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Statistics 111 - Lecture 11
Introduction to Inference
Sampling Distributions,
Confidence Intervals
and Hypothesis Testing
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Administrative Notes
• No homework due Monday
• Homework 4 will be due next Wednesday
June 24
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean
• Distribution of values taken by statistic in all possible
samples of size n from the same population
• Assume: observations are independent and sampled
from a population with mean  and variance 2
 and 2
June 18, 2008
Sample 1 of size n
Sample 2 of size n
Sample 3 of size n
Sample 4 of size n
Sample 5 of size n
Sample 6 of size n
Sample 7 of size n
Sample 8 of size n
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
of these
Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean
• The center of the sampling distribution of the sample
mean is the population mean:
• Over all samples, the sample mean will, on average, be
equal to the population mean (no guarantees for 1 sample!)
• The spread of the sampling distribution of the sample
mean is
• As sample size increases, variance of the sample mean
• Central Limit Theorem: if the sample size is large
enough, then the sample mean
has an
approximately Normal distribution
• This is true no matter what the shape of the distribution of
the original data!
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Confidence Intervals
Parameter: 
• Sample mean
is the best estimate of 
• However, we realize that the sample mean is probably not
exactly equal to population mean, and that we would get a
different value of the sample mean in another sample
• Solution is to use our sample mean as the center
of an entire interval of likely values for our population
mean 
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Example: Chips Ahoy
• Nabisco guarantees that each 18 oz bag of Chips
Ahoy contains at least 1,000 chips.
• In late 1990’s, company challenged students to
confirm their claim
• Air Force Academy administered the study by
sampling 42 bags from 275 sent by company
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Example: Chips Ahoy
• Dataset: number of chips per bag in 42 sampled bags
• What can we can we say about the average number
of chips  in the “population” of all bags produced?
• Our sample mean is 1216 chips per bag, but that is probably
not exactly equal to our population mean
• We need to use our sample mean to calculate an interval of
likely values for our population mean
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Sampling Dist. for Sample Mean
• We assume that each observation is an independent
sample from the population with unknown mean 
• We also assume (for now) that the population
variance 2 is known to be equal to s2 = (117.5)2
• From last class, we know that the sampling
distribution of the sample mean
is Normal:
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Confidence Interval for 
• From the 68-95-99.7 rule,
we know that 95% of
sample means should be
within 2 SDs (36.2 chips) of
the population mean 
• So 95% of the time (or in 95% of the samples), the
population mean  should be contained in the interval
- 36.2,
+ 36.2) = (1225.3,1297.7)
• We call this a 95% confidence interval for 
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
General Confidence Intervals for 
• The 95% is called the confidence level of the interval
• More generally, we can make an interval with any
confidence level we want. The general formula for a
100·C % confidence interval for population mean  is:
is called the critical value of the interval. It is the
value from a standard normal table that gives you a tail
probability of (1-C)/2.
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Example of Critical Values
• 95% interval means that C=0.95 so 1-C = 0.05
• So we need a value Z* that gives us a tail probability
(area under curve) of (1-C)/2 = 0.025
• Looking at Standard
Normal Table, we see
that Z* = 1.96
• In previous example,
we rounded Z* to 2
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Interpretation of confidence intervals
• If many different samples from same population were
collected (each giving us a 95% confidence interval
for ), then 95% of these intervals should contain the
true population mean 
• Note that the interval for any one sample may not contain  !
• All confidence intervals have the same form:
Estimate ± Margin of Error
• For population means, the estimate is the sample
mean and the margin of error is Z*·SD( ) where
critical value Z* is determined by our confidence level
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Margin of Error and Sample Size
• Before we sample our Chips Ahoy cookies bags, we
want to decide the minimum number of bags needed for
a certain margin of error (saves on cookies!)
• Confidence intervals for population mean  have a
margin of error
which means
• If we want a confidence level of 95% (so Z*=1.96) and
we want a margin of error less than 100 chips, then
so we need to sample at least 6 bags of chips.
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Sampling Distribution for Proportion
• We also want to calculate confidence intervals for a
population proportion p.
• From last class, we know the sampling distribution of
the sample proportion is also Normal:
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Confidence Intervals for Proportions
• Based on the sampling distribution, our confidence
interval for the population proportion p is
• However, this interval is not very useful, since it still
depends on the unknown population proportion p.
• We fix this by using our sample proportion in place
of p, so our 100·C% confidence interval for p is:
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Example: Gallup Poll
• Sample of 2000 people asked if they will vote for
McCain. Had a sample proportion of 0.51 for “yes.”
• What is a 95% confidence interval for the true
population proportion p of McCain voters?
• In this example, n = 2000, = 0.51 and we use
Z*=1.96 so our 95% confidence interval for p is:
Interval contains values on both sides of 0.5, so we
are not confident that McCain will win the election!
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Note of Caution
• All of these confidence intervals were calculated
using the normal distribution, which is justified by the
central limit theorem
• However, by doing this, we are making the
assumptions that the sample size is large and the
population variance is known!
