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Statistics & Data Analysis
Course Number
Course Section
Meeting Time
Wednesday 6-8:50 pm
Class #5 Outline
Understand random sampling and systematic bias
Derive theoretical distribution of summary statistics
Understand the Central Limit Theorem
Use a normal probability plot to assess normality
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
Review of Last Class
 Special Distributions
• Counting problems
• Binomial distribution problems
• Normal distribution problems
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
Random Sampling and Sampling
Chapter Goals
 Explain why in many situations a sample is the only way learn
something about a population
 Explain the various methods of selecting a sample
 Define and construct sampling distribution of sample means
 Understand sources of bias or under-representation in data
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
A Scenario
 Its 9:00 AM on Wednesday and your boss sent you and email
asking how your firm’s customers would react to a new price
discounting program
• Your report is due tomorrow
• It takes 10 minutes to interview a single customer in your database of
almost 2,000
• What will you do????
 Draw a sample of the customers
• How will you draw the sample?
• Need a representative sample
• Does your database hold a representative sample???
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
 Some previous chapters emphasized methods for describing data
• Created frequency distributions, computed averages and measures of
 Started to lay foundation for inference by studying probability
• Counting, Binomial, and Normal Distributions
• Probability distributions encompass all possible outcomes of an experiment
and the probability associated with each outcome
 So far, we’ve learned how to describe something that has already
occurred or evaluate something that might occur
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
How are these similar…
 QC department needs to check the tensile strength of steel wire
• Five small pieces are selected every 5 hours
• Tensile strength of each piece is determined
 Marketing needs to determine the sales potential of a new drug named
• 452 consumers were asked to try it for a week
• Each consumer completed a questionnaire
 Polling agency selections 2,000 voters at random and asked their approval
rating of the President
 In the study of insider trading, 25 CEOs were identified by the SEC and
their trades were monitored for three years
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
Why Sample???
 Destructive nature of some tests
 Physical Impossibility of checking all items
 Cost of studying all items
 Adequacy of sample results
 Contacting whole population would be too time-consuming
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
Types of Samples
 Cross-sectional: samples are taken from an underlying
population at a particular time
 Time-series: samples are taken over time from a random
 Enumerative Studies: sampling from a well-defined
 Analytic Studies: look at the results of a random process to
predict future behavior
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Why Sample???
 We often need to know something about a large population.
• What is the average income of all Stern students?
 It’s often too expensive and time-consuming to examine the
entire population
 Solution: Choose a small random sample and use the
methods of statistical inference to draw conclusions about the
 Sampling lets us dramatically cut the costs of gathering
information, but requires care. We need to ensure that the
sample is representative of the population of interest
 But how can any small sample be completely representative?
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Why Sample (cont.)
 Why not just use the sample mean in place of μ?
 For example, suppose that the average income of 100
randomly selected Stern students was = 62,154
• Can we conclude that the average income of ALL Stern students (μ) is
• Can we conclude that μ > 60,000?
 Fortunately, we can use probability theory to understand how
the process of taking a random sample will blur the
information in a population
 But first, we need to understand why and how the information
is blurred
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Sampling Variability
 Although the average income of all Stern Langone students is
a fixed number, the average of a sample of 100 students
depends on precisely which sample is taken. In other words,
the sample mean is subject to “sampling variability”
 The problem is that by reporting sample mean alone, we don’t
take account of the variability caused by the sampling
procedure. If we had polled different students, we might have
gotten a different average income
 It would be a serious mistake to ignore this sampling
variability, and simply assume that the mean income of all
students is the same as the average of the 100 incomes given
in the sample
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Populations and Samples
 You are considering opening an Atomic Wings in
Bethlehem, PA
• POPULATION: All residents
Every 35th person at the mall
Every 2,000th person in the phone book
Every person who leaves Burger King
Don’t forget to include the college students!!!
