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Chapter 15
The Urinary System
Functions of the Urinary System
 Elimination of waste products
 Nitrogenous wastes
 Toxins
 Drugs
 Regulate aspects of homeostasis
 Volume and chemical makeup of
the blood
 Water and electrolyte balance
 Acid-base balance in the blood
 Produce hormones
 Renin: regulates blood pressure
and kidney function
 Erythropoietin: red blood cell
Organs of the Urinary system
 Kidneys
Filters about 200 liters of fluid
daily (47 gallons!)
Major excretory organs
 Ureters
Transport urine from kidneys to
 Urinary bladder
Temporary storage reservoir for
 Urethra
Transports urine from bladder to
the external environment
Location of the Kidneys
Bean-shaped organ
Lies in the superior lumbar region
Extends from T12 to L3
Right kidney is slightly lower than
the left
Average dimensions (about the size
of a bar of soap)
12 cm long; 6 cm wide; 3 cm thick
Lateral surface is convex
Medial surface is concave
Renal hilum
The ureter, blood vessels,
lymphatic vessels and
nerves all join the kidney
Atop each kidney is an adrenal
Regions of the Kidney
 Renal cortex
Outer region
 Renal medulla
Inside the cortex
Exhibit medullary pyramids
Renal columns separate
the pyramids
 Renal pelvis
Inner funnel-shaped tube
Continuous with the ureter
leaving the hilum
Figure 15.2b
Kidney Structures
 Medullary pyramids
 Triangular regions of
tissue in the medulla
 Calyces
 Cup-shaped structures
that collect urine from
the medullary pyramids
and empty it into the
renal pelvis
 Major calyces and minor
Blood Flow in the Kidneys
As each renal artery approaches a kidney, it divides into five segmental
Each segmental artery branches further to form lobar arteries and then
interlobar arteries
The interlobar arteries branch into the arcuate arteries that arch over the
bases of the medullary pyramids
Small interlobular arteries radiate outward from the arcuate arteries to
supply the cortical tissue
Afferent arterioles branching from the interlobular arteries turn into
microscopic blood vessels called the glomerulus, which is the key element
of kidney function
Blood Flow in the Kidneys
Veins trace the pathway of arterial supply in reverse
Blood leaving the renal cortex (efferent arteriole) drains into the
interlobular veins, arcuate veins, interlobar vein and then renal
vein(notice no segmental veins) and then the renal vein empties into the
inferior vena cava
Blood Flow in the Kidneys
 The structural and functional units of the kidneys
 Kidneys contains over 1 million of these tiny blood-processing units
 Responsible for forming urine
 Each nephron consists of a glomerulus (capillaries) and renal tubule
 The renal tubule has a cup-shaped end called the glomerular
capsule or Bowman’s capsule
 A specialized capillary bed
 Attached to arterioles on both sides
(maintains high pressure)
