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More Optical Telescopes
There are some standard reflecting telescope
designs used today
All have the common feature of light entering a tube
and hitting a primary mirror, from which light is
reflected towards the prime focus
One design has instruments placed at the prime focus
– Very hard to mount large intruments like spectrometers or
large cameras
– usually light is reflected by a secondary mirror to a more
convenient place to mount big measuring instruments.
Another design, called a Newtonian telescope, has
light deflected 90° prior to prime focus by a secondary
– a very popular design for amateur telescopes
– light is usually deflected to an eyepiece
– other possibilities for instruments are cameras or
photometers (a device used to measure integrated light
A traditional design used by professional astronomers
is the Cassegrain telescope
– light bounces from primary mirror to a secondary mirror
mounted in front of prime focus, and then reflected back
towards the primary mirror, where it exits through a hole
More Optical Telescopes
– large intruments can be mounted on the back of the
– the point beyond the mirror where the focus lies is called
the Cassegrain focus
– still a very popular design (KPNO and CTIO 4-m,
Palomar 5-m)
Still other designs involve extra mirrors to guide light to
various measuring instruments
– one or more mirrors placed in a Cassegrain telescope
causing light to reach a focus down a tube aligned along
the north pole to large intruments in a separate room
(called a Coude’ focus)
– allows for very finely tuned instruments that can’t possibly
be mounted onto the telescope itself
– multiple reflections = higher light losses, something that
must be accounted for in instrument design
– image never moves, only rotates
All modern telescopes can be configured to any of
these setups
Light blocked by the secondary mirror is minimal
The Schmidt telescope has a an unusual design
– light enters through a thin lens called a correcting plate
before reaching the primary mirror, which is spherical
– the lens bends light not exactly parallel to the axis of the
telescope so that the spherical mirror can focus large
More Optical Telescopes
– results in a curved image at a kind of prime focus where
a photographic plate or mosaic of detectors lies
For those who care --- Many amateur telescopes
(Celestron and Meade) use a combined design of
– has a correcting plate and spherical mirror with a
Cassegrain focus
– secondary mirror mounted on the back of the correcting
– light can bounce back and forth multiple times between
primary and secondary
– extremely compact and portable design, but thickness of
correcting lens is too much for professional telescopes
A variety of instruments can be used on optical
can be used as a giant camera to take images of
– images can be recorded on film or on electronic detectors
called CCD’s (charged couple devices)
– usually done at prime or Cassegrain focus in order to
minimize light losses
– can use filters to limit which part of the EM spectrum is in
the image (how most pictures are taken)
More Optical Telescopes
can measure levels of integrated light intensity with a
– usually done at Cassegrain focus because of ease of use
– usually performed over specific parts of EM spectrum to
determine the temperature, but can just give information
on time variations in brightness
can measure the spectrum (usually only small pieces)
with a spectrometer
– can be done at any focus, depending on size
Telescope Size
Size determines the light gathering power of a
light gathered is proportional to the collecting area of
the telescope
– this refers to the refracting lens or primary mirror
– an example: if telescope #1 is 10 times the diameter of
telescope #2, telescope #1 will collect light at a rate 100
times that of telescope #2
can also think of light gathering power in terms of time
– if telescope #1 is ten times the diameter of telescope #2,
telescope #1 will collect the same number of photons 100
times faster than telescope #2
– telescope observations are given in terms of the
Size also determines the resolving power of the
the ability to form distinct images of neighboring
objects is called angular resolution
diffraction provides the lower limit for angular
– light waves entering a telescope always undergo some
degree of diffraction, which introduces fuzziness in
Telescope Size
– angular resolution depends both on wavelength and size
angular resolution 
– this is also called the diffraction-limited resolution
the human eye has an angular resolution of 0.5’
in practice, telescopes don’t reach this limit due to
refraction in the atmosphere by turbulence (seeing)
Modern telescopes have employed new engineering
large primary mirrors have a list of problems
– usually made of glass (pyrex) or quartz and need very
low thermal expansion properties
– hard to manufacture large pieces of glass
– only the 6-m telescope in the Caucasus, the 6.5-m
Gemini telescopes and the 8-m MMT mirrors have been
built since the Palomar 5-m in 1948
new large optical telescopes (like Keck in Hawaii, and
HET in Texas) use segmented primary mirror designs
– hexagonal mirror segments separately controlled by
– individual mirros have common focus by use of laser
– can be very expensive (Keck ~ 140 million) or very
inexpensive (HET ~ 15 million) depending on telescope
High Resolution Astronomy
The useful resolution of a telescope is determined
mostly by the quality of the image transmitted by the
individual turbulent motions cause a random mixture of
refractions which add a fuzziness to images
this is called the seeing
this is extremely dependent on local atmospheric
for instance: the McDonald Observatory 2.7-m has a
diffraction limit of about 0.04”, yet the average
measured image is about 1-2”
this property was one of the primary reasons for the
development of HST (no atmosphere = diffraction
limited resolution)
Image processing plays a big role in astronomy
historically, plate film was used to record images
– hard to maintain, develop film, provide quantitative data
and store
almost all data is recorded on CCD’s (charge coupled
– silicon wafer with a two dimensional array of elements
called pixels
High Resolution Astronomy
– when a photon hits a pixel, free electrons multiply (by the
photoelectric effect)
– after a prescribed exposure time, the number of electrons
as a function of position on the CCD are measured by a
computer and converted to intensity
– much more efficient than film
– instant digitization of data for easy storage and analysis
– can manufacture CCD’s to have peak efficiencies in
different parts of the EM spectrum
New technology is playing a big role in image
online adjusment of the telescope mirrors to
compensate for atmospheric seeing conditions would
hopefully result in difraction limited images
would reduce the need for expensive space-based
this technique is called adaptive optics and is an
offshoot of the Star Wars (SDI) program of the 1980’s
– in active optics, individual actuators deform the mirror to
subtract the distortion by the atmosphere. Amount of
atmospheric distortion is measured by an artificial star
created by a laser which can only penetrate to the Na
layer of the atmosphere
– in passive systems, laser guide star measurements are
subtracted out by a computer from images after the
image is taken