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Ch 16 & 17
Test Preparation
At the 1942 Wannsee Conference,
Reinhard Heydrich
– Decided to invade large territories that were
home to millions of Jews.
– Planned to carry out bogus medical
experiments on prisoners.
– Determined the need to build additional
concentration camps
– Outlined a plan to exterminate about
11,000,000 Jews.
Political Parties of WWII
• Nazi party - Hitler’s German party
• Fascist Party – Mussolini’s Italian party
• Communist Party – Stalin’s USSR party
• Who was winning in Europe at the end of
• The Neutrality Acts demonstrate our
isolationist policies prior to WWII.
• Japan’s goal in attack Pearl Harbor was to
prevent the US from interfering in their
planned expansion.
Which two nations emerged as the
strongest following World War II?
– Britain and France
– The Soviet Union and the United States
– China and Japan
– Germany and Poland
British leader who said that Nazi
aggression threatened all
Hideki Tojo
Dwight Eisenhower
Winston Churchill
Adolph Hitler
Benito Mussolini
Pacific Battles of WWII
• Turning point in the Pacific = Battle of
• Surprise Japanese attack on United States
= Pearl Harbor (brought US into war)
• US strategy of clearing Japanese off islands
= island hopping (get us close enough to
invade Japan proper)
• Japanese battles had high casualties
(Why?) Japanese fought to the death
• Atomic Bomb decision =made by H.
Truman; priority was to save US lives
European Battles
• D-Day what did it want to accomplish?
Allies invading German controlled France
@ Normandy.
• Battle of the Bulge? Germany’s last
offensive, used up Hitler’s
resources/discouraged his men.
• Battle of Stalingrad=turning pt. of war in
Eastern Europe (stopped Hitler’s continued
• Why Europe First?= Hitler/Mussolini the
greatest threat.
• Death camps =special camps Hitler had
set up for the mass murder of the Jews, et
• Final solution = code name for Hitler’s
planned extermination of the Jews, et. al.
• Auschwitz= largest of Nazi death camps
(killed the most)
Ending the war
The Yalta Conference = little satisfactory
decisions made by Big Three; one
agreement was to allow free elections in
Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania but Stalin
will later renege on his promise.
Home front
• War Refugee Board = created by FDR in
1944 to try to save Eastern European
Jews from Hitler.
• Philip Randolph= threatens FDR w/ march
on Washington for fair hiring
practices;FDR issues 8802= fair hiring
• Rationing=govt controlled thru coupon
Terms/people to know
Tripartite Pact
Bracero Program