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Chapter 11
World War II
Mr. Marston
9th Grade
Chapter 11: Section 1
Paths to War
• The German Path to War: Significance:
• Hitler’s Aryan philosophy paved the
way for Aggressive German expansion
German path to war
• 1. First Steps: a) Germany created a new
Air Force-Luftwaffe
• b) Draft-raised an army of 100,000 to
500,000 men.
German path to war
• 2. First Steps: March 7, 1936, Hitler
invaded the Rhineland. (demilitarized
zone) no armies.
• Led to Appeasement-just give him what he
wants-he go away after a while.
Map of Rhineland Germany-1936
German path to war
• 3. New Alliances:
• A) Rome/Berlin Axis-Hitler formed alliance
with Mussolini
• B) Anti-Comintern Pact-Hitler formed
alliance with Japan (anti communist)
• **** Hitler broke every agreement, treaty,
pact, he ever signed.******
German path to war
• 4. Union with Austria: Anschluss (Union)
• Germany threatens to invade Austria
unless the Nazi party is put into power.
• It is-Austria joins with Germany.
Anschluss with Austria
German Path to war
• 5. Demands & Appeasement
• Munich Conference-Allies give Hitler what
he wants: Czechoslovakia.
• Hitler occupies Sudetenland
• Then takes over Czechoslovakia.
Map of Sudetenland
• Western Allies giving
Czechoslovakia to
appease him.
German Path to war
• 6. Great Britain & France react:
• March 1939-Czechoslavakia falls to Hitler.
• France & Great Britain vow to protect
German Path to War
• 7. Hitler & the Soviets:
• August 23, 1939-Hitler & Stalin sign the
Nazi Soviet Nonagression pact.
• Hitler invades Poland (September 1, 1939)
• France & Britain declare war on Germany
• After the invasion begins.
Nazi Soviet Nonaggression pact
Nazi Soviet Nonaggression pact
• Herb Block Political
• Nazi-Soviet Non
aggression pact
The Japanese Path to War
• Significance: Natural Resources (NR)
fueled Japanese plan for expansion
Japanese path to war
• 1. War with China: Japan & China ended
up in a major conflict in 1937.
Japanese path to war
• 2. New Asian Order-Japan, China, and
Manchuria formed a group of countries
seeking prosperity for Asian nations.
Japanese path for war
• 3. Japan formed a pact with Germany
Invade USSR-seize natural resources
Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression pact got in
the way.
Forced Japan to seek Nat. Res. In SE
Japanese path to war
• 4. Japan-NR-French IndoChina (Vietnam)
invasion-US orders sanctions against
Forces Japan to invade Pearl Harbor.
Chapter 11, Section 2
The Course of WW II
• Europe at War: Significance-German
Blitzkrieg to win central & western
• Germans were stopped in Russia while
British remained undefeated
Europe at War
• 1. Hitler’s Blitzkrieg (Lightning War) 300
tank strike force supported by Luftwaffe
Europe at War
• 2. Hitler’s early Victories: April 9, 1940
• Hitler invades Norway & Denmark using
German invasion of Norway &
Europe at War
• 3. Hitler’s early victories: May 10, 1940
• Hitler invades Netherlands, Belgium, and
France using Blitzkrieg
• June 22, 1940 3/5 of France-Nazis-Vichy
German invasion of Netherlands,
France, and Belgium
Europe at War
• 4. United States-Post T. O. V. (Treaty of
Versailles) Policy of Isolation-non
involvement with Europe’s wars.
• Start to help Britain
Isolation political cartoons
Europe at War
5. Battle of Britain: Hitler wants an
amphibious landing of Britain, must gain
air superiority.
Germans bomb British cities
allow British to rebuild air force
Aug 1940-Invasion postponed indefinetily
Aftermath of battle of Britain
Europe at War
• 6.If Hitler defeats main British ally Russia,
then they can defeat British Morale
• Spring 1941 Invasion of USSR postponed
until June 1941.
Europe at War
• 7. Fierce Russian resistance and the
Harsh Russian winter resulted in
Germany’s defeat,
• *** Same thing happened to Napoleon
Japan at War
• Significance: The attack on Pearl
Harbor, led to U.S. entrance into WW II
Japan at War
• 1. Japan’s invasion led to many conquered
islands in the Pacific.
• Led to creation of Greater East Asia
Company prosperity sphere.
Japan at War
• 2. Japan hoped to crush American resolve
• And knock them out of the war.
• Opposite happened: America Galvanized
The Allies Advance
• Significance: Allies stopped the
advance of the Germans and the
Allies Advance
• 1. Allies in 1943-Fight Axis PowersUnconditionally Surrender
Allies Advance
• 2. European Theater: Erwin Rommel
German Tank commander won several
victories for Germany in Africa.
Allies Advance
• 3. European Theater: Turning of the Tide
• A) El Alamein: Germany defeated
• B) Stalingrad: Germany lost 6th Army
Battle of El Alamein
Battle of Stalingrad
Allies Advance
• 4. Pacific Theater: May 7-8, 1942
• Battle of the Coral Sea
• Stopped the advance of the Japanese
Battle of the Coral Sea
• 5. Pacific Theater: June 4, 1942-Battle of
the Midway-U.S. Destroyed 4 Japanese
aircraft carriers.
Battle for Midway map
Battle of Midway
Last years of the War
• Significance: Germany and Japan were
forced to unconditionally surrender
Last Years of the War
• 1. European Theater: Jan 1943-Axis
powers surrendered in Africa
• Allies pushed into Sicily, Italy-Long
Offensive-Rome finally fell in June 1944.
