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Chapter 37 - WW II
The War began (Japan invades Manchuria) and
ends Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki with Japan
Aftermath Nagasaki
WW II redefines Gender Roles, strengthens 3rd
World independence Movements, and leads to
US and SU dominance.
Ho Chi Minh
Germany, Italy and Japan desire to reverse
peace settlements & economic distress of
Depression leads remilitarization and conquest
• Allies appease them for a while, but by
late 30s and early 40s engage Axis in
Total War.
Seeing territorial expansion as needed for survival
Japan launches full scale invasion of China in 1937
• Ariel bombing of civilian centers
• Rape of Nanjing - mass rape over
400,000 murdered
• Doctrines of Japanese racial superiority
• Despite Japan’s military success,
Nationalist-Communist common front
ties down 750,000 Chinese soldiers by
Japan Treaties
• Tripartite with Germany and Italy
• Neutrality with SU
Italian & German Aggression
• Under Mussolini conquer Ethiopia 193536 (earlier annexed Libya)
• With Germany intervenes on Franco’s
side in Spanish Civil War
• Annexes Albania 1939
Lab for Fascist Weapons
Picasso “Guernica”
Germany 1933 Hitler comes to power on slogan
“November Crime”
Jews, Communists, Liberals blamed
Withdraws from League
Rebuilds armed forces with draft
Militarizes Rhineland
Luftwaffe attacks Spanish Republican
forces (with Italians)
Germany invades Rhineland
Problem of Sudetenland
Germany (cont)
• Anschluss 1938
• Sudetenland leads to Munich 1938 - Chamberlain,
“peace in our time”
• SU afraid of Allied abandonment 1939
Nonaggression Pact with Germany. Germany to get
W. Poland, SU E. Poland and Baltic states
• GB and France warn a Nazi attack on Poland means
• 1939 Germany attacks and defeats Poland War II in
Europe starts
War in Europe
• 1940 - German 'Blitzkrieg' overwhelms
Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Holland
and France.
• Miracle at Dunkirk - only GB remains
• Battle of Britain - 1941 Hitler abandons
plan to invade GB attacks SU in June.
Evacuation at Dunkirk
SU represents much Hitler hated - Bolsheviks,
Jews, Slavs - “operation Barbarossa”
• Extremely bloody - einsatzgruppen
murder 1.5 million Jews
• Siege of Moscow and Leningrad
• Factors in Nazi defeat include relocation
on infrastructure to East, Winter, and
US Lend Lease Act.
• Stalingrad 1942 -43 Turning point as
was Midway Island and El Alamein
El Alamein 1942
Stalingrad and Midway
Back East
• 1940 Japan occupies Indonesia, Malaya,
French Indo-China get raw materials tin,
• US embargos oil and freezes assets
• 1941 Tojo Premier
• December 7, 1941, “Day of Infamy” Japan
attacks Pearl Harbor. Although not compelled
by treat Italy and Germany declare war on US
(mistake) US declares war on them
Japanese continued
• Japan attacks Philippines, Guam, Wake
Island, Midway, Hong Kong, Thailand.
1942 Brits leave Singapore and not long
after the US abandons the Philippines
Tide Turns
• 1943 SU marches into Romania,
Hungary and Poland by April of 1945
near Berlin.
• US and Brits fight Germans in N. Africa
(SU angered at no 2nd Front) and push
into Italy. 1944 Italy withdraws from
Nearing the End
• Allies firebomb Germany (Dresden) and
Japan (Tokyo)
• After Midway “Island Hopping” toward
Japan. Severe resistance - kamikaze
Nature of Occupation by
Japan and Germany
• Much is based on racial ideology
• N. France occupied S. France
collaborates (Vichy) Norway (Quisling)
• Partisans in Europe (Jewish and non
Jewish) Guerillas in Philippines.
• Comfort Women
• At war’s end 60M dead tens of millions
• SU & US fight for hegemony
1947 until the Fall of SU =
Cold War
• Political, economic and ideological
hostility using proxies.
• Yalta Big 3. Stalin enters war with
Japan, agreement re: UN,try war
criminals in international court, and
“Free & fair elections” in E. Europe
which SU never allows installing pro
Soviet regimes
Cold War
• SU gets E. Germany and US & Allies W.
Germany - Berlin(in E. Germany) open city.
• 1946 Churchill says an Iron Curtain has come
down in Europe.
• Koreas divided N & S
• Truman Doctrine 1947 - civil war v
communists in Greece and Turkey - US will
give military aid to those resisting
Cold war
• Marshall Plan to shore up infrastructure, give
us trading partners and stop communism 13
B to reconstruct W. Europe
• 1949 NATO; 1955 Warsaw PACT
• UN Dumbarton Oaks & S.F.
• 1949 China Communist & SU gets A Bomb
• Containment Doctrine - George Kennan
• 1950 - 1953 Korean War