• We will see later how to calculate confidence
intervals when these assumptions are not true
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Confidence
Hypothesis Testing
• Now use our sampling distribution results for
a different type of inference:
– testing a specific hypothesis
• In some problems, we are not interested in
calculating a confidence interval, but rather
we want to see whether our data confirm a
specific hypothesis
• This type of inference is sometimes called
statistical decision making, but the more common
term is hypothesis testing
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Example: Blackout Baby Boom
• New York City experienced a major blackout on
November 9, 1965
• many people were trapped for hours in the dark and on
subways, in elevators, etc.
• Nine months afterwards (August 10, 1966), the NY
Times claimed that the number of births were way up
• They attributed the increased births to the blackout, and this
has since become urban legend!
• Does the data actually support the claim of the NY
• Using data, we will test the hypothesis that the birth rate in
August 1966 was different than the usual birth rate
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Number of Births in NYC, August 1966
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu
First two weeks
• We want to test this data against the usual birth rate
in NYC, which is 430 births/day
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Steps for Hypothesis Testing
1. Formulate your hypotheses:
Need a Null Hypothesis and an Alternative
2. Calculate the test statistic:
Test statistic summarizes the difference between
data and your null hypothesis
3. Find the p-value for the test statistic:
How probable is your data if the null hypothesis
is true?
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Null and Alternative Hypotheses
• Null Hypothesis (H0) is (usually) an assumption that
there is no effect or no change in the population
• Alternative hypothesis (Ha) states that there is a real
difference or real change in the population
• If the null hypothesis is true, there should be little
discrepancy between the observed data and the null
• If we find there is a large discrepancy, then we will reject the
null hypothesis
• Both hypotheses are expressed in terms of different
values for population parameters
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Example: NYC blackout and birth rates
• Let  be the mean birth rate in August 1966
• Null Hypothesis:
• Blackout has no effect on birth rate, so August 1966 should
be the same as any other month
• H0:  = 430 (usual birth rate)
• Alternative Hypothesis:
• Blackout did have an effect on the birth rate
• Ha: 430
• This is a two-sided alternative, which means that we
are considering a change in either direction
• We could instead use a one-sided alternative that
only considers changes in one direction
• Eg. only alternative is an increase in birth rate Ha: >430
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Test Statistic
• Now that we have a null hypothesis, we can calculate
a test statistic
• The test statistic measures the difference between
the observed data and the null hypothesis
• Specifically, the test statistic answers the question:
“How many standard deviations is our observed
sample value from the hypothesized value?”
• For our birth rate dataset, the observed sample mean
is 433.6 and our hypothesized mean is 430
• To calculate the test statistic, we need the standard
deviation of our sample mean
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean
• The center of the sampling distribution of the sample
mean is the population mean:
• The spread of the sampling distribution of the sample
mean is
• Central Limit Theorem: if the sample size is large
enough, then the sample mean
has an
approximately Normal distribution
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Test Statistic for Sample Mean
• Sample mean has a standard deviation of
our test statistic T is:
• T is the number of standard deviations between our
sample mean and the hypothesized mean
• 0 is the notation we use for our hypothesized mean
• To calculate our test statistic T, we need to know the
population standard deviation 
• For now we will make the assumption that  is the
same as our sample standard deviation s
• Later, we will correct this assumption!
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Test Statistic for Birth Rate Example
• For our NYC births/day example, we have a sample
mean of 433.6, a hypothesized mean of 430 and a
sample standard deviation of 39.4
• Our test statistic is:
• So, our sample mean is 0.342 standard deviations
different from what it should be if there was no
blackout effect
• Is this difference statistically significant?
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Probability values (p-values)
• Assuming the null hypothesis is true, the pvalue is the probability we get a value as far
from the hypothesized value as our observed
sample value
• The smaller the p-value is, the more
unrealistic our null hypothesis appears
• For our NYC birth-rate example, T=0.342
• Assuming our population mean really is 430, what
is the probability that we get a test statistic of
0.342 or greater?
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Calculating p-values
• To calculate the p-value, we use the fact that
the sample mean has a normal distribution
• Under the null hypothesis, the sample mean
has a normal distribution with mean 0 and
standard deviation
so the test statistic:
has a standard normal distribution!
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
p-value for NYC dataset
prob = 0.367
prob = 0.367
T = -0.342
T = 0.342
• If our alternative hypothesis was one-sided
(Ha: >430), then our p-value would be 0.367
• Since are alternative hypothesis was two-sided our pvalue is the sum of both tail probabilities
• p-value = 0.367 + 0.367 = 0.734
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Statistical Significance
• If the p-value is smaller than , we say the data are
statistically significant at level 
• The most common -level to use is  = 0.05
• Next class, we will see that this relates to 95%
confidence intervals!
• The -level is used as a threshold for rejecting the
null hypothesis
• If the p-value < , we reject the null hypothesis that
there is no change or difference
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Conclusions for NYC birth-rate data
• The p-value = 0.734 for the NYC birth-rate
data, so we can clearly not reject the null
hypothesis at -level of 0.05
• Another way of saying this is that the
difference between null hypothesis and our
data is not statistically significant
• So, we conclude that the data do not support
the idea that there was a different birth rate
than usual for the first two weeks of August,
1966. No blackout baby boom effect!
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests
Next Class - Lecture 12
• More Hypothesis Testing!
• Moore, McCabe and Craig: Section 6.2-6.3
June 18, 2008
Stat 111 - Lecture 11 - Hyp. Tests