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Chapter 31
World War II
Global History
The Versailles Treaty
June 28, 1919
 On May 7 - June 28, 1919 the
“Treaty of Versailles” is drafted
and signed, ending World War I.
 The harsh terms in the treaty set
the stage for World War II.
 German citizens look for hope
from a charismatic leader who
wants to unite all Germany…
World War II Begins
 On September 3, 1939, Great Britain and
France declared war on Germany. This
was two days after German armies
invaded Poland.
 The aggressor nations were the Axis
powers. These nations were Germany and
Italy. Japan joined the Axis in 1940.
World War II Begins
 In Europe Germany overran one country
after another. In may 1940 first German
and then Italian armies invaded France.
After the fall of France in June 1940, Great
Britain stood alone.
 Britain was the only country in western
Europe still fighting against the Axis
Buzzers get ready!
 Winston Churchill said, “Never in the
history of mankind have so many owed so much to so
few.” What organization was he
talking about?
The Royal Air Force!
United States enters World War II
 Before December 1941, the United States
lent aide to Great Britain and other
countries who opposed the Axis powers.
 Because of the memories of World War I,
Americans were very hesitant to enter
another Global conflict and clung to an
isolationist approach to world affairs.
United States enters World War II
 December 7, 1941
 On that day the Japanese made a sneak
attack on the United States. They
bombed the American naval base at
Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and bases in the
United States enters World War II
 The next day the President, Roosevelt
asked Congress to declare war on Japan.
Congress declared war on Japan the
same day.
The Philippines and the U.S.A.
 Philippines became a colony of the U.S. as a
result of the Spanish-American War, 1898;
the U.S. government had committed to grant
the Philippines independence on July 4,
 American military advisors were on hand to
train the Philippine military; commanded by
General Douglas MacArthur, with a target
date of summer 1942 to become combatready.
The Philippines and the U.S.A.
 The Philippines is 9000 miles west
of California, on the other side of
the International Date line.
200th Coast Artillery at Camp Luna near Las
New Mexico National Guard
 In January 1941, the New Mexico national
guard is federalized and sent to Fort Bliss,
Texas to be converted from horse cavalry to
coast artillery (antiaircraft).
 1,800 men, many draftees from New Mexico
and West-Texas are those selected to fill up
the 200th Coast Artillery.
New Mexico National Guard
 Combat-ready by July; Deployed to the
Philippines in September 1941.
 The 200th Coast Artillery was issued
obsolete World War I equipment.
 They dealt with serious supply
shortages magnified by the 9,000 mile
supply line.
World War II Starts for the U.S.
 Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941
 The Philippines and Wake Island are
attacked 4 hours later. Because it occurs on
the other side of the international date line it
is December 8th.
 The British are attacked at Singapore, the
Dutch are attacked in the Dutch West Indies
(Now Indonesia), on the same day.
World War II Starts for the U.S.
 The American Air Corps, in the
Philippines, was largely destroyed on
the first day.
 Many claim McArthur’s headquarters
was totally in shock and inept and that
this was a big reason for the loss of
almost all American air power.
World War II Starts for the U.S.
 The 200th Coast Artillery (NM National
Guard) was guarding Clark Field, near
Manila and fired the first shots at
attacking Japanese airplanes.
 “First to Fire” became the motto of the
Air Defense Artillery in memoriam.
American forces Surrender
 On April 9, 1942, faced with a force,
ridden with tropical diseases, on
quarter rations, little or no ammunition
or spare parts, the American
Commander on Bataan, decided to
surrender the force to prevent further
needless losses.
American forces surrender
American forces surrender
 Major General King had every logical reason
to assume the troops would be treated
humanely; when he found out otherwise,
Major General King graciously publicly
assumed complete responsibility for the
 In the P.O.W. community April 9th is known
as Surrender Day.
 History records that Bataan was the last
offensive action taken by the Japanese Army
during World War II; thereafter, they were
continually on the defensive.
Bataan Death March
 What followed would later be called
“the Bataan Death March”. American
and Philippine prisoners of war were
marched out of Bataan to a former U.S.
Army camp 55 miles north, Camp
The Bataan Death March
Camp O’Donnell
 Three years of imprisonment followed,
including building airfields for the
Japanese, farm labor, slave labor in
Japan, Korea, or Manchuria.
 Prisoners worked for companies like
Mitsubishi. Hell ships were used to get
the prisoners to Japan.
Camp O’Donnell
Atrocities committed
Helping to win the war
 The war lasted nearly four years. New
Mexicans saw action wherever there was
 New Mexico had the highest casualty rate
(dead and wounded) of any state in the
Japanese-American relocation
 In some parts of the state, the national
government built special camps. The
camp at Santa Fe housed JapaneseAmericans.
 These Japanese-Americans had been
removed from the West Coast under
orders from President Roosevelt.
Japanese-American relocation
 After the attack on Pearl Harbor, anti-Japanese
feelings on the West Coast had broken out.
People feared that the Japanese were a threat
to the security of the West Coast.
 The president had reacted to these fears. He
said the national security required the
relocation of 112,000 Japanese-Americans.
 Nearly two-thirds of those relocated had been
born in the United States.
Propaganda Posters
The Manhattan Project
The development of the atomic bomb was
being done in a secret location in NM.
The site was a boys’ ranch school until 1942.
J. Robert Oppenheimer had attended the boy’s
school there. It was he who told the United
States government about Los Alamos.
Oppenheimer helped head the atomic bomb
The Manhattan Project
 The government sealed off the area
in 1943. It brought in top scientists.
Some were Jewish refugees from
Hitler’s Germany.
 Research facilities were built, and
some 7,000 people lived at the
project site. The town of Los
Alamos had been born.
The Manhattan Project
 The atomic bomb and the idea
behind it were new. Not even those
who built the bomb knew if it would
work. The bomb first had to be
The Manhattan Project
 This test took place at Trinity Site on
the White Sands Proving Ground.
The date was July 16, 1945.
“The optimist thinks that this is
the best of all possible worlds,
and the pessimist knows it.”
J. Robert Oppenheimer
US administrator &
astrophysicist (1904 - 1967)
End of the War
 President Harry S. Truman had
made the decision to use the bomb.
He believed that its use would save
hundreds of thousands of American
 On August 6, 1945 the first atomic
bomb used against a country was
dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. In an
instant 75,000 Japanese died.
End of the War
 Japan did not surrender.
 On August 9, 1945 the second atomic
bomb was dropped on Japan. The
target was Nagasaki, Japan.
End of the War
 In the morning of September 2nd,
1945, more that two weeks after
accepting the Allies terms, Japan
formally surrendered.
 The ceremonies, less than half an
hour long, took place on board the
battleship USS Missouri, anchored
with other United States' and British
ships in Tokyo Bay.
Global History Partner Questions!
Find your French Revolution partner and answer
the following questions
 Write the questions and the answers you discussed on a
separate sheet of paper. Make sure you write a heading
and date on the paper.
1. Explain two reasons why the United States used
the atomic bomb on Japan.
2. Compare the positive and negative effects of
technology in World War II.
World War II
grew out of ancient and ordinary human
emotions- anger and arrogance and bigotry,
victimhood and the lust for power.
 And it ended because other human qualitiescourage and perseverance and selflessness,
faith, leadership, and the hunger for freedomcombined with unimaginable brutality to
change the course of human events.
 The Second World War brought out the best
and the worst in a generation- and blurred the
two so that they became at times almost
The War, Geoffrey War and Ken Burns
Chapter 31
World War II
Global History