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The Rise of Hitler
World History
Mrs. Sadler
Totalitarian Regimes
 Power in hands of a dictator
 Ideology that addresses all aspects of
Control of
Terror and Fear - Secret Police
Cult of Personality
Indoctrination of Youth
 Communism
 Fascism
 Nazism
European Economies
 The end of the war decreased
a demand for goods.
British and French trade had
Tariffs discouraged
worldwide trade
Unemployment and debt
were widespread.
France was war torn –
farmland and factories were
Both countries were heavily
in debt to the U.S.
The Great Depression
 The U.S. would soon sink
into the depression.
Overproduction of
manufactured goods
Less demand for raw
The stock market crash
Banks and businesses
Rise of Fascism
 Fascism is rule by a
dictatorial government
that is ultra-nationalistic.
Characteristics include:
 Strong military
 Censorship
 Use of terror and violence
 Rule by dictator
 Strict discipline
 State control of the
Rise of Nazism in Germany
 The new Democratic government,
known as the Weimer Republic,
seemed incapable of meeting the
people’s needs.
In Germany the unemployment
rate was high.
Inflation rate was skyrocketing.
$35 billion in reparations could
not be paid
People looked to a strong leader
for drastic change.
Rise of Nazi Ideals
 In 1921 Adolf Hitler gained control
of the Nationalist Socialist German
Workers’ Party (Nazi party)
 Nationalistic, anti-Semitic, anticommunist, Anti-intellectual
 1923 – Hitler was imprisoned
following a failed coup d’etat (Beer
Hall Putsch)
 Hitler realized he must take control
using legal means.
 Wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
while imprisoned describing his
ambition for power.
 Jews are inferior
 German people belong to Aryan race
 Lebensraum (living space) in the West
The Situation in 1929
 Germany relied on American money under
the Dawes Plan to be able to pay for the
 When the American Stock Market crash on
Wall Street, the USA stopped lending money
to Germany.
 The German economy went into recession.
 By January 1933, unemployment had
reached 6,000,000 or 30% of the population.
 The Weimar Government couldn’t do
anything to help the unemployed.
Germany 1933
 By 1930’s the Nazi party was
the largest party in the
Reichstag (German Parliament)
 1933 – Hitler appointed
 Hitler was soon elected
‘Fuhrer’ on the promise to give
the German people ‘Bread &
 He began to set up a
totalitarian state he called the
Third Reich
Hitler the Demagogue
 Hitler was known for his power
to mesmerize a crowd with his
 He blamed the Treaty of
Versailles and the Jews for
Germany’s problems.
“It was a huge hall and everyone was
waiting for Hitler to arrive... I must say it
was an electrifying atmosphere. Even
before 1933 everybody was waiting for
him as if he was a savior. Then he went to
the podium. I remember it all went quiet,
and he started to speak in his serious voice.
Calm, slow, and then he got more and
more enthusiastic. I must admit, I can't
remember exactly what he actually said.
But my impression afterwards was: this is
a man who does not want anything for
himself, but only thinks about how he can
help the German people.”
Hitler’s Economic Policies
 Public works projects
were begun to put people
back to work.
 The Autobahn highway was
 Support for business and
Impact of Hitler’s Policies on
Mr. Popularity
 In 1938 Adolph Hitler is
named Time magazines
man of the year.
Nazi Propaganda
 Books and Art
 writers, and composers
persuaded or forced to
produce works in praise of
 Books written by Jews,
Communists, etc. were
banned and many
destroyed in public book
burning in 1933
 Jazz music banned
because of its black origins
'The seed of peace, not dragon's teeth'
Victory is Your
Long Live
Eternal Jew
Nazi Propaganda
 Rallies and Olympic Games
 Annual rally at Nuremburg
 1936 Olympic Games at
Berlin, used as propaganda
to showcase the Aryan race
and German development.
 American Jesse Owens stole
the show.
Nazi Germany
• Local rallies and fund
raising led by the
Hitler Youth and local
party organizations
• Posters used to
promote Nazi ideals
Role of Propaganda
 The Press
 all non Nazi newspapers
and magazines were taken
over or closed
 all content was strictly
Radio controlled
All stations under state control. Cheap mass produced
radios sold. Sets installed in cafes and factories. All
Hitlers speeches broadcast.
The Use of Terror
 The SS (Brown shirts)
 an elite group of committed
charged with internal
guarded concentration camps
hunted political enemies
commanded by Heinrich
Himmler -Gestapo
Persecution of the Jews
 1934 - Jews banned from
public places, parks,
swimming pools etc.
 Jews excluded from
Government jobs
 Jews forced to wear
yellow badges on their
Persecution of the Jews
 1935 - The Nuremburg Laws
 1 - The Reich Law on citizenship -
only those of German blood can be
citizens, and have the right to vote.
 2 - Law for the protection of German
Blood and Honour - forbids marriage
or sexual relations between Jews and
German citizens
Military Rearmament
 Hitler began to rebuild
his army.
Thousands worked in
munitions factories.
German army increased
to 500,000 men.
Germany stopped
paying reparations.
The League of Nations
did nothing to stop
Spanish Civil War
 Spanish Civil War broke out
in 1936.
 Socialists/Communists –
supported by the U.S.S.R.
 Nationalists - Fascist
General Francisco Franco –
supported by Germany and
 Test run for the German
war machine.
Persecution of the Jews
 November 1938
 Kristallnacht (night of broken
 A campaign is started which
last 3 days and targets Jewish
shops, homes and synagogues.
 90 killed 20,000 arrested and
sent to concentration camps
Persecution of the Jews
 1938-39
 Forbidden to own radios and to buy cakes
and chocolate
 Jewish children excluded form schools and
 The professional activity of Jews is banned
or restricted - includes vets, doctors,
dentists, accountants, teachers and nurses
 Jews no longer allowed to run businesses and
Persecution of the Jews
• Jews were
gathered up into
ghettos before
being deported
from Germany.
Special SS groups
formed to deal
with the Jews.
The Use of Terror
 Concentration Camps
 run by the SS to detain
enemies of the state
 Prisoners, Jews,
Gypsies, political
 By 1939 six camps were
Hitler’s Aggression
 March 1936 - German troops reoccupy the Rhineland in
violation of the Treaty of Versailles.
 Germany signed anti-Comintern Pact with Italy and
Japan forming the Axis Powers.
 France and England did nothing.
Anschluss - Hitler Annexes
March 1938 – Hitler
sent troops into
Austria proclaiming
it part of Germany.
 France and England
did nothing.
 Sept. 1938
 Hitler demanded the Sudetenland
(border region where 3 million
Germans lived), part of democratic
British Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain met with Hitler at
Munich to discuss.
Chamberlain gave Hitler the
This became known as the Munich
Agreement “peace in our time”.
Appeasement ( making concessions
to an aggressor in order to maintain
peace ) only encouraged Hitler.
The Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
 August 1939 - Hitler and
Stalin promised not to
attack one another in
the event of war.
 They also agreed to
spheres of influence in
Eastern Europe.
 Secret item – Division of
Polish land
Germany Invades Poland!!
 September 1, 1939 –
the Germans unleash
Blitzkrieg, or
lightning war, on the
 The U.S.S.R. invades
and occupies eastern