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Atms 3600 Climates
of the World
Anthony R. Lupo
Day 1
Climate Classifications (Intro)
We have previously discussed general
meteorology principles and ocean circulations
now we will start to focus on general patterns of
The first test will follow this material, then we will
look at regional climates all over the globe
Day 1
Koeppen Climate System
Wladimir Koeppen (Köppen) (1846-1940), Russian-born,
German meteorologist
Developed a climate system in 1900 dealing with
vegetation then revised in 1918 based on temperature
and precipitation
Most widely used climate classification done, modified by
many most notably by Glen Trewartha of University of
Day 1
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Day 1
Major Classification Divisions
5 basic climate categories
(A) Tropical moist climates
Tropical moist climates extend northward and
southward from the equator to about 15 to 25 degrees of
latitude. In these climates all months have average
temperatures greater than 18 degrees Celsius. Annual
precipitation is greater than 1500 mm.
Three further subdivisions of (A)
Day 1
Subdivisions of (A)
Af or tropical wet
precipitation occurs all year long.
Monthly temperature variations less than 3 degrees
Celsius. Daily highs ~32 degrees Celsius while lows
~22 degrees Celsius. .
cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds form early in the
Day 1
Am is a tropical monsoon climate.
Annual rainfall is equal to or greater than Af, but falls
in the 7 to 9 hottest months. During the dry season
very little rainfall occurs.
The tropical wet and dry or savanna (Aw)
has an extended dry season during winter.
Precipitation during the wet season is usually less
than 1000 millimeters. and only during the summer
Day 1
Dry Climates (B)
The most obvious climatic feature of these
climate is potential evaporation and transpiration
exceed precipitation. These climates extend
from 20 - 35 degrees North and South of the
equator and in large continental regions of the
mid-latitudes often surrounded by mountains.
2 minor subdivisions
Day 1
Subdivisions of (B)
BW - dry arid (desert) is a true desert climate. It
covers 12 % of the earth's land surface and is
dominated by xerophytic (cacti) vegetation.
k mid-latitude desert, arid, cool
h tropical desert, arid, hot
Day 1
BS - dry semiarid (steppe). Grassland
climate that covers 14% of the earth's land
surface. It receives more precipitation than
the Bw either from the intertropical
convergence zone (ITCZ) or from midlatitude cyclones.
 h, hot
 K, cool or cold
Day 2
Moist Subtropical Mid-Latitude Climates (C)
This climate generally has warm and humid summers
with mild winters. Its extent is from 30 to 50 degrees of
latitude mainly on the eastern and western borders of
most continents. During the winter the main weather
feature is the mid-latitude cyclone. Convective
thunderstorms dominate summer months.
3 major subdivisions, other subdivisions
Day 2
3 Major Subdivisions
Cf: Humid Subtropical
Cs: Mediterranean
Cw: Monsoon Regions
Further Classify them by precipitation amount
and temperature patterns
Day 2
7 Subdivisions
Cfa: Humid Subtropical, mild winter, moist in all seasons, long hot
summer, Found on the Southeastern side of continents primarily
between 30-40 degrees
Cfb: Marine. Mild winter, moist all seasons, warm summer.
The west coast of U.S. from N. California Southern Chile
(narrow band because of mountains).
NW Europe - extends far inland because of lack of North-South
trending mountains.
Cfc: Marine. Mild winter, moist all seasons, cool short summer.
Northern Europe
Western N.A. coast in Alaska
Day 2
7 subdivisions (cont.)
Csa: Interior Mediterranean, mild winter, dry summer,
hot summer
Csb: Coastal Mediterranean, mild winter, dry summer,
short warm summer
Cwa: Subtropical monsoon, mild and dry winter, hot
Cwb: Tropical Upland. Mild and dry winter, short warm
Day 2
Moist Continental Mid-latitude Climates (D)
Moist continental mid-latitude climates have warm to
cool summers and cold winters. The location of
these climates is poleward of the C climates. The
warmest month is greater than 10 degrees Celsius,
while the coldest month is less than -30 degrees
Celsius. Winters are severe with snowstorms, strong
winds, bitter cold from Continental Polar or Arctic air
Day 2
Like the C climates there are 2 Major Subdivisions:
Dw - dry winters; Df - wet all seasons.
