Download Day 3: Battles of World War II or the Home Front worth 10 points

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10th American History
Daily Lessons
This Day in History and Current Events
• This Day in History
• 1893- Hawaii's
monarchy was
overthrown as a group
of businessmen and
sugar planters forced
Queen Liliuokalani to
• Current Event
• Pushback on Obama's
plan to stem gun
– NEW: NRA president
says "Second
Amendment is going to
survive" gun control
– A new CNN/Time/ORC
poll shows majority
support for stricter
gun controls
– The president signs 23
executive actions that
don't need
congressional approval
– President Obama calls
for background checks
on all gun sales
While you were gone
10th American History- Make-up Assignments
Mr. Cook Room 214
Student-______________ Date Absent Jan. 17 Date Due-______
Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in!
• Homework:
– World War Power Point
Project due Jan. 21
In Class Work: Media Center
Computer Lab
Day 3: Battles of World War
II or the Home Front worth 10
– Power point must be saved
in your IPad to be shown in
class on the overheadApple- Air Play
Date and Period you will
take the exam____________________
Day #3
Computer Lab
Unit IV
A Champion of Democracy
Day 3
• Homework due
today – None
• In Class WorkMedia Center
Computer Lab
• Activities-
– Day 3: Battles of World War II
or the Home Front worth 10
World War II – American History Magazine Topics
Assign each student a number at random
Pre and Post World War II Topics
Battles of World War II or the Home front
during World War II
1.Hitler’s rise to power in Germany
2.Hitler Youth
3.Mein Kampf
4.Italy and Mussolini.
5.Japan before WWII
6.NAZI Beliefs
7.SA, SS, WS and Gestapo.
8.Pearl Harbor.
9.Allied Leaders/Generals/Axis Generals- Erwin
10.Munich Pact and German-Soviet NonAggression Pact
11.Jews in Germany before World War II
(Kristallnacht and the Nuremberg Laws)
12.Lebensraum and Anschluss
14.NAZI Propaganda- Joseph Goebbels
15.The Marshall Plan- (European Recovery
16.Casablanca Conference
17.Yalta Conference
18.Potsdam Conference
21.Casualties of World War II
22.Germany- After the War and War CriminalNuremberg Trials
23.Death of Adolph Hitler
24.Death of Mussolini
25.Japan- After the War and War CriminalsTokyo War Crimes Trial
26.Bataan Death March
27.Comfort women
28.U.S. POW’s in Germany and under Japanese
1.El Alamein or Operation Torch
3.Maginot Line
4.Battle of Britain- (Operation Sea Lion)
5.D-Day (Operation Overlord)
6.Battle of the Bulge
7.Leningrad, Stalingrad
8.The battleship the Bismarck or German U-Boats
9.Iwo Jima
12.Leyte Gulf
15.The Great Raid- Philippines
16.Doolittle’s Raid over Tokyo
17.U.S.S. Indianapolis,
18.Indian Code Talkers and Code Breakers
19.Weapons of WWII- V1, V2, Peenemunde,
secret weapons, wonder weapons, and gas.
20.Tuskegee Airmen
21.Scrap drives and rationing in World War II
22.Internment of Japanese Americans (Executive
Order 9066)
23.Women and World War II- “Rosie the Riveter”
24.Executive order 8802
25.Home front Propaganda in WWII- “Kilroy was
here”, Posters, Bond drives, advertizing during the
war, Dr. Seuss goes to war
26.Raising of the flag on Iwo Jima and what it
meant back home
27.Wartime movie making
28.War time Profiteering- Truman Committee on
War Profiteering.
Holocaust topics
1.Children of the Holocaust
2.Concentration Camps
3.Doctors and Medical Experiments
4.Final Solution
6.Jewish Ghettos- Warsaw and Lodz
7.Mobile Killing Units- Eisnsatzgruppen
8.Nazi Gold
9.Other Victims of the Holocaust
10.St. Louis- Ship with Jewish Immigrants
11.What the Liberators saw.
12.Women and the holocaust
13.Holocaust Heroes
14.Death Marches
15.Children of the Holocaust
16.Concentration Camps
17.Doctors and Medical Experiments
18.Final Solution
20.Jewish Ghettos- Warsaw and Lodz
21.Mobile Killing Units- Eisnsatzgruppen
22.Nazi Gold
23.Other Victims of the Holocaust
24.St. Louis- Ship with Jewish Immigrants
25.What the Liberators saw.
26.Women and the holocaust
27.Holocaust Heroes
28.Death Marches
Musts for this project
You must take handwritten notes, which will be
turned in before you give your presentation.
Your goal is to write one page of notes per topic.
You must use a note card or ½ sheet of paper when
giving the presentation.
The presentation will last at least 2 min. and
not more than 3 max.
Each slide must have a title and you must have 4
pictures on each slide with captions- up to 4
You must take notes each day in class from all
presenters. This will help you with the test to be
given over the presentations
Waverly- Shell Rock
10th American History
World War II Power Point Presentation
We will spend four days in the Computer Lab researching World War II.
Each day is planned out below.
This project will be presented to the class.