 Large afferent arteriole
 Narrow efferent arteriole
 Endothelium of the capillaries is very
 This allows large amounts of solute-rich,
protein free fluid to pass from the blood to
the glomerular capsule
 Filtrate contains everything found in blood
plasma except proteins
 Urine contains mostly metabolic wastes
and unneeded substances
Figure 15.3c
Renal Tubule
Four parts to the renal tubules
Glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule
Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
Walls are cuboidal epithelial cells
with dense microvilli
Increases the surface area to
reabsorb water and solutes from
the filtrate
Loop of Henle
Descending end walls are similar
to PCT
Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
Empties into a collecting duct
The length enhances its filtrate
processing capabilities
Figure 15.3b
Renal Tubule
 Collecting ducts
Receive filtrate from
many nephrons
Run through the
medullary pyramids
As they reach the renal
pelvis, a couple fuse
together and deliver urine
into the minor calyces
Figure 15.3b
Nephron Capillary Beds
 The renal tubule of every
nephron is closely
associated with two capillary
 Glomerulus
 Produces the filtrate
 Peritubular capillaries
 Reclaims most of the
Nephron Capillary Beds
Glomerulus is specialized for
Blood pressure in glomerulus
is extremely high to easily
force fluids and solutes out of
the blood
Afferent arteriole is feeding the
glomerulus and it is larger in
diameter than the efferent
arteriole draining the bed
Between the blood and
glomerular capsule lies a
filtration membrane
Porous membrane that allows
free passage of all plasma
components (water and
solutes) but not blood cells
Nephron Capillary Beds
Peritubular capillaries
Arise from efferent arteriole of
the glomerulus
Cling close to the renal tubule
and empty into nearby venules
Normal, low pressure
Readily absorb solutes and
water from collecting tubes
Most of the resulting filtrate
(99%) is reabsorbed by the
renal tubule and returned to
the blood in the peritubular
Kidney Physiology: Urine Formation
A: Interlobular artery
F: Proximal convoluted tubule
B: Afferent arteriole
G: Loop of Henle
C: Efferent arteriole
H: Distal convoluted tubule
D: Bowman’s (glomerular) capsule
I: Collecting Duct
E: Glomerulus
Kidney Physiology: Urine Formation
 The total plasma filters into the renal tubules about every 22 minutes
 All of our plasma would be drained away as urine in less than 30
minutes were it not for the fact that most of the tubule contents are
quickly reclaimed and returned to the blood
Kidney Physiology: Urine Formation
1. Renal artery brings blood into each kidney.
2. Blood vessels branch off the main artery until they form the glomerulus
(specialized capillary bed)
3. Water and other small substances such as glucose, salts, amino acids and
urea are filtered out of the glomerulus and into the Bowman’s capsule.
4. As the filtrate flows through the renal tubule (PCT, loop of Henle and DCT)
most of the water and nutrients are reabsorbed back into the peritubular
capillaries that wrap around the nephrons.
5. Some materials are secreted back into the tubules from the blood.
6. The cleaned blood, which has slightly less water and much less waste
material, leaves each kidney in the renal vein to the inferior vena cava.
7. The yellow fluid that remains in the tubule is called urine.
8. Urine leaves each kidney through the ureter and flows into the urinary
bladder, where urine is stored.
Kidney Physiology: Urine Formation
• Pathway of Urine
• Bowman’s capsule (filtrate)Proximal convoluted tubule (filtrate) 
loop of Henle (filtrate) distal convoluted tubule (filtrate) 
collecting duct (urine)  minor calyces (urine)  major calyces
(urine)  ureter (urine)  bladder (urine)  urethra(urine)
Kidney Physiology: Urine Formation
Kidneys form urine in the nephrons and adjust
the blood composition with three major
Glomerular filtration (#1)
Dump filtrate into renal tubules
Filters about 200 L daily and only 1.5L
leaves the body as urine
Tubular reabsorption (#2)
Kidneys reclaim what the body needs
Almost all the filtrate (99%)
Water, salt, glucose and amino acids
Not reabsorbed is uric acid, creatinine, urea
Anything not reabsorbed becomes urine
Tubular secretion (#3)
Fine-tuning the body’s chemical balance
Kidney Physiology: Urine Formation
 Step 1: Glomerular Filtration
 Passive, nonselective
 Glomerular blood pressure
is extremely high
 Pressure forces fluids and
solutes through a
 Small molecules such as
water, salts, bicarbonate,
hydrogen ions, urea,
glucose, amino acids and
some drugs
 Blood cells and large
molecules cannot pass
through the wall
Kidney Physiology: Urine Formation
 Step 2: Tubular Reabsorption
 Selective process
 Begins as soon as the filtrate
enters the proximal tubules
 Most organic nutrients are
completely reabsorbed
 Hormones regulate the
reabsorption of water and
many ions
 Depending on substances
transported, the reabsorption
can be passive or active
 Sodium ions are the single
most abundant cation in the
Kidney Physiology: Urine Formation
Step 2: Tubular Reabsorption
Reabsorptive abilities of regions
of the renal tubules
Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
Most active reabsorbing area
Sodium (Na+), bicarbonate (HCO3-),
chlorine (Cl-) and water
Loop of Henle
Water is salts are reabsorbed
Vital role in kidneys ability to form
dilute or concentrated urine
Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
NaCl and water
Most reabsorption at this time
depends on the body’s needs
Kidney Physiology: Urine Formation
 Step 2: Tubular Reabsorption
Regulated by hormones
Released when blood
pressure decreases or Na+
concentration drops
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Reabsorption of water
Kidney Physiology: Urine Formation
 Step 3: Tubular Secretion
Substances such as H+, NH4+, creatinine, organic acids move from the
capillaries into the renal tubule
Important for disposing substances, such as drugs or poisons that can not be
Eliminates undesirable substances or end products that have been reabsorbed
by passive processes like urea and uric acid
Physical Characteristics of Urine
 Color
Clear to deep yellow
Yellow color is due to the pigment urochrome (from the destruction of
More concentrated the urine, the deeper the yellow color
An abnormal color such as pink or brown may result from eating certain
foods (beets, rhubarb), the presence of bile pigments or blood, or from
some commonly prescribed drugs and vitamins
Cloudy urine may indicated a urinary tract infection
 Odor
Slightly aromatic
If allowed to stand, it develops an ammonia odor as bacteria metabolize
its urea solutes
Physical Characteristics of Urine
 pH
Slightly acidic (around pH 6)
Acidic diet that contains large amounts of protein and whole wheat
products, diabetes mellitus and starvation produces acidic urine
Vegetarian diet, prolonged vomiting, and bacterial infection of the urinary
tract all can cause the urine to become alkaline
 Specific gravity
Ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of an equal volume of distilled water
Urine is water plus solutes
Distilled water specific gravity is 1.00
Urine specific gravity ranges from 1.001 to 1.035 depending on its solutes
Chemical Composition of Urine
 Urine is 95% water and 5% solutes
 Solutes
Urea (largest component)
Uric acid
Derived from the normal
breakdown of amino acids
End product of nucleic acid
Metabolite for creatinine
phosphate which stores energy
for the regeneration of ATP
 Normal solute concentrations in
urine from high to low
Urea  sodium  potassium 
phosphate  sulfate  creatinine
 uric acid
Chemical Composition of Urine
 Abnormal Urinary Constituents
 Glucose (glycosuria) Benedict’s solution and heat
Causes: diabetes mellitus
 Proteins (proteinuria) Biuret’s solution
Causes: Non-pathological: excessive physical
exertion, pregnancy, high-protein diet; Pathological:
heart failure, severe hypertension, renal disease
Chemical Composition of Urine
 Abnormal Urinary Constituents
 Hemoglobin (hemoglobinuria)
Causes: transfusion reaction, hemolytic
anemia, severe burns, etc.
 Bile pigments (bilirubinuria)
Causes: liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis)
 Erythrocytes (hematuria)
Causes: bleeding (due to trauma, kidney
stones, or infection)
 Leukocytes (pyuria)
Causes: urinary tract infection
 Slender tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
Composed of transitional epithelium
 Peristalsis aids gravity in urine transport
 Homeostatic Imbalance
Kidney stones
Calcium, magnesium, or uric acid salts in urine may crystallize and
precipitate in the renal pelvis
Most are under 5 mm in diameter and pass through the urinary
tract without causing problems
Larger stones can obstruct a ureter and block urine drainage
Increasing pressure in the kidney causes excruciating pain
Treatment includes shock wave lithiotripsy a noninvasive
procedure that uses ultrasonic shock waves to shatter the stone
Urinary Bladder
 Smooth, collapsible, muscular sac that temporarily stores urine
 Located on the pelvic floor just posterior to the pubic symphysis
 Interior has three openings called trigone
 Two from the ureters
 One to the urethra
Urinary Bladder
When empty, the bladder collapses and its walls are thick and have folds
Bladder can expand significantly
A full bladder is about 12 cm (5 inches) long and holds approximately
500 mL (1 pint) of urine, but it can hold nearly double that if necessary
Maximum capacity of the bladder is 800-1000 mL and when it is
overdistended, it may burst
Urine is formed continuously by the kidneys but it is stored in the bladder
until it is convenient to release
 Thin-walled muscular tube that drains urine from the bladder to the
outside of the body
 Release of urine (micturition or voiding)is controlled by two
 Internal urethral sphincter (involuntary)
 External urethral sphincter (voluntary)
Urethra Gender Differences
Length and function of the urethra differ in the two sexes
 Females
 Length: only 3–4 cm (1.5 inches)
 Function: carries only urine out of the body
 Males
 Length: Urethra is 20 cm (8 inches) long
 Double function: carries semen and urine out of the body
Maintaining Water Balance
 Normal amount of water in the human body
 Young adult females – 50% because more body fat
 Young adult males – 60% because more muscles
 Babies – 75% because of low body fat and low bone mass
 Old age – 45%
 Water is necessary for many body functions and levels
must be maintained
Distribution of Body Fluid
 Total body water volume is 40 L or 60%
of body weight
 Water occupies two main fluid
compartments within the body
 Intracellular fluid (inside cells)
 About 25 L or 40% body weight
 Extracellular fluid (outside cells)
 About 15 L or 20% body weight
 Divided into two subcompartments
