gains Freedom
1. Two models
a. Radical…British Gold Coast (Ghana)
--Strikes, rallies, boycotts
--Independence, 1957
b. Peaceful…French, Belgian territories (Senegal, Ivory
--Negotiation was the main tactic
--Economic ties retained with the former mother
2. All French West African colonies freed by 1960
C. War Comes to the Settler Colonies
1. Kenya…peaceful efforts fail at *Substantial numbers of
Europeans lived in colony
the beginning
*Europeans blocked rise of
a. By 1954 the Land Freedom
nationalist movements and
Army had resorted to
concessions on part of Britain
guerilla tactics…eventually *Whites refused reforms or
give up lands
they were defeated at great
cost in lives
b. Britain is now ready to negotiate…Kenya granted
independence in 1963
2. Algeria
*Independence movement was
a. The National Liberation Front
even more violent that the
led an all out war against the
one in Kenya.
*France was more determined
French for independence
to hold on to its colonies.
during the 1950s
b. As in Kenya, the rebels were defeated on the battlefield,
but were again successful in negotiations
c. Bitter civil war followed between those wanting
independence and the settlers who didn’t want change
d. Independence was granted in 1962…led to mass
migrations to France by those who fought against
D. The Continuing Dominance of Whites in South Africa
1. Angola and Mozambique…revolution…independence, 1975
2. Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)…independence by 1980
3. South Africa…very large white population
a. No homeland for Afrikaners (Boers) to fall back on
--In control after Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902)
--South Africa became independent in 1961 under the
control of the white Afrikaner National Party
b. Society based on white supremacy and very rigid
social segregation (Apartheid…became law in 1948)
--Vote denied to black Africans and coloreds
--Blacks restricted to “homelands” based on tribal group
--Black homelands poverty-stricken…created pool of
labor for white businesses
--Police & army repress all protests against the state
E. The Palestinian Question
1. Most Arab nations were independent by the 1960s;
Palestine presented a special case
2. The Zionist movement gained momentum as the Holocaust
took place in Europe…Jewish
immigration to Palestine grew
a. A major Muslim revolt from
1936 – 1939 caused the
British to severely curtail
Jewish immigration
3. 1948…Palestine divided by the
United Nations
a. Warfare…the Zionists were
able to hold on to their
territories…created tension
that lasts until today
The Partition of Palestine After World War II