Topics- You will be given a number which corresponds to the topics on the
topic sheet. You must get enough information to make at least 2 slides
for each topic (at least 2 per day)
Day 1- You will research over the assigned topics for the Holocaust.
Day 2- You will research over the assigned topics for either Pre- World
War II or Post World War II
Day 3- You will research over the assigned topics for either World War
II Battles or the American Home front during World War II.
Day 4- Work day to put together the American History Magazine power
point which must be saved in the public file under your class- Public on
‘ads’ (P:), High School, American History, Power Point- 10th American
History, then your class.
Cover Slide- 1st slide of presentation- Be as creative as you can. 3 points
Title- World War II
Name and Class Period
List of topics
2. Individual Slides- At least two slides per topic. 3 Slide Maximum. Do not read the slides use your note
Each slide must have a title and at least 4 pictures.
Writing on each slide must be only captions under each picture. No more than 4 words per caption.
Not all pictures need captions
You may import (cut and paste) only pictures.
DO NOT READ THE SLIDES TO THE CLASS!!!! Use your notecard or sheet
3. Your presentation must be at least 2 min and 3 min. maximum.
4. You must take handwritten notes every day in class. **Your goal is to get one page of notes at least per
topic. No downloading, no cut and paste. DO NOT COPY THIS REPORT- PUT IT IN YOUR OWN
WORDS. You must hand in all of your notes before you give the presentation. You may use 1 - 3x5
note card or half a sheet of paper for the presentation.
5. You must write three multiple choice questions to hand in when you give your presentation. Questions will
be used in a multiple choice test for the class.
6. 36 Points
Cover Slide
3 points
World War II and the Holocaust- Slides worth 6 points + Notes worth 2 Points
8 Points
Pre- World War II or Post World War II- Slides worth 6 points + Notes worth 2 Points
8 Points
Battles of World War II or the American Home Front – slides worth 6 points + Notes worth 3
8 Points
2 points
Time limit of 2 min. minimum and 3 minutes maximum
2 points
Overall- coverage of information, notes and appropriate presentation
2 points
Research- Did you use your time wisely, hand written notes, on task- 3 days-. Did you make your
three multiple choice questions. 1 point per each days question and research.
3 points
Power Point Magazine: Part 2 - America: How We Lived.
The story of American History World War II- Current
Table of Contents
World War II Project- three topics – 36 points
Unit IV- A Champion of Democracy (1939-1960)- 70 points
World War II Project- at least 12 slides of your three topics (2-3 slides per topic, with 4 pictures and captions on each
Chapter 13 – World War II Erupts – 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words or less
to state why important. At least 2 pictures per slide.10 points
Chapter 14– The United States in World War II – 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4
words or less to state why important. At least 2 pictures per slide.10 points
Chapter 15 – The Cold War Begins – 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words or less to
state why important. At least 2 pictures per slide.10 points
Chapter 16 – 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words or less to state why important.
At least 2 pictures per slide.10 points
Unit IV Enhancement or Threat Slides- What enhanced or threatened U.S. democracy during this unit? (Good and BadVictory or Defeat)- 2 slides- 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important. at least 2 pictures per slide.. No lists 5
50’s and 60’s Project – three topics – 25 points
Unit V – A Nation Facing Challenges (1954-1975) – 70 points
50’s-60’s project- at least 12 slides of your three topics (4 per topic- at least 2 pictures per slide)- 25 points
Chapter 17- The New Frontier and the Great Society- 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of
4 words only to state why important. At least two pictures per slide- 10 points
Chapter 18- The Civil Rights Movement- 4 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only
to state why important. At least two pictures per slide- 10 points
Chapter 19- The Vietnam War- 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to state
why important. At least two pictures per slide- 10 points
Chapter 20- A Time of Social Change- 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to
state why important. . At least two pictures per slide- 10 points
Unit V Enhancement or Threat Slides- What enhanced or threatened U.S. democracy during this unit? (Good and BadVictory or Defeat)- 2 slides- 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important. at least 2 pictures per slide.. No lists 5
70’s, 80’s and 90’s Project– three topics – 25 points
Unit VI – Looking Toward the Future (1968-Present)- 60 points
70’s, 80’s and 90’s project- at least 12 slides of your three topics (4 per topic- at least 2 pictures per slide)- 25 points
Chapter 21- A Search for Order- 4 slides- 4 most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to
state why important At least 2 pictures per slide. 10 points
Chapter 22- A Conservative Era- 4 slides- 4 most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to
state why important At least 2 pictures per slide. 10 points
Chapter 23- Into the Twenty-First Century- 4 slides- 4 most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words
only to state why important 1 At least 2 pictures per slide. 0 points
Unit VI Enhancement or Threat Slides- What enhanced or threatened U.S. democracy during this unit? (Good and BadVictory or Defeat)- 2 slides- 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important. at least 2 pictures per slide.. No lists 5
World War II
• Name and Period
• List of Topics
Multiple Choice Questions;
Made from your topics
Topic #1-___________________________________________
1. __________________________________________________________
Topic #2-___________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
Topic #3-___________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________