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Choosing a Representative Sample
 REPRESENTATIVE: Each characteristic occurs in the same
percentage of the time in the sample as in the population
 BIAS: Not representative
• Bias will exist if there is a systematic tendency to over/under represent
some part of the population
 By deliberately not sampling based on any specific
characteristic, a randomly selected sample will typically be
free from bias
 Randomly selecting subjects lets you make probability
statements about the results
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Examples of Bias
 Selection Bias:
• A telephone survey of households conducted entirely between 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
• Using a customer complaint database to query on the new discount
 Nonresponse Bias: Sample member refuses to participate
• Every market research program
 Operational Definitions: Guiding a response
• Do you agree that taxes are too high in New York
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Simple Random Sampling
 Process where each possible sample of a given size has
the same probability of being selected
 Example: IBM reported sales of $64.792 Billion and a
net loss of $2.827 Billion for 1991.
• The number of individual transactions was enormous
• The auditors used statistics because to choose a representative
sample of transactions to check in detail
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Choosing a Random Sample
1. Number every member in the population 1…N
2. Use a random process to select the sample
 R, flipping a coin, random number table…whatever is appropriate
 In this class we will use the computer
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Sampling Statistics and Distributions
 Once a sample is drawn, we summarize it with sample
 The value of any summary statistic will vary from sample to
sample (a big problem…no?)
 A sample statistic is itself a random variable
• Hence, it has a theoretical probability distribution called the sampling
 We can find the mean and standard deviation of many
random samples
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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If a random sample of size n is drawn from a population ,
the expected value and standard error of the sample mean Y are
E (Y ) 
n 
Y 
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 Suppose the long-run average of the number of Medicare
claims submitted per week to a regional office is 62,000, and
the standard deviation is 7,000.
• If we assume that the weekly claims submissions during a 4-week
period constitute a random sample of size 4, what are the expected
value and standard error of the average weekly number of claims over
a 4-week period?
 NOTE: Standard error denotes the theoretically derived
standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistic.
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Standard Error
 Standard Deviation of the statistic
 Is interpreted just as you would any standard deviation
 Indicates approximately how far the observed value of the
statistic is from its mean
• Literally: it indicated the standard deviation you would find if you took
a very large number of samples, found the sample average for each
one, and worked with these sample averages as a data set
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 Suppose n=200 randomly selected shoppers interviewed in a
mall say they plan to spend on an average of $19.42 today
with a standard deviation of $8.63
• This tells you what shoppers typically plan to spend, and that a typical,
individual shopper plans to spend about $8.63 more or less than this
• So far, this is no more that a description of the individuals interviewed
 We can say something about the unknown population mean,
which is the mean amount that all shoppers in the mall today
plan to spend, including those not interviewed.
 What is the standard error of the mean?
• This tells us the variability when we use the sample average of $19.42,
as an estimate of the unknown population mean
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Sampling Distributions for Means and Sums
 If a population distribution is Normal, then the sampling
distribution of sample means is also Normal
 Example: A timber company is planning to harvest 400 trees
from a very large stand.
• Yield is determined by its diameter
• Distribution of diameters is normal with mean 44 inches and standard
deviation of 4 inches
• Find the probability that the average diameter of the harvest trees is
between 43.5 and 44.5 inches.
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 Its OK if each beer isn’t exactly 12 oz so long as the average
volume isn’t too low or too high.
• In your production facility, you know that the volume of each beer
follows a Normal distribution, has a standard deviation of 0.5 ounces,
representing variability about their mean of 12.01 oz.
• Any case (24 beers) that has an average weight per beer less than
11.75 ounces will be rejected.
 What fraction of cases will be rejected this way?
• First find the mean and standard deviation of the average of n=24
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Central Limit Theorem
 For any population, the sampling distribution of the sample
mean is approximately normal if the sample size is sufficiently
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Simulation Example
 Use R to draw 1000 samples each, with sample sizes 4, 10,
30, and 60 from a highly right-skewed distribution having
mean and standard deviation both equal to 1.
 Display a histogram of the sample means
for (i in 1:1000) data[i] = mean( rexp(4) )
 What type of process might follow this distribution???
