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Dictator - a leader who rules a country
with absolute power, usually by force
 Dictators are usually able to take power
in countries that are suffering
economically and socially
 The conditions in The Soviet Union,
Germany and Italy made it easy for these
dictators to assume power
Joseph Stalin
Stalin’s Rise to Power
Originally studied for the priesthood
 Became a follower of Lenin
◦ Stalin was imprisoned several times and sent to
Did not play a major role in the Bolshevik
◦ 1923 he became the General Secretary of the Party
1924: Lenin died
◦ power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky
Rise to Power cont.
Both had different views on the Future of
◦ Trotsky - worldwide revolution
◦ Stalin - Build Socialism at home
Lenin had doubted Stalin as a successor
◦ Wanted someone “more tolerant & loyal”
1929:became an absolute dictator
◦ Trotsky was forced to flee the country
The Five Year Plan
Wanted the SU to become a modern industrial power
◦ build industry, improve transportation, and increase farm output
Developed a Command Economy - government officials
controlled all economic decisions
◦ Government owned all business & distributed money
Under command economy SU was successful with
heavy industry but failed to produce competitive
consumer goods
◦ EX: clothing, cars and appliances
The Five Year Plan cont.
Stalin brought agriculture under
government control
◦ Forced peasants to work on collectives
Collectives: were large farms owned and
operated by groups of peasants
 Allowed to keep their houses but all
animals and machinery were turned over to
the collective
Ukraine Famine
Peasants resisted the plan by killing farm
animals, destroying tools and burning crops
 The government responded with brutal force
 Angry peasants often grew only enough food to
feed themselves
 Stalin responded by seizing the grain and leaving the
peasants to starve
Famine spread across the SU and over 8 million
Ukrainians died
 Over the years the situation did not improve
The Great Purge
Always fearful of rival party members plotting
against him
 1934: launched the Great Purge
 In his reign of terror, Stalin and his Secret Police
cracked down on old Bolsheviks
 They were charged with a wide variety of
◦ Plotting to overthrow Stalin to not meeting
production quotas
Show Trials
Public trials where people were forced to confess
to crimes against the Stalin regime
 Executed publicly and other were sent to the
Gulag - a series of forced labor camps throughout
the USSR but mainly in Siberia
 Increased Stalin’s power as old revolutionary
member were replaced with young members loyal
to Stalin and fearful of his wrath
Cult of Personality - propaganda used by
Stalin to make himself godlike
 Much of the art depicting Stalin make him
look strong and powerful
 Religion was banned and replaced by
communist icons like Lenin and Stalin
Cult of Personality
How did Communism develop under
Lenin & Stalin?
 What were the effects of the 5 year
 Why did Stalin launch the Great Purge?
 How did Stalin create a totalitarian state?
Benito Mussolini
Blind Loyalty
To the
State controlled
Use of
Violence and
Use of
What is Fascism?
It was a term used by Mussolini rooted in
extreme nationalism
 It glorified violence, discipline and blind
loyalty to the state
 It is anti-democratic and communist
Rise of Mussolini
Italy after World War I:
◦ Italy was in economic chaos and political corruption
 Men could not find work
 Trade was slow
 Taxes were high (to pay for the war)
Inspired by the revolution in Russia
◦ Peasants took land, workers went on strike and took
over factories
Government split into warring factions
Rise of Mussolini
Mussolini took advantage of the unrest
and stepped in to fix the crisis
◦ Organized the veterans & others unhappy
with the conditions in Italy into the Fascist
Party 1919
The Rise of Mussolini
Mussolini promised
To end unemployment
Gain more land for Italy
Outlaw communism
Stop workers from
◦ Strengthen Italy’s
Rise in Power
Mussolini organized The “Black Shirts”
◦ Pro- violent change
Through intimidation & terror – gangs got rid of
elected officials in Italy
Rise to Power
1922: Mussolini organized a march on Rome to
demand gov’t changes
 King Emanuel III-feared a civil war
◦ Asked Mussolini to form a gov’t as Prime Minister
Once in power he ended:
◦ Free elections
◦ Free speech
◦ Free press
 Takes the title “Il Duce”
In Power
Mussolini ran Italy like a dictatorship upheld by
 Critics were thrown in prison, exiled or killed
 Secret police and propaganda supported the
 He preserved capitalism but much of the
economy was under gov’t control
Social Policies
Fascist Italy: the individual was only important
as a member of the state
 Men were urged to be warriors for Italy
 Women were pushed out of the workforce and
told to focus on being mothers
 Fascist youth groups: Children were molded to
obey strict military discipline
At first he was received in both Italy and
around the world
 Once his policy changed toward foreign
conquest other nations lost support of him
 Italy’s failure in WWII and the fact that his
people saw him as a pawn of Hitler lead to his
 He was captured and publicly executed
Germany After WWI
Germany was in turmoil after the war
 Lost land, the money was worthless, and the
military destroyed
 Weimar Republic
◦ Created in 1919
◦ Set up a parliamentary system led by a Chancellor
Rise of Hitler
Germany needed a leader who could fix
the economic problems & restore pride
 Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party promised
to fix Germany
 Appealed to:
◦ Unemployed
◦ Young people
◦ Lower middle class
The Rise of Hitler
World War I
Germany has
to pay large war
Germany loses
her colonies.
Weak Government
Economic Problems
Nazi’s Promise
Kaiser steps down
Weimar Rep.
fails to end inflation
A new German
super race
Germany is
bitter over blame
for World War I.
Reduced military.
Weimar Rep.
signs the Treaty of
Versailles which
many Germans
Rebuild the military
Get back lost land
Make Germany proud
Hitler had served in the military during
the war
 In 1919 he joined the Nazi Party and
became its leader in a year
 1923 he tried to seize power; he failed
and ended up in jail
 While in jail he wrote Mein Kampf which
became the Nazi’s book of goals and
Rise of Hitler
Once out of jail he gained a loyal
following of veterans and lower middle
class Germans
 He promised them jobs and that he
would rearm the military
 Hitler was elected as Chancellor of
Germany in 1933; he was supported by
conservatives that feared communism
Hitler’s Third Reich
He removed all socialist and communists,
suspended civil rights and made Germany a
single party state
He predicted his Third Reich would rule
Germany for 1000 years
He created a totalitarian state
The Fuhrer’s rules were enforced by a brutal
system of terror and repression
The SS troops were the main enforcers
The Gestapo - his secret police, removed all of
his opposition
The Third Reich
To help Germany recover economically Hitler
launched a huge public works campaign
◦ The autobahn
He violated the Treaty of Versailles by rearming
the nation but this created jobs
 Capitalism was kept but big businesses and
labor were brought under gov’t control
Society Under Hitler
Men were to be strong and fight for their
 Women were to produce as many “pure”
children as possible; were rewarded
 Children were trained to be loyal Germans and
to destroy all enemies
Society Under Hitler
Ends Civil Rights
 Murders political enemies
 Uses propaganda, art and
education to promote him
and the Nazi party
Able to rebuild Germany in under 10
 Tried to expand the German Empire
 Nazi foreign aggression set the stage for
Mussolini built a model for Hitler and
 All three regimes were different but had
several things in common
Single party dictatorship
Use of terror to enforce policy
Government control of the economy
Strict media censorship