Last Years of the War
Last Years of the War
• 2. European Theater: D-Day (Operation
Overlord)-create 2nd front.
• Soviets pushed towards Berlin, Berlin falls
• April 30, 1945-Hitler commits suicide.
Last years of the War
Last years of the War
• 3. Battle of Iwo Jima
• Feb 19, 1945 thru March 26, 1945
• Secured airfield-enabled bombing of
Last Years of the War
Map of Iwo Jima
SSG MOH Recipient John Basilone
Killed on Iwo Jima
Iwo Jima MOH Recipients
Herschel Williams/George Whalen
Last Years of the War
• 4. Atomic weapons used on Empire of
• August 6, 1945 Hiroshima
• August 9, 1945 Nagasaki
• Japan surrenders August 14, 1945
Fat Man/Little Boy
Fat Man/Little Boy
Chapter 11
Section 3: New Order & the Holocaust
• Significance: German expansion led to
millions of displaced people-slave labor
to Nazis
Eastern Resettlement
• 1. Himmler (SS Leader) moves out the
Slavs & repopulates with Germans
• 2. Projected that 30 million slavic peoples
may die to achieve German plans in the
• 3. Slave labor in Germany
• a) 7 million in Germany
• b) 7 million slaves in their own countries
• Significance: Hitler’s Aryan philosophy
led to the Holocaust
• 1. Final Solution-Genocide-Extermination
of Jews
• 2.Einsatzgruppen-Round up Jews &
Exterminate them (their mission)
Einsatzgruppen gathering up
Ukrainian Jews
• 3. Death Camps (Extermination)-mass
killings-located all in Poland.
• Auschwitz was largest
Majdanek-Inside Shower Room
Shower Nozzle/hatch where Zyclon-B
was inserted into Gas chamber
Blue marks on wall indicate residue
from Zyclon-B
Exportations to Death Camps
4. Holocaust killed approx 6 million Jews
2 out of every 3 European Jews
3 million men
2 million women
Jewish children who were hidden in
a Polish convent
• 5. Women & Children killed first
• Approx 1 to 1.5 million Jewish children
killed during Holocaust
Children during Holocaust
Children in the Holocaust
New Order in Asia
• Significance: Japan forced millions of
native peoples to work for their war
New Order in Asia
• 1.Japanese Policies: Local governments
would be set up under Japanese control
• 2.Japanese Policies: The economic
resources of the colonies were used for
the benefit of the Japanese War machine
New Order in Asia
• 3. Japanese Behavior: Japan showed
little/No respect for local customs.
• Burma: Buddhist pagodas-Latrines (toilets)
New Order in Asia
• 4. Japanese disrespect caused problems
for locals, some rebelled, some put up with
degrading behavior.
Chapter 11, Section 4
The Home Front and the Aftermath of the
• Mobilization of Peoples: Four
Examples: Significance: U.S.S.R.,
U.S.A., Germany, and Japan all
stressed personal sacrifice
• While mobilizing
Soviet Union
• 1. Soviets stressed “Battle of the
• Total military mobilization-caused
shortages in food and housing
United States
• 2. U.S.A. Massive economy created
boomtowns, widespread migration,
Segregation in military, & Japanese
Internment in S. California.
• 3. Hitler mobilized too late to save
Germany from defeat in WW II. Towards
end of war, women urged to work for
• 4. Controlled prices, wages, labor, and
resources. Males encouraged to serve as
“Kamikaze” pilots-women stay as wives
and mothers.
Frontline Civilians: Bombing of
• Significance: Bombing of UK, Germany,
and Japan destroyed cities & killed
Frontline Civilians: Bombing of
• 1. Britain: 1st sustained civilian bombing
• Blitz-bomb civilian targets force peacewrong.
Frontline Civilians: Bombing of
• 2. Germany: Dresden (Feb. 13-15,1945)
• Incendiary bombs –Firestorms-killed 100,
Frontline Civilians: Bombing of
• 3. Germany: Increase in War production
materials-extremely hard to get to military.
Frontline Civilians: Bombing of
• 4. Japan: Fearing a land based invasionU.S. used Atomic weapons on Hiroshima
& Nagasaki
Peace & A New War
• Significance: Political tensions,
conflict, and paranoia led to Cold War.
Peace & a new war
1. Tehran Conference: Big Three
(Churchill, Roosevelt, & Stalin)
November 1943: Final German Assault
Divide post war Germany
Tehran Conference Nov 1943
Peace & a new war
• 2. Yalta Conference: Big Three: Feb. 1945
• Stalin wants a communist buffer to protect
against the West
War & a new peace
• 3. Yalta Conference: Creation of United
Nations-San Francisco 1945.
• Stalin allow free elections in Poland in
Yalta Conference Feb. 1945
War & a new peace
• 4. Potsdam Conference: July 1945:
• Free Governments cannot be allowed in E.
Europe-Anti Soviet
• Truman replaced Roosevelt-dies April
Potsdam Conference
War & a new peace
• 5. War Crimes: Nuremberg-Crimes against
humanity (1945-1946)
Nuremberg War Trials
War & a new peace
• 6. Cold War: started between East & West
Map of Cold War Europe
War & a new peace
• 7. Iron Curtain has divided Europe into
east and west.
Iron Curtain-Black line
separate east from West