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Example of Use
 An agency of the Commerce Department in a certain state
wishes to check the accuracy of weights in supermarkets
 They decide to weigh 9 packages of ground meat labeled as
1 pound packages
 They will investigate any supermarket where the average
weight of the packages is less than 15.5 oz
 Assuming that the standard deviation of package weights is
0.6 oz, what is the probability they will investigate an honest
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Normal Probability Plot
 Plots actual versus expected values, assuming a normal
• Nearly normal data will plot as a near straight line
• Right-skewed data plot as a curve, with the slope getting steeper as
one moves to the right
• Left-skewed data plot as a curve, with the slope getting flatter as one
moves to the right
• Symmetric but outlier-prone data plot as an S-shape, with the slope
steepest at both sides
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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R Examples
data = rnorm(1000) ## do not worry about the r*** commands
data = rexp(1000)
data = 1-rlnorm(1000)+30
data = rnorm(1000); data[1]=5; data[2]=7;
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Point and Interval Estimation
Chapter 7
 Basic problem of statistical theory is how to infer a population
or process value given only sample data
 Any sample statistic will vary from sample to sample
 Any sample statistic will differ from the true, population value
 Must consider random error in sample statistic estimation
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Chapter Goals
 Summarize sample data
• Choosing an estimator
• Unbiased estimator
 Constructing confidence intervals for means with known standard
 Constructing confidence intervals for proportions
 Determining how large a sample is needed
 Constructing confidence intervals when standard deviation is not known
 Understanding key underlying assumptions underlying confidence interval
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Reminder: Statistical Inference
 Problem of Inferential Statistics:
• Make inferences about one or more population parameters based on
observable sample data
 Forms of Inference:
• Point estimation: single best guess regarding a population parameter
• Interval estimation: Specifies a reasonable range for the value of the
• Hypothesis testing: Isolating a particular possible value for the
parameter and testing if this value is plausible given the available data
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Point Estimators
 Computing a single statistic from the sample data to estimate
a population parameter
 Choosing a point estimator:
• What is the shape of the distribution?
• Do you suspect outliers exist?
• Plausible choices:
Trimmed Mean
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Technical Definitions
 ESTIMATOR : An estimator ˆ of a parameter  is a
function of a random sample that yields a point estimate
for  . An estimator is itself a random variable and therefore
it has a theoretic al sampling distributi on.
 UNBIASED ESTIMATOR : An estimator ˆ that is a function
of the sample data is called unbiased for the population parameter
 if its expected value equals 
 EFFICIENT ESTIMATOR : An estimator is called most efficient
for a particular problem if it has the smallest standard error of all possible
unbiased estimators
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 I used R to draw 1,000 samples, each of size 30, from a normally
distributed population having mean 50 and standard deviation 10.
 For each sample the mean and median are computed.
data.mean = numeric(0)
data.median = numeric(0)
for(i in 1:1000) {
data = rnorm(30, mean=50, sd=10)
data.mean[i] = mean(data)
data.median[i] = median(data)
 Do these statistics appear unbiased?
 Which is more efficient?
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Expressing Uncertainty
 Suppose we are trying to make inferences about a population
mean  based on a sample of size n.
 The sample mean X is a point estimator of the parameter  . Used
by itself, X is of limited usefulness because it contains no
informatio n about its own reliabilit y.
 Furthermor e, the reporting of X alone may leave the false
impression that X estimates  with complete accuracy.
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Confidence Interval
 An interval with random endpoints which contains the
parameter of interest (in this case, μ) with a pre-specified
probability, denoted by 1 - α.
 The confidence interval automatically provides a margin of
error to account for the sampling variability of the sample
 Example: A machine is supposed to fill “12 ounce” bottles of
Guinness. To see if the machine is working properly, we
randomly select 100 bottles recently filled by the machine,
and find that the average amount of Guinness is 11.95
ounces. Can we conclude that the machine is not working
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 No! By simply reporting the sample mean, we are neglecting
the fact that the amount of beer varies from bottle to bottle
and that the value of the sample mean depends on the luck of
the draw
 It is possible that a value as low as 11.75 is within the range
of natural variability for the sample mean, even if the average
amount for all bottles is in fact μ = 12 ounces.
 Suppose we know from past experience that the amounts of
beer in bottles filled by the machine have a standard deviation
of σ = 0.05 ounces.
 Since n = 100, we can assume (using the Central Limit
Theorem) that the sample mean is normally distributed with
mean μ (unknown) and standard error 0.005
 What does the Empirical Rule tell us about the average
volume of the sample mean?