Interstitial fluid (fluid in the
microscopic spaces between tissue
Blood plasma (fluid portion of
Composition of Body Fluids
Water is the universal solvent in which a variety of solutes are dissolved
Solutes can be classified into electrolytes and nonelectrolytes
Nonelectrolytes have bonds and cannot dissociate in solution
Organic molecules such as glucose, lipids, creatinine and urea
Electrolytes are chemical compounds that do dissociated into ions in
Inorganic and organic acids and bases and some proteins
Have the greatest ability to make fluid shifts down their gradients
Most abundant solutes in body fluids
Extracellular fluids have high sodium and chloride ions
Intracellular fluids contains only small amounts of sodium and chloride
ions; its most abundant cation is potassium anion is phosphate (HPO42) as well as high amounts of proteins
Fluid Moving Among Compartments
 Continuous exchange and mixing of fluids are regulated by
osmotic and hydrostatic pressures
 Water moves freely between the compartments along osmotic
 Solutes are unequally distributed because of their size,
electrical charge, or dependence on transport proteins
 Changes in electrolyte balance causes water to move from one
compartment to another
Maintaining Water Balance
 Body must remain properly hydrated water intake must equal water
 Water intake is typically about 2500 mL a day in adults
 Water enters the body through ingested liquids (60%), solid
foods (30%) and produced from metabolic processes (10%
 Water output occurs by several routes
Vaporization out of the lungs and skin (28%)
Perspiration of skin (8%)
Leaves the body in the feces (4%)
The balance (about 60%) is excreted by the kidneys in urine
Maintaining Water Balance
 A rise in plasma concentration causes thirst (prompts us to drink
water) and release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) which causes the
kidneys to conserve water and excrete concentrated urine
 A decline in plasma concentration inhibits thirst and ADH release
and causes output of large volumes of dilute urine
Regulation of Water
 Water intake is controlled by the thirst mechanism
 An increase in plasma concentrations
 A dry mouth occurs
 Less saliva production
 Decrease in blood pressure
 Water Output of certain amounts of water is unavoidable
 Reason why we cannot live without drinking
 Solute concentration and volume of urine excreted depend on fluid
intake, diet and water loss via other avenues
 Regulation is primarily by hormones
 Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) prevents excessive water loss in urine
 Aldosterone regulates sodium ion content of extracellular fluid
 Osmoreceptor cells in the kidneys are active monitors
Regulation of Water
 Dehydration
When water output exceeds intake over a period of time and the body is
in negative fluid balance
Commonly follows hemorrhage, severe burns, prolonged vomiting or
diarrhea, profuse sweating, and diuretic abuse
Signs are sticky oral mucosa, thirst, dry flushed skin, and decreased
water output (oliguria)
Electrolyte Balance
Refers to the salt balance in the body
Important in controlling fluid movements and crucial for cellular activity
Salts enter the body in foods and fluids
Salts are lost from the body in perspiration, feces and urine
Sodium holds a central position in fluid and electrolyte balance and overall
body homeostasis
Water follows salt
A change in plasma sodium levels affects not only plasma volume and
blood pressure but also the ICF and IF volumes
Regulation is linked to blood pressure and aldosterone
When aldosterone is high all the sodium is reabsorbed in the DCT
Water follows sodium and maintains blood pressure
When aldosterone is inhibited none of the sodium is reabsorbed
Goal of aldosterone is to decrease urinary output and increase blood
Acid-Base Balance
 All biochemical reactions are influenced by the pH of their fluid
 The acid-base balance of body fluids is closely regulated
 pH measures the amount of H+ ions in solution
 Acids are proton donors
 Blood normally ranges between pH 7.35 and pH 7.45
 If the pH rises above 7.45 a person has alkalosis
 If the pH drops below 7.35 a person has acidosis
 H+ concentration regulation
 Chemical buffers resist changes within a fraction of a second
 Respiratory rate changes within 1-3 minutes
 Kidneys requires hours to a day to effect changes in blood pH
Acid-Base Balance
 Respiratory acidosis
Most common cause of acid-base imbalance
Caused when a person breathes shallow or when gas exchange is
hampered by diseases
CO2 accumulates in the blood and causes the pH to fall
Respiratory alkalosis
Results from carbon dioxide being eliminated faster than it is produced
otherwise known as hyperventilation
Metabolic acidosis
Second most common cause of acid-base imbalance
Low blood pH and HCO3- levels
Caused when a person ingests too much alcohol and excessive loss of
HCO3- as a result of excessive diarrhea
Metabolic alkalosis
Rising blood pH and HCO3- levels
Caused by vomiting and intake of excess base
Acid-Base Balance
 Effects of acidosis and alkalosis
Absolute blood pH limits for life are a low of 7.0 and a high of 7.8
When the pH falls below 7.0 the CNS is so depressed that the person goes
into coma and death
When blood pH rises above 7.8, the nervous system is overexcited and
leads to muscle spasms, extreme nervousness, and convulsions; death
usually results from respiratory arrest