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Chapter 4
Knowledge Representation (continue)
323-670 Artificial Intelligence
ดร.วิภาดา เวทย์ ประสิทธิ์ ภาควิชาวิทยาการคอมพิวเตอร์ คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
Property Inheritance
323-670 Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 14
Page 2
isa : Adult-Male
bats: (EQUAL handed)
height: 6-1
batting-average: .252
figure 4.7
Inferential Knowledge
figure 4.7
323-670 Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 14
Page 3
Procedural Knowledge as Rules
similar to figure 4.7
323-670 Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 14
Page 4
Redundant Representation
John punched Mary
Mary punched John
323-670 Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 14
Page 5
Similarity Net
liking among set of frame
323-670 Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 14
Page 6
Knowledge Representation
important attribute : isa and instance
relationship among attributes
at what level of detail should the world be
Mary is Sue’s cousin. เมรี่ เป็ นหลานของซู
Mary = daughter(brother(mother(Sue)))
Mary = daughter(sister(mother(Sue)))
Mary = daughter(brother(father(Sue)))
Mary = daughter(sister(father(Sue)))
Mary = daughter(sibling(parent(Sue)))
323-670 Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 14
Page 7
Knowledge Representation
John broke the window
Sequence ? ...... pick up hard object ,
Hurl the object to the window
Cause hand / foot to move fast and crash into the window
Shut the window so hard that the glass breaks
Finding the right structure
John went to Sizzer last night. He ordered a large rare
steak, paid his bill, and left.
Did john eat dinner last night?
John flew to New York.
John flew a kite.
John flew down the street.
323-670 Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 14
Page 8
Frame Problem
 on(plan12,table34), under(table34,
window13), and in(table34,room15) : the facts
may change
 run out of memory : when description is very
above(ceiling, floor) : this fact never change
323-670 Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 14
Page 9
End Chapter 4
Will Rogers
323-670 Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 14
Page 10