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Why does it work?
X is in here
95% of the time
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
 is in here about
95% of the time
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Using the Empirical Rule Assuming Normality
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Confidence Intervals
 “Statistics is never having to say you're certain”.
• (Tee shirt, American Statistical Association).
 Any sample statistic will vary from sample to sample
 Point estimates are almost inevitably in error to some degree
 Thus, we need to specify a probable range or interval
estimate for the parameter
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Confidence Interval
Using the sample mean as an estimate of the population mean, allow for
sampling error with a plus - or - minus term equal to a z - table value times the
standard error of the sample mean :
y  z / 2 Y    y  z / 2 Y
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 An airline needs an estimate of the average number of
passengers on a newly scheduled flight
 Its experience is that data for the first month of flights are
unreliable, but thereafter the passenger load settles down
 The mean passenger load is calculated for the first 20
weekdays of the second month after initiation of this particular
 If the sample mean is 112 and the population standard
deviation is assumed to be 25, find a 90% confidence interval
for the true, long-run average number of passengers on this
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 The significance level of the confidence interval refers to the
process of constructing confidence intervals
 Each particular confidence interval either does or does not
include the true value of the parameter being estimated
 We can’t say that this particular estimate is correct to within
the error
 So, we say that we have a XX% confidence that the
population parameter is contained in the interval
 Or…the interval is the result of a process that in the long run
has a XX% probability of being correct
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Imagine Many Samples
The interval you computed
The population mean  = 23.29
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Getting Realistic
 The population standard deviation is rarely known
 Usually both the mean and standard deviation must be
estimated from the sample
 Estimate  with s
 However…with this added source of random errors, we need
to handle this problem using the t-distribution (later on)
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Confidence Intervals for Proportions
 We can also construct confidence intervals for proportions of
 Recall that the expected value and standard error for the
number of successes in a sample are:
E(ˆ )   ;  ˆ   (1   ) / n
 How can we construct a confidence interval for a proportion?
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 Suppose that in a sample of 2,200 households with one or
more television sets, 471 watch a particular network’s show at
a given time.
 Find a 95% confidence interval for the population proportion
of households watching this show.
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 The 1992 presidential election looked like a very close threeway race at the time when news polls reported that of 1,105
registered voters surveyed:
• Perot: 33%
• Bush: 31%
• Clinton: 28%
 Construct a 95% confidence interval for Perot?
 What is the margin of error?
 What happened here?
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 A survey conducted found that out of 800 people, 46%
thought that Clinton’s first approved budget represented a
major change in the direction of the country.
 Another 45% thought it did not represent a major change.
 Compute a 95% confidence interval for the percent of people
who had a positive response.
 What is the margin of error?
 Interpret…
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Choosing a Sample Size
 Gathering information for a statistical study can be expensive,
time consuming, etc.
 So…the question of how much information to gather is very
 When considering a confidence interval for a population mean
, there are three quantities to consider:
z / 2
Y   / n
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Choosing a Sample Size (cont)
 Tolerability Width: The margin of acceptable error
• 3%
•  $10,000
 Derive the required sample size using:
• Margin of error (tolerability width)
• Level of Significance (z-value)
• Standard deviation (given, assumed, or calculated)
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 Union officials are concerned about reports of inferior wages
being paid to employees of a company under its jurisdiction
 How large a sample is needs to obtain a 90% confidence
interval for the population mean hourly wage  with width
equal to $1.00? Assume that =4.
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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 A direct-mail company must determine its credit policies very carefully.
 The firm suspects that advertisements in a certain magazine have led to
an excessively high rate of write-offs.
 The firm wants to establish a 90% confidence interval for this magazine’s
write-off proportion that is accurate to  2.0%
• How many accounts must be sampled to guarantee this goal?
• If this many accounts are sampled and 10% of the sampled accounts are
determined to be write-offs, what is the resulting 90% confidence interval?
• What kind of difference do we see by using an observed proportion over a
conservative guess?
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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Homework #5
 Hildebrand/Ott
 Verzani
• In (a) create a normal probability
plot also and interpret
Read Chapter 11
Professor S. D. Balkin -- Feb. 26, 2003
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