Download BOW GEOLOGY DESCRIPTION Virginia T. McLemore Senior Economic Geologist

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Virginia T. McLemore
Senior Economic Geologist
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Session I Edible rocks and the geology of the Raton area.
In this session you will observe and describe physical characteristics of a familiar model
(candy bars) and apply to the unfamiliar (rocks) and apply it to the local geology.
Examples of all three rock types, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic, are presented.
Session II Minerals we mine in New Mexico that we use everyday.
What rocks and minerals are used in products we use everyday? Where do these rocks
and minerals come from in New Mexico? You will be learn how to distinguish between
and identify different rocks and minerals and will relate rocks and minerals to their use in
our everyday life. You also will learn geographic locations within New Mexico that
contain economic minerals.