Additional Subdivisions
Moist all seasons
Dfa: Humid continental, severe winter, long, hot
summer, North Central US
Day 2
Dfb: Humid continental, severe winter, short warm
summers, Southern Canada, European Russia
Dfc: Subarctic, severe winter, short cool summer,
Northern Canada, Russia
Dfd: Subarctic, extremely cold winter, short
summer, exterior Siberia
Day 2
Additional Subdivisions (cont.)
Dry winters
Dwa: humid continental, severe winter, long hot
summer,Korea, Northern China
Dwb: humid continental, severe winter, warm
summer, Eastern Russia
Dwc: Subarctic, severe winter, short cool summer,
NE Russia
Dwd: Subarctic, extremely cold, short cool summer,
interior Siberia
Day 2
Polar Climates (E)
Polar climates have year-round cold temperatures
with warmest month less than 10 degrees Celsius.
Polar climates are found on the northern coastal
areas of North America and Europe, Asia and on the
landmasses of Greenland and Antarctica. Two minor
climate types exist.
Day 2
ET or polar tundra is a climate where the soil is
permanently frozen to depths of hundreds of meters,
a condition known as permafrost. Vegetation is
dominated by mosses, lichens, dwarf trees and
scattered woody shrubs.
EF or polar ice caps has a surface that is permanently
covered with snow and ice.
Day 2
Highlands (H)
Additional climate classification to deal
with the higher elevations generally
greater than 1500 m. Most of Tibet is
covered in this classification and there
are many subdivisions due to the
variations of the mountainous terrain.
Day 2
Handouts explain the temperature and moisture
characteristics defining the major subdivisions
This is a general view of the climates of the world,
after the first test we will start taking apart the
continents one by one and further dividing up the
world as we see necessary
Day 3
SE Asia and the Monsoon
This region is the largest in the world
with rainfall over 100 inches in a year
(windward mountains over 150 inches,
rain shadows still get near 40 inches)
 Highest precip during the retreating
phase of the SW Indian Monsoon
Day 3
Components of the SE Asia Monsoon
Australia High
Cross-equatorial jet
SW Monsoon
Day 3
Monsoon Trough (ITCZ)
Tropical Easterly Jet
Western Pacific High
Mei-Yu Front (China – Indochina) Bai-yu (Japan)
Mid-latitude distrubance
Day 3
Hurricanes, where do they occur (NASA)?
Day 3
They need: SST’s 80 F
Little wind shear
Initial Disturbance
ITCZ “seeds” hurricane regions.
Day 3
Zuki and Lupo (2008)
Hurricanes need both favorable atms and
ocean conditions to form, favorable atms
or ocean alone won’t do it.
Stolen from “wikipedia”
Stolen from NOAA
Day 3
Structure of the Atms. Boundary layer
(Show on board)
Day 3
Urban Heat Island effect (COHIX) Akyuz
et al. (2004)
We Are All Earthlings
©1990 The Muppets
Some of us have feathers
Some of us have fins
Some of us are furry
And some of us have skins
We swim and hop and slither
And leap and soar and run
And we all live together
On a planet of the sun
We are all earthlings
We are all earthlings
Spinning around together
On a planet of the sun
We live in the desert
We live inside a tree
We live high in the mountains
Or deep beneath the sea
We live in tents and cabins
In houses just for one
And we all live together
On a planet of the sun
We Are All Earthlings
We are all earthlings
We are all earthlings
Spinning around together
On a planet of the sun
Floating down a river
Swinging through the trees
Climbing up a mountain
Going with the breeze
All of us can have a happy healthy place to be
If we can float and swim and climb in earthling harmony
We are all earthlings
We are all earthlings
Spinning around together
On a planet of the sun
Spinning around together
On a planet of the sun
Day 4
Climate Change and modelling
Define Climate Change and then review 5
components of climate system
Early in the year we discussed 5
components of the climate system. Now
let us examine how the modeller looks at
the problem: (draw)
Day 4
Then discuss new drawing  Do internal
forcing and give examples  positive feed
backs  ice albedo / global warming /
generic Negative feedback  clouds /
temps and generic example
Then do external forcing and give
examples. Key to climate change is
balance of energy at the boundaries
Day 4
Concept of change in climate variable =
sum of sources and sinks.
Day 4
Climate change: five important questions:
1 Climate change on time scales (go over
3 ways to infer past climate, obs,
historical, and proxy), then go over climate
since 200 BC and 20 KYA)
Day 4
2. Climate change regionally:
CO2 warming
3. Climate change driven by External or
Day 4
4. Fast response versus slow response?
Can we identify?
5. Model improvement?