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AAAI-14 Exhibitor Information
On behalf of AAAI, we invite you to exhibit at the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
to be held July 27 – 31, 2014 in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Each year the AAAI conference brings
together about 1,000 AI researchers and practitioners from around the world. Your participation at AAAI14 is an excellent way to reach the leading scientists who are conducting groundbreaking research in
artificial intelligence. Whether you want to showcase your intelligent technology services to the AI
community, or tap into this incredible source of talent, AAAI-14 is the premier venue to accomplish these
goals. For more information about exhibiting at AAAI, please write to [email protected] or visit the AAAI
Conference and Exhibit Schedule
AAAI-14 Conference:
July 27 - 31
Exhibits / Competitions:
July 29 - 31
Exhibit Move-in:
July 29 before 10:00AM
Exhibit Tear-down:
July 31
July 27 - 28
July 27 - 28
Exhibit Hours*
Tuesday, July 29
Wednesday, July 30:
Thursday, July 31:
10:00am - 12:30pm and 1:45pm - 5:45pm
10:00am - 12:30pm and 1:45pm - 5:45pm
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
*Exhibit hours are subject to change.
Exhibit Fees**
Commercial Vendors:
$1,225 per tabletop
Publishers / Nonprofit Organizations: $825 per tabletop
University Research Laboratories:
$425 per tabletop (restricted benefits)
**Exhibit fees are based on one (1) 6-foot by 30-inch skirted table. All prices are quoted in US dollars.
Exhibitor Benefits***
AAAI-14 Exhibitors are entitled to several benefits in addition to their exhibit space:
• A 100-word listing and description in the AAAI-14 / IAAI-14 Program
• One copy of the AAAI-14 / IAAI-14 Conference Proceedings (Flash Drive)
• One complimentary technical registration to the AAAI-14 / IAAI-14 Conference
• Eligibility to advertise in the AAAI-14 / IAAI-14 Program or have an insert in the Conference bag
**University Research Laboratories who elect to exhibit at the reduced $400 rate receive only the program listing.
For more information about becoming an Exhibitor at AAAI-14, please contact us at:
AAAI-14 Exhibits
2275 East Bayshore Road, Suite 160
Palo Alto, California 94303, USA
Telephone: (650) 328-3123 Fax: (650) 321-4